Renaissance Art Flashcards
Greek Art
attention to details; lots of sculptures; individualism and characteristics
Byzantine/Middle Ages Art
very little attention to detail/life-likeness; everything about painting; gothic architecture; sculptures 2D
FATHER OF RENAISSANCE ART; first to start experimenting again, lots of depth through light; moving away from middle ages
First freestanding iron statue, David; made him nude, childlike/unmuscular, and a father up his leg touching his butt; was paid by the church to do it, took the money upfront so he got the last laugh
Venus; a classic mixed w modern life; of the buyers wife and shes not perfect/painted fake
A bible scene, The Tribute Money; lots of depth, the mountains look far and the people close
Da Vinci
The perfect Renaissance man (painter, sculptor, inventor, etc); Mona Lisa, a mystery (man? woman? eyes following…), the helicopter invention, anatomy/dissection
Depresses and thought was failure; created Jesus scene for art school, got in and its his one signed piece; famous and huge David sculpture w weird hands; the scene of Adam and Eve on the Sistine chapel roof
School of Athens, all the current and pass important philosophers; Pope Leo x painting to show power but doesnt have anything religious in it
Jan Van Eyck
Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife, upper class wedding portrait
chateau fontain bleu
Alber Durer
Germanic states; many self portraits, he looks like Jesus
Hans the Younger: the painter of the court of England, ‘filtered’ portraits
El Greco (Spain)
the flickering light motif; Christ in Agony, the view of Toledo
Brueghal the elder
nature landscapes and peasant subjects
the use of geometry in painting, El Duomo
the treatment of light and dark shading in a painting
the major period of the Early Renaissance; the change between middle ages and renaissance