Renaissance and Reformation Chapter 1 Flashcards
What is the meaning of the word Renaissance?
Renaissance means rebirth
Describe the characteristics of the European Renaissance
In the European Renaissance creative thinking was valued, along with EDUCATION and humanism. Humanists studied the classical culture of greek and Rome, and emphazised studies of the arts and learning.
Where did the European Renaissance begin?
Why did it begin there?
The European Renaissance began in Italy because of Italy’s Geography and History.
Geography - Becuase Italy was located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, Italian Merchants made lots of money off of trade
History - The Capitol of Italy, Rome was the center of what was once the Roman Republic. Italian Scholars could study the classical architecture and art learn from the Romans.
Who are 3 famous Renaissance artists?
Leonardo Devinci
Who are 2 famous Renaissance writers?
Niccolo Machiavelli - The Book of Courtier
Baldassare Castiglione - The Prince
How was Renaissance values and beliefs expressed in the artwork? Writing?
Renaissance artists used perspective, a geometric tool obtained through education, in their artwork. They also painted pictures that captivated the Human Experience, and other humanist values.
Renaissance Writers wrote lots of philosophy and scholarly books and went away from writing about religious beliefs.
What was Johann Gutenberg and what did he do?
Johann Gutenberg used the printing press to print the first Christian bible.
How did the printing press shape European society?
The printing press allowed the common folk to own books that they could read at home and learn from. It fueled the renaissance by providing education, but it also started the Protestant reformation because it allowed everybody to have their own interpretation of the bible.
Who are some Northern Renaissance Writers and artists?
Writers - Shakespeah, Erasmus, Thomas Moore
Artists - Albrecht Durer
What was the Protestant Reformation?
The Protestant Reformation was a religious upheaval that shattered the Christian Unity that Europe had. A revolt against the powerful Christian Church.
How did the Church Abuse its power?
The Christian Church abused its power by increasing fees for marriages and baptisms. They sold indulgences which would lessen the time a soul would have to spend in purgatory. They tried to make MORE money.
Who was Martin Luther and what did he do?
Martin Luther was a german monk who wrote the 95 theses, stating that indulgences were against the bible and not right. He used the printing press to spread his ideas throughout Europe. This caused the Protestant Reformation to begin.
What were new ideas the Protestant Sects embraced?
Different Sects of Christianity believed in different things as different groups were made. Some didn’t believe in baptism, others in separation of church and state. They all followed variations of the teaching of Martin Luther, Calvin and Zwingli.
Why did England form a new church?
England formed the Church of England because he wanted to divorce his wife so he could have a son with another woman. The pope would not let him so he acted rationaly and took over the church from the pope’s control and made himslef the head of the Church of England.
Why did so many groups face persecution during the Reformation?
A lot of groups faced persecution during the reformation because there was a lot of conflict between different religious groups. Witches, jews, and other religions and minorities were persecuted in order to achieve religious unity.
What did Nicolaus Copernicus do?
Copernicus challenged ancient astrology and theorized that the earth revolved around the sun in a heliocentric belief. People disregarded this belief because they thought if this fundamental principle could be questioned, then the whole system of human knowledge would be faulted.
What was the new scientific method?
The scientific method required scientists to collect and accurately measure data to prove a hypothesis. Their hypothesis was based off of observation and could only be proved through rigorous testing and mathematical proofs.
What were some famous scientists and what were their achievements?
Francis Bacon - developed scientific method
Descartes - developed scientific method
Robert Boyle - transformed understanding of chemistry
Isaac Newton - discovered the properties of gravity
Galileo - assembled an astronomical telescope