Ren Meridian, Directing or Conception Vessel Flashcards
RN1 location and needling
At the perineum, midway between the anus and scrotum in men and the anus and posterior labial commissure in women.
Perpendicular 0.5 -1 cun
RN1 Indications
Regulates the anterior and posterior yin; drains damp heat; calms the spirit; promotes resuscitation and revives from drowning.
- Entry point
- Meeting point of Ren, Du and Chong Mai
- Ghost point
RN1 names
Meeting of Yin
RN2 location and needling
On the midline of the lower abdomen, at the superior border of the pubic symphysis, 5 cun inferior to the umbilicus.
Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
RN2 indications
Benefits urination; regulates the lower jiao; warms and invigorates the Kidneys
RN2 names
Crooked Bone
RN3 location and needling
On the midline of the lower abdomen, 4 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 1 cun superior to the pubic symphyisis
Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
RN3 indications
Tonifying: Tonify Qi of BL and KI, nourish Jing and Yuan Qi; fortify kidneys.
Dispersing: Resolve damp and damp-heat; drains dampness and treats leucorrhea; benefits the uterus and regulates menstruation; dispels stagnation and benefits the lower jiao.
RN3 hats
- Front Mu point of the Bladder
* Meeting point of RN, SP, LV and KI
RN3 names
Centre Pole
RN4 location and needling
On the midline of the lower abdomen, 3 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 2 cun superior to the pubic symphysis
i) Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
ii) Oblique inferior 1.0-1.5 cun
RN4 indications
Tonifying: Tonify all forms of Qi including Qi, Yang (with moxa), Blood, Yin, Jing, Yuan Qi, Kidney Yin and Yang, Wei Qi, Ying Qi. Root the Shen and Hun. Strengthen the uterus and regulate menstruation.
Dispersing: Subdue rebellious qi in Chong Mai. Regulate the small intestine qi; restore collapse; regulate LJ and benefit Bladder.
RN4 hats
- Front Mu of the SI
- Meeting point of Ren and Chong Mai
- Meeting point of RN, SP, LV and KI
RN4 names
Gate of Origin
RN5 location and needling
On the midline of the lower abdomen, 2 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 3 cun superior to the symphysis pubis.
Perpendicular 0.8-1.5
RN5 indications
Tonifying: Strengthen the Yuan Qi. tonify the Kidneys. Promote the transformation and excretion of fluids in LJ.
Dispersing: Open the water passages. Regulate LJ and Uterus. Regulate Qi of transformation of fluids.
RN5 hats
- Front Mu of SJ
RN5 names
Stone Gate
RN6 location and needling
On the midline of the lower abdomen, 1.5 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 3.5 cun superior to the pubic symphysis.
Perpendicular 0.8-1.5
RN6 indications
Tonifying: Rescue collapse of Yang. Foster original qi (Yuan Qi). Tonify Qi and Yang. Tonify Kidneys.
Dispersing: Regulate qi and harmonize blood. Resolve damp.
RN6 names
Sea of Qi
RN7 location and needling
On the midline of the lower abdomen, 1 cun inferior to the umbilicus and 4 cun superior to the pubic symphysis.
Perpendicular 0.8-1.5
RN7 indications
Tonifying: Nourish Yin. Tonify Kidneys
Dispersing: Regulate menstruation, benefits lower abdomen and genitals. Resolve damp from the LJ.
RN7 names
Yin Intersection
RN8 location and needling
In the centre of the umbilicus.
Needling is contraindicated. Normally treated by moxa or massage.
RN8 indications
Tonifying actions: Warms the yang and rescues collapse. Warms and harmonizes the intestines. Strengthen spleen and kidney yang. Tonify Yuan Qi. (Treats chronic or acute diarrhea from Cold)
RN8 names
Spirit Gate
RN9 Location and needling
On the midline of the abdomen, 1 cun superior to the umbilicus and 7 cun inferior to the sternocostal angle.
Perp 0.8-1.5
RN9 indications
Regulates the water passages and treats edema; harmonizes the intestines and dispels accumulation
RN9 names
Water Separation
RN10 location and needling
On the midline of the abdomen, 2 cun superior to the umbilicus and 6 cun inferior to the sternocostal angle.
Perp 0.8-1.5
RN10 indications
Harmonize the stomach and regulate qi; dispel food stagnation.
* Meeting point of RN and SP
RN10 names
Lower Epigastrium
RN11 location and needling
3 cun superior to the umbilicus and 5 cun inferior to the sternocostal angle.
Perp 0.8-1.5
RN11 indications
Harmonize the middle jiao and regulate qi
RN11 names
Jianli Established Mile (Strengthen Interior)
RN12 location and needling
On the midline, 4 cun superior to the umbilicus and 4 cun inferior to the sternocostal angle.
Perp 0.8-1.5
RN12 indications
Harmonizes the middle jiao and descends rebellion; tonifies the stomach and fortifies the spleen; regulates qi and alleviates pain.
- Front Mu of the Stomach
- Meeting point for Yang Organs
- Front Mu point of MJ
- Meeting point of RN, SI, SJ, ST
RN12 names
Zhongwan Middle Epigastrium (Cavity)
RN13 location and needling
On the midline 5 cun above the umbilicus and 3 cun below the sternocostal angle.
Perp 0.8-1.5 cun
RN13 indications
Harmonize the stomach and regulate qi; descend rebellion and alleviate vomiting; regulate the heart. Can treat morning sickness in early pregnancy.
RN13 names
Upper Epigastrium
RN14 location and needling
On the midline 6 cun superior to the umbilicus and 2 cun inferior to the sternocostal angle.
Perp 0.5-1 cun
Oblique inferior 1.0-1.5 cun
RN14 indications
Tonifying: Tonify Heart. Strengthen heart qi. Strengthen the spirit.
Dispersing: Regulate Heart Qi and calm spirit. Transform phlegm. Clear heat from heart. Harmonize stomach and subdue rebellious stomach qi.
(Clear heart fire or phlegm with HT8 or PC5)
* Front Mu point of the HT
RN14 names
Greatest Palace Gate
RN15 location and needling
On the midline of the abdomen, 7 cun superior to the umbilicus and 1 cun inferior to the sternocostal angle.
Oblique inferior 0.5-1 cun
RN15 indications
Tonifying: Strengthen Qi of HT. Nourish Yin organs.
Dispersing: Regulates the heart and calms the spirit. Descend lung qi and unbinds chest.
* Luo Junction of Ren Mai
* Point to Release Internal Dragons
* Yuan source point of Five Yin Organs
RN15 names
Turtledove Tail
RN16 location and needling
On the midline of the sternum at the level of the sternocostal angle.
Transverse superior or inferior 0.5 cun
RN16 indications
Unbinds chest; regulates Stomach and descends rebellion
RN16 names
Central Courtyard
RN17 location and needling
On the midline of the sternum in a depression level with the junction of the fourth intercostal space and the sternum
i) Transverse superior or inferior 0.5-1 cun
ii) Transverse laterally toward breasts
RN17 indications
Tonifying: Tonify the Qi of the HT and PC and Zong Qi. Strengthen the spirit.
Dispersing: Regulate Heart Qi and thus calm spirit. Open chest. Benefit breasts and promote lactation. Descend rebellious qi of LU and ST.
(Open chest with PC6 and PC4)
* Front Mu of PC and UJ
*Meeting point for Qi
* Point of the Sea of Qi (ST9, BL10)
RN17 names
Middle of the Chest
RN18 location and needling
On the midline of the sternum, level with the junction of the third intercostal space and the sternum.
Transverse sup/inf 0.5-1 cun
RN18 indications
Unbinds the chest; regulates and descends qi
RN18 names
Jade Hall
RN19 location and needling
On the midline of the sternum level with the junction of the second intercostal space and the sternum.
Transverse superior/inferior 0.5-1 cun
RN19 indications
Unbinds the chest; regulates and descends qi
RN19 names
Purple Palace
RN20 location and needling
On the midline of the sternum level with the junction of the first intercostal space and the sternum.
Transverse superior/inferior 0.5-1 cun
RN20 indications
Unbinds the chest; regulates and descends qi
RN20 names
Magnificent Glory
RN21 location and needling
On the midline of the manubrium of the sternum, midway between RN20 and RN22.
Transverse inferior 0.5-1 cun
RN21 indications
Descends Stomach qi and dispels food accumulation; unbinds the chest and descends LU Qi, benefits the throat
RN21 names
Jade Pivot
RN22 location and needling
On the midline in the centre of the suprasternal fossa, 0.5 cun superior to the suprasternal notch.
i) Perp 0.3 cun
ii) First perp 0.3 cun and then inferior 0.5-1cun
RN22 indications
Descends rebellious qi and alleviates cough and wheezing; benefits throat and voice
- Meeting point of Ren Mai and Yin Wei
- Window of heaven point
RN22 names
Heavenly Prominence
Rn23 location and needling
On the anterior midline of the neck in the depression above the hyoid bone
Oblique towards DU20 0.5-1.2 cun
RN23 indications
Tonifying: Moisten the tongue
Dispersing: Benefits tongue and throat; descends qi and alleviates cough; promote speech. Descend LU Qi
* Point of Ren Mai and Yin Wei Mai
RN23 names
Corner Spring
RN24 location and needling
Above the chin in the depression in the centre of the mentolabial groove
i) Transverse oblique superior 0.2-0.3
ii) Transverse alone lower lip to join ST4
RN24 indications
Tonifying: Promote fluids in the mouth
Dispersing: Extinguishes wind and benefits the face by removing obstructions from channels; regulates the Ren Mai
* Exit point
RN24 names
Container of Fluids
How would one open Ren Mai?
Using the Opening and Coupled points LU7 and KI6