DU Meridian, Governing Vessel Flashcards
The Du Mai or Governing Vessel is also called the “____ __ _____ _______” as it exerts and influence on all the ____ ________ and it can be used to strengthen the ____ of the body.
“Sea of Yang Channels”
Yang channels
The master point of an extraordinary vessel can also be called the _______ and ________ point.
opening; confluent
What is the opening point of the Du Mai?
What is the coupled point of the Du Mai?
What points are included in the Du meridian?
DU1 to DU28
What areas of the body are influenced by Du Mai?
Whole of the back of the body including: Anus, external genitalia, back, spine, occiput, head
What organs are primarily influenced by the Du Mai?
Bladder, kidneys, intestines, heart
What channels does the Du Mai connect with?
Bladder channel; Ren Mai
What channels are influenced by Du Mai?
All yang channels
What is the name of SI3? What are its hats?
Houxi (Back Stream); Master point Du Mai, Coupled point of Yang Qiao Mai; Shu stream and Wood point of SI
Where is SI3 located?
Ulnar border of the hand in the depression proximal to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone.
Needling directions for SI3?
0.5-2 cun perpendicularly, directed towards LI3; needle with a loose fist
What is the name of UB62 and what are its hats?
Shenmai (Extending Vessel); Master point of Yang Qiao Mai; Coupled Point of Du Mai; Sun Si-miao Ghost Point
Where is UB62 located?
Lateral side of the foot, approximately 0.5 cun inferior to the lower border of the lateral malleolus, in a depression posterior to the peroneal tendons.
Needling directions for UB62?
Oblique insertion directed inferiorly, 0.3-0.5 cun
DU1 Location and needling
Midline, midway between tip of coccyx and anus
Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
DU1 indications
Treatment of hemorrhoids, prolapse of rectum, disorders of defecation, regulates genito-urinary system, treats heart and spirit
* Luo Connecting point
Bonus: DU1 names
Long Strong
DU2 location and needling
Midline, in the sacro-coccygeal hiatus
Oblique-superior 0.5-1 cun
DU2 indications
Benefits lumbar region and legs; dispels wind damp
Bonus: DU2 names
Lumbar Shu
DU3 location and needling
Midline of low back in the depression below the spinous process of the fourth lumbar vertebra
Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
DU3 indications
Dispels wind-damp; benefits lumbar region and legs; regulates lower jiao
Bonus DU3 names
Lumbar Yang Gate
DU4 location and needling
Midline of the lower back, in the depression below the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra
Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
DU4 indications
Clears heat; regulates Du Mai; tonifies kidneys; benefits lumbar spine
(Level with BL23 and BL52)
DU4 names
Gate of Life
DU5 location and needling
Midline of the lower back, in the depression below the spinous process of the first lumbar vertebra
Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
DU5 indications
Benefits the lower spine and lower jiao
Level with BL22 and BL51
Bonus DU5 names
Suspended Pivot
DU6 location and needling
Midline of the lower back in the depression below the spinous process of the eleventh thoracic vertebra
Perpendicular or oblique-superior 0.5-1 cun
DU6 indications
Fortifies the spleen and drains damp, benefits the spine
Level with BL20 and BL49
DU6 names
Centre of the spine
DU7 location and needling
Midline of the back in the depression below the spinous process of the tenth thoracic vertebra (Level with BL19 and BL48)
Perpendicular or oblique superior 0.5-1 cun
DU7 indications
Benefits the spine; benefits the middle jiao
DU7 names
Central Pivot
DU8 location and needling
Midline of the back in the depression below the spinous process of the ninth thoracic vertebra
Oblique superior 0.5-1 cun
DU8 indications
Soothes the liver; pacifies wind and relieves spasm; relax tendons; calms the spirit (Level with BL18 and BL47)
DU8 names
Sinew Contraction
DU9 location and needling
Midline of the back in the depression below the spinous process of the seventh thoracic vertebra (Level with BL17 and BL46)
Oblique superior 0.5-1 cun
DU9 indications
Fortifies the spleen, drains dampness and regulates the middle jiao; treats jaundice; unbinds the chest; mid-back pain
DU9 names
Reaching Yang
DU10 location and needling
Midline of the back in the depression below the spinous process of T6 (Level with BL16 and BL45)
Oblique superior 0.5-1 cun
DU10 indications
Alleviates cough and wheezing; clears heat and detoxifies poison; strengthen and calm the spirit (w/ DU11)
DU10 names
Spirit Tower
DU11 location and needling
Midline of the upper back in the depression below the spinous process of the fifth thoracic vertebra
Oblique superior 0.5-1 cun
DU11 indications
Tonifies the Heart and Lung and calms the spirit; clears heat and pacifies wind
(Level with BL15 and BL44)
DU11 names
Shen Way or Spirit Pathway
DU12 location and needling
Midline of the upper back in the depression below the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra
Perpendicular or oblique-superior 0.5-1 cun
DU12 indications
Clear heat from the Lung and Heart; calms the spirit; pacifies wind; upper trap pain; desire to kill someone (connected with Po, corporeal soul) (Level with BL13 and BL42)
DU12 names
Body Pillar
DU13 location and needling
Midline of the upper back in the depression below the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra (Level with BL11)
Perpendicular or oblique-superior 0.5-1 cun
DU13 indications
Clears heat (lingering residual pathogen) and treats malaria; regulates the Du Mai * Meeting point of Du and BL meridians
DU13 names
Way of Happiness
DU14 location and needling
On the midline at the base of the neck in the depression below the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra
Perpendicular or oblique-superior 0.5-1 cun
DU14 indications
Expels wind and firms the exterior; clears heat; treats malaria; tonifies deficiency; pacifies wind; tonify yang (with moxa); upper trap pain
- Point of the Sea of Qi
- Meeting point of Du Mai with all Yang channels
DU14 names
Great Vertebra
DU15 location and needling
On the midline at the nape of the neck in the depression 0.5 cun inferior to DU16, below the spinous process of the first cervical vertebra (impalpable)
Perpendicular or slightly inferior 0.5-1 cun
DU15 indications
Benefits the tongue and treats muteness; eliminates wind; benefits the neck and spine; nourish the brain and clear the mind.
* Point of the Sea of Qi
DU15 names
Gate of Muteness
DU16 location and needling
On the midline at the nape of the neck in the depression immediately below the external occipital protuberance.
Perpendicular or slightly inferior 0.5-1 cun
DU16 indications
Eliminates wind; nourishes the sea of marrow (KI essence) and benefits the head and neck; calms the spirit;
- Ghost point
- Sea of Marrow
- Window of Heaven
DU16 names
Palace of Wind (Wind Treasury)
DU17 location and needling
At the back of the head on the midline, 1.5 cun directly above DU16, in the depression directly superior t the external occipital protuberance.
Transverse superior or inferior 0.5-1 cun
DU17 indications
Eliminates wind and alleviates pain; benefits the eyes; calms the spirit
* Meeting point of DU and BL
DU17 names
Brain Door
DU18 location and needling
At the back of the head on the midline, 1.5 cun directly superior to DU17, midway between DU16 and DU20
Transverse 0.5-1 cun
DU18 indications
Pacifies wind and alleviates pain; calms the spirit
DU18 names
Unyielding Space
DU19 location and needling
At the back of the head on the midline, 1.5 cun directly superior to DU18 and 1.5 cun posterior to DU20
Transverse 0.5-1 cun
DU19 indications
Eliminates wind and alleviates pain; calms the spirit
Can be used with DU20 to unify Zang Fu and establish order.
DU19 names
Behind the Crown
DU20 location and needling
At the vertex on the midline, in the depression 5 cun posterior to the anterior hairline and 7 cun superior to the posterior hairline. This point may also be measured as 8 cun posterior to the glabella and 6 cun superior to the external occipital protuberance.
Transverse 0.5-1 cun
DU20 indications
Tonifying actions: Strengthen and lift spirit. Raise and tonify yang to counter prolapse. Nourish marrow (KI Essence) Benefit the brain and sense organs.
Dispersing actions: Subdue yang. Calm spirit. Subdue internal wind. Promote resuscitation.
Main uses: Strengthen ascending Yang and lift spirit. Reduce to eliminate wind and clear Liver Fire. Release external dragons (w/ BL11, BL23 and BL61).
DU20 hats
- Meeting point of all Yang channels
- Point of the Sea of Marrow (w/ DU16)
- Point to Release External Dragons
DU20 names
Hundred Meetings
DU21 location and needling
At the top of the head on the midline, 1.5 cun directly anterior to DU20 and 3.5 cun posterior to the anterior hairline.
Transverse 0.5-1 cun
DU21 indications
Eliminates wind and treats convulsions; benefits head
DU21 names
In Front of the Crown
DU22 location and needling
At the top of the head on the midline, 2 cun posterior to the anterior hairline, 3 cun anterior to DU20
Transverse 0.5-1 cun
DU22 indications
Benefits the nose; eliminates wind and benefits head
DU22 names
Fontanelle meeting
DU23 location and needling
At the top of the head on the midline, 1 cun posterior to the anterior hairline and 0.5 cun posterior to DU24
Transverse 0.5-1 cun
DU23 indications
Benefits the nose and eyes; eliminates wind, benefits the head and face and dispels swelling; calms the spirit
DU23 names
Upper Star
DU24 location and needling
0.5 cun posterior to the anterior hairline. If the anterior hairline is indistinct, locate it 3 cun superior to the glabella and 5 cun anterior to DU20.
Transverse 0.5-1 cun
DU24 indications
Benefits the brain and calms the spirit; eliminates wind and benefits the head; benefits the nose and eyes
* Meeting point of DU and ST
DU24 names
Courtyard of the Spirit
DU25 location and needling
On the midline at the tip of the nose
Perp/Tranverse or Prick
DU25 indications
Benefits the nose
DU25 names
White Crevice
DU26 location and needling
Above the upper lip on the midline, at the junction of the upper third and lower two thirds of the philtrum
Oblique superior 0.3-0.5
DU26 indications
Restores consciousness and calms the spirit; benefits the face and nose and expels wind; benefits the spine and treats acute lumbar sprain
* Meeting point of LI, ST and DU
DU26 names
Middle of Person
DU27 location and needling
On the midline at the junction of the upper lip and philtrum.
Oblique superior 0.2-0.3
DU27 indications
Clears heat, generates fluid and benefits mouth. Calms spirit.
DU27 names
Extremity of the mouth
DU28 location and needling
Inside the mouth, in the superior frenulum, at the junction of the upper lip and gum.
Oblique 0.2-0.3 or Prick to bleed
DU28 indications
Clear heat and benefit gums. Benefit nose and eyes.
* Exit point
DU28 names
Gum Intersection