Lecture 1: Qi Jing Ba Mai Flashcards
“Only those who master the “_____ _____ _____” beside the Twelve Major Channels, can make a correct diagnosis, and only those shoe know to use the Extra Vessels can __________ the illness which is often ______ than one thinks.” - who said it?
Eight Extra Vessels; eradicate; deeper
- Penn Chiao
“In terms of channel dynamics, the Extraordinary Vessels represent a complex and important __________, balancing and ________ system that compliments the main and connecting channels. In terms of Vital substances, the EV play an important role in the _________ of the _______ ________ and they represent a deeper level of treatment that allows us to treat a patient’s _________” - who said it?
regulatory, integrating; circulation; Kidney Essence; constitution
- Giovanni Maciocia
Translate these Mandarin words Qi - Jing - Ba - Mai -
Nei Jing was written when and during what dynasty? Consists of which parts? What does it talk about in regard to the EOV?
300 to 100 BC; Han Dynasty
Su Wen (Basic Questions) and Ling Shu (Spiritual Pivot)
Talks about the extraordinary vessels but it is scattered and contradictory. Function and use of EOV was not very well developed during the early and middle Han Dynasty.
Nan Jing was written when? Who was the main contributor? First mention of the name “_____ ___________ _______” the energetics of which are seen to have a ________ and ________ function. EOV discussed as being closely connected to the “__________ __________ ______” in the body. Further the vessels were compared to ________, a dike-like system where “______-____” Qi could be collected.
100 BC to 100 AD; Penn Qiao
“Eight Extraordinary Vessels”; common; specific; energetic treatment centre; irrigation; spilled-over
What is the Nan Jing theory of “Tai Yi”?
Nan Jing attempted to place these vessels in the context of a global view of the human body. Daoist literature carried the idea of Tai Yi “no form” to different energies preceding all material and non-material processes in the body.
Who was Wang Shu He?
Author of Mai Jing who described pulse types associated with each of the EOV. Difficult to understand and translate.
What is the Zhen Jiu Da Quan? When was it written?
The first complete and systematic treatment description of the extraordinary vessels. Written in 1439. Talked about eight master points, their uses alone, their uses in pairs and in combinations. Systematic, biorhythmic treatment style based on hourly and bihourly stem and branch changes.
What is so extraordinary about the EOV? Name three ways in which they are different fro the 12 regular meridians.
1) They do not have a distinct trajectory that is named after a Zang-Fu (to which it is connected). They do not relate to the Zang Fu but can have a profound influence on them.
2) The EOV system does not have an “Internal-External” relationship with another channel as with the 12 regular channels.
3) The EOV deal with the body mechanisms at a deeper and more basic energetic level and therefore add something to th main channel system.
So regular meridians have a strong connection to their affiliated Zang-Fu. What about EOV?
Closely related with the Liver, Kidney and affiliated with uterus, brain and marrow.
The 12 regular meridians have points that belong specifically to their meridian. What about the EOV?
Borrows acupuncture points from the regular meridians (except for Du and Ren)
The 12 regular meridians have a clearly defined trajectory. What about the EOV?
Rudimentary and discontinuous pathways. Trajectories start in the lower aspect of the body and extremities and climb toward the head (except the Dai Mai)
12 regular meridians the energy flows in one direction. What about the EOV?
Energy is tide-like
What does the Jing-Luo System refer to?
Jing - meaning channels
Luo - meaning ditches
This refers to all of the channels, including the luo connecting channels in the body.
Name all of the components of the Jing Luo System.
12 Jing - main channels
12 Jing Bie - divergent channels
8 Extraordinary channels (lakes)
15 Luo connecting channels (including Ren and Du Mai and an extra connection with the Spleen)
What are the Pinyin and English names of all of the EOV?
Du Mai - Governing Vessel Ren Mai - Conception Vessel Chong Mai - Penetrating Vessel Dai Mai - Girdle Vessel Yang Qiao Mai - Yang Heel (Motility) Vessel Yin Qiao Mai - Yin Heel (Motility) Vessel Yin Wei Mai - Yin Linking Vessel Yang Wei Mai - Yang Linking Vessel
How are the Extra Vessels named?
According to their energetic functions as opposed to organ associations like with the 12 main channels.
What are the nuclear vessels?
Du, Ren, Chong, Du Mai
What are the peripheral vessels?
Yang Qiao, Yin Qiao, Yin Wei and Yang Wei
What is the point of divergent channels?
Divergent channels help us to understand how we can use a yang point to treat a yin organ or meridian and vice versa
What is the general trajectory of divergent channels?
Deeper than the main channels, all start at the lower end of the main channels, enter internal organs, all emerge at the neck
How do we explain the function or effectiveness of main channels for organs they do not connect directly with?
Divergent channels integrate some channels with organs that are not connected through the main channels.
Give an example of divergent channel effectiveness using the ST channel.
ST divergent channel: diverges from ST main channel in the thigh, ascends to abdomen, enters the ST, SP, HT to neck, meets back with ST channel up to the eye.
ST 36 treats mental/emotional anxiety symptoms because the divergent channel runs to the HT
Give an example of divergent channel effectiveness using the UB channel.
UB57/58 claim to fame is haemorrhoids, divergent channel of UB goes to anus
Give an example of divergent channel effectiveness using the PC channel.
PC5 to treat loss of voice because PC divergent channel goes to throat/neck
If there is stasis it is normally in the ____ ______
Luo Channels
Where do the superficial Luo channels lie? The deeper Luo?
The superficial ones run between the main channels and the skin. The deeper Luo connecting channels relate to blood and blood vessels and thereby treat blood stasis.
What do each of the following relate to in terms of vital substances/qi?
1) Skin, superficial Luo
2) Main channels
3) Deep Luo
1) Wei (Defensive) Qi
2) Ying (Nutritive) Qi
3) Blood
What are the 15 Luo Connecting points of the Main channels plus Du, Ren and extra SP?
LU-7, LI-6, HT-5, PC-6, SI-7, SJ-5, ST-40, UB-58, GB-37, SP-4, KID-4, LIV-5, DU1, RN15 and SP21
What are the general functions of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels?
1) Store excess Jing and Blood to be used when regular meridians and Zang-Fu become deficient.
2) Connect the regular meridians with their deeper source (Kidneys)
3) Structure: Responsible fore the body’s structural support system by controlling the deeper muscles and bones
4) Control the more fundamental components of body energetics
1) What are the specific functions of Ren and Du Mai?
2) What about their coupled Extra Vessels Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao?
1) Store the Yin/Yang Qi.
2) Distribute Yin/Yang Qi across Yin/Yang regions of the body.
1) What are the specific functions of Chong Mai?
2) Dai Mai?
3) Their coupled extra vessels?
1) Chong Mai controls and circulates Qi between the abdomen and extremities.
2) Dai Mai circulates Qi between upper and lower parts of the body.
3) Yin Wei and Yang Wei Mai link all Yin/Yang meridians together.
What properties do EOV not have that regular meridians do?
1) Alarm points (except for Ren Mai)
2) Source points
3) Tonifying/sedating points
4) Element command points
5) Associated effect of points
6) Luo points (except Du and Ren Mai)
What do master/opening points do?
Tend to open the “reservoir function” of the vessel/meridian and allow the energy to be directed elsewhere in the body for specific purposes.
What is the Master point of Du Mai and coupled point of YangQM?
What is the Master point of Ren Mai and coupled point of YinQM?
What is the Master point of Chong Mai and the coupled point of YinWM?
What is the Master Point of Dai Mai and the coupled point of YangWM?
What is the Master point of Yang Qiao Mai and the coupled point of Du?
What is the Master point of Yin Qiao Mai and the coupled point of Ren?
What is the Master point of Yin Wei Mai and the coupled point of Chong Mai?
What is the Master point of Yang Wei Mai and the coupled point of Dai Mai?
What are the more specific functions of the EOV? (6)
1) Reservoir of Qi
2) EOV and 6 Yang Organ integration
3) Circulate the Wei Qi
4) Orifices and EOV
5) Integrate the Four Seas
6) Life Cycle Regulation
Talk about the four different aspects of EOV as reservoirs of Qi.
1) The EOV absorb ________ of Qi from the Main channels. They are therefore used frequently in _____ conditions to absorb _______ of ____ or ____.
2) The EOV receive Qi from all the main channels which means….
3) The EOV all derive directly from the ______ and they all contain _______ which is stored in the _________. They circulate the ….
4) The reservoir function is directly related to the role of the EOV in _________ ___________.
1) excesses; Full; excesses; Yin; Yang. Use points on the Yang Qiao and Du Mai to help absorb excess yang in head.
2) they are especially useful when more than one main channel is affected. EG. they can absorb Qi from the main vessel and transfer qi to them.
3) kidneys; essence (Jing); Kidneys
…. Essence around the body (especially the Du, Ren and Chong Mai) thus contributing to the integration of the circulation of Ying Qi and Wei Qi with that of Essence.
4) maintaining homeostasis
Talk about the EOV and integration of the 6 Yang Organs (i.e. list the organs and corresponding EOV)
The EOV integrate the 6 Yang Organs with the other internal organs through the kidneys. Brain: Du mai, Yin and Yang Qiao Mai Blood vessels: Chong Mai Bones: Du, Ren and Chong Mai Gallbladder: Dai Mai Uterus: Ren and Chong Mai Marrow: Du and Chong Mai
Talk about the circulation of Wei Qi function of the EOV.
a) What does it mean?
b) Where does it circulate in terms of space?
c) Where does it circulate in terms of larger areas?
d) What does it do?
a) Considering they help to circulate Wei Qi the EOV play a role in protection against EPF’s.
b) Wei Qi (and other qi?) overflowing into the EOV irrigates the space between the skin and muscles where Defensive Qi circulates.
c) EOV circulate defensive Qi in the abdomen, chest and back
d) Protection from pathogenic factors as mentioned. Warms internal organs. Relationship between kidneys-kidney essence-defensive qi
Orifices and EOV… Pathology of the EOV often shows in the orifices. Name them.
Eyes: Yin and Yang Qiao Mai Ears: Yang Wei Mai Nose: Du Mai Mouth: Ren Mai Mind: Du and Yin Wei Mai Urethra and anus: Du, Ren and Chong Mai
Discuss the function of integration of the Four Seas that is accomplished by the EOV.
The EOV integrate the Four Seas with the Internal Organs and Main Channels.
Sea of Blood - Chong Mai
Sea of Qi - Ren Mai
Sea of Marrow - Du Mai, Yin-Yang Qiao Mai
Sea of Food - Chong Mai
Discuss the Life Cycle Regulation function of the EOV.
The Chong, Ren and Du Mai are the meridians most directly involved in controlling the major endocrine glands in the body. Therefore they are instrumental in regulating the 7 and 8 year women’s and men’s life cycles respectively. Can use Ren mai to stabilize essence during puberty or to treat menopause.
What connects the EOV to the internal organs and main channels? What about between the extraordinary organs and other internal organs?
The kidneys are the intermediary.
How are the liver and kidney related? What EOV is primarily used for problems with the uterus?
Through Yin and Blood. Chong Mai. When treating Chong Mai it is uterus via kidneys to other organs.
Where do meridians primarily travel?
Where are seas primarily located?
Surface of the body. Circulating energy.
Head and trunk. Deep stored energy.
Sea of Blood - Chong Mai
i) Excess symptoms
ii) Deficient symptoms
iii) Treat Chong mai for ….
i) If it is in excess the person feels too big or like they are getting bigger
ii) Deficient: person feels as if the body is getting smaller
iii) disharmonies of the blood, esp. blood stasis
Sea of Marrow - Du Mai, Yin Qiao, Yang Qiao
i) Synonymous with the…
ii) When it is full the person feels…
iii) When deficient…
iv) Du Mai obviously connected because…
i) brain, because marrow fills up the brain
ii) agile, light limbs, great physical strength
iii) dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, weak legs and desire to lie down
iv) it flows in the spine into the brain
Sea of Food (Sea of Water and Grain) - Stomach and Chong Mai
i) Excess:
ii) Deficient:
iii) In clinical practice functionally related to Chong Mai because…
i) abdominal fullness
ii) hungry with no desire to eat
iii) influences stomach and intestines in digestion, controls blood, leaks pre-heaven and post-heaven qi
Sea of Qi - Ren Mai
i) Related to…
ii) Excess
iii) Deficient
iv) Master point is
v) Chong mai master point is
i) lungs and zong qi, gathering qi, pectoral qi, chest qi
ii) fullness in the chest, breathlessness, red face
iii) shortness of breath, dislike of speaking (lung xu sym)
iv) Lu7, link to sea of qi
v) SP4 (affiliated through sea of stomach link)
How do you know when to use the EOV?
1) Complicated conditions
2) Several channel problems simultaneously
3) Involvement of an organ and a different channel
4) Confusing situations of Heat-Cold, Deficiency-Excess
5) Mental problems
6) Neurological problems
Give 2 broad examples of complicated conditions that would warrant the use of EOV? One specific example?
1) Multiple confusing patterns
2) Many different signs and symptoms in different body systems
- Eg. Patient suffering from chronic asthma, also digestive problems, allergies, gyno problems… Ren Mai would be good in this example because it is good for lungs.
Why is it useful to use EOV for complicated conditions?
One can choose less points which is less confusing for the body and more harmonious
Extra Vessels are agents of ________ and __________. They receive in flow from many different channels which is why we choose them when ______________________________.
regulation; integration; many different channels are involved
Give an example of many different channels being involved.
Patient with sciatica along the bladder channel plus it travels to GB channel and crosses over to ST. Use Yang Qiao Mai.
Which EOV would you choose to help treat gynaecological conditions. Hint: it influences the liver, kidney and spleen channels in the LJ and strongly affects the kidneys.
Ren Mai
Which EOV would you choose to help treat abdominal pathology. Hint: it affects the liver, spleen, kidney and intestines.
Chong Mai
In pathology, an organ problem usually affects its related channel. A liver pattern usually involves the liver channel for example. However what do we do if it affects a different channel? EOV of course! Give an example with headaches.
Liver Yang rising usually causes Shaoyang (LV/GB) headache along the temporal/parietal area of the head. However sometimes it will also cause headaches along the bladder channel which is Yangming (frontal). In this case you can use the Yang Qiao Meridian because of its trajectory and symptomology.
Confusing situations of Heat-Cold, Excess-Deficiency. Why do we use EOV and examples.
EOV regulate and balance the flow of qi. Eg1. Women often suffer from mixed heat and cold, especially over 45 where there are symptoms of both yin and yang deficiency.
What causes cold hands and feet with empty heat in the face?
Deficiency of blood
The EOV can help to balance, integrate and regulate functions. Give an example of a mental problem helped by Ren.
Ren - mania after labour
The EOV can help to balance, integrate and regulate functions. Give an example of a mental problem helped by Du
Du - strengthen zhi (will power, lift mind and nourish heart
The EOV can help to balance, integrate and regulate functions. Give an example of a mental problem helped by Chong.
Chong - mental restlessness and anxiety, rebellious qi
The EOV can help to balance, integrate and regulate functions. Give an example of a mental problem helped by Yin Qiao.
Yin Qiao Mai - nourish blood, strengthen heart, calm mind
The EOV can help to balance, integrate and regulate functions. Give an example of a mental problem helped by Yang Qiao.
Yang Qiao Mai - absorb excess yang in head (symptoms of mental agitation and restlessness)
Give an example of neurological problems that can be helped with Du Mai and Dai Mai.
Circulation of qi in the legs and spine during degenerative neurological conditions, especially MS.
Give an example of neurological problems that can be helped with Yin Qiao and Yang Qiao.
Hemiplegia after wind stroke. Paralysis after a stroke can actually be helped in some cases.
When should we not treat with EOV?
If there is an obvious Jing Luo problem, a main channel problem or if there is definitive Zang Fu pathology.
Which EOV would you choose for deficiency of wei qi and seasonal allergies? Point prescription.
Ren mai because it is responsible for the receiving of qi. LU7, KI6 plus LI20, Yintang
What are the contraindication for using EOV?
M menstruation with excessive bleeding (moxa SP1 and LV1)
C children under 5
H high temperature, don’t tap reserve, expel.
E extreme deficiency of kidney qi (Jing)
W weak, tired or aged people
S super duper sick people
How does one use an EOV. 6 steps.
1) Select EOV related to the condition (let’s say Ren)
2) Needle master point bilaterally (LU7, LU7)
3) Needle other points along the trajectory (RN17 to open chest, RN6 to tonify qi)
4) If you think it is better choose other points not on the trajectory that are applicable (eg. LU5 if there is sputum)
5) Needle coupled point (KI6 of Yin Qiao Mai)
6) Withdraw needles in the SAME order
What is the alternate method for using an EOV?
1) Plug in master point on one side (women on the right, men on the left)
2) Plug in coupled point on the other side (women on the left, men right)
3) Choose other points. Make sure to balance yin and yang.
4) Remove needles in REVERSE order
Do not use the master point in this condition…
If the EOV is deficient. Strengthen that EOV by using moxa on other points along it.
Do not use more than ___ EOV at a time as it will _________.
two; weaken
What do you mean that the EOV are ABLE to balance?
Above and below
Back and front
Left and right
Exterior and interior
What are the 3 Yin/Yang functions of the EOV?
1) Balance yin and yang in trunk and head
2) Link yin and yang channels
3) Regulate excess yin or yang