Remote Flashcards
trailblazing (adj)
- a person who is the first to do or discover something and so makes it possible for others to follow
- tiên phong
- a trailblazer in the field of genetic engineering
- trailblazing scientific research
- President Barack Obama Monday nominated Elena Kagan, a “trailblazing” legal scholar.
veal (n)
- meat from a calf (= a young cow)
- thịt bê, vỗ béo bê để thịt
- They even ate the cow’s baby’s – called veal – because they liked the taste tender flesh.
- The meat - beef is fine, but I used ground pork and veal from the Italian butchers in Sydney Road.
chamber (n)
- a room used for the particular purpose that is mentioned
- a space under the ground that is almost completely closed on all sides
- a room in a public building that is used for formal meetings
- one of the parts of a parliament
- buồng ngủ, phòng luật sư, khoang trong máy
- Divers transfer from the water to a decompression chamber.
- They found themselves in a vast underground chamber.
dismantle (v)
- to take apart a machine or structure so that it is in separate pieces
- to end an organization or system gradually in an organized way
- dỡ hết vật che đậy, tháo dỡ hết trang bị, triệt phá
- I had to dismantle the engine in order to repair it.
- The government was in the process of dismantling the state-owned industries.
trench (n)
- a long, deep hole dug in the ground, for example for carrying away water
- a long, deep hole dug in the ground in which soldiers can be protected from enemy attacks
- a long, deep, narrow hole in the ocean floor
- rãnh mương, hào, hầm
- Workmen were digging a trench beside the road.
- life in the trenches
nonsensical (adj)
- ridiculous; with no meaning
- vô lý, không có ý nghĩa
- a nonsensical theory
wither away (v)
- if a plant withers or something withers it, it dries up and dies
- to become less or weaker, especially before disappearing completely
- làm khô héo, làm cho bối rối
- The grass had withered in the warm sun.
- All our hopes just withered away.
sneak in (v)
- to go somewhere secretly, trying to avoid being seen
- to do something or take someone or something somewhere secretly, often without permission
- trốn lén, mách lẻo
- I sneaked up the stairs.
- At last we were able to sneak a moment alone together.
- I managed to sneak a note to him.
- I sneaked a cake when they were out of the room.
institutionalized (adj)
- that has happened or been done for so long that it is considered normal
- lacking the ability to live and think independently because they have spent so long in an institution
- thể chế hóa, đưa vào sống trong cơ sở từ thiện
- “It’s heartbreaking,” she said of the trend, which she classified as institutionalized racism.
- They are also stabilized when they allow what Merton 1957: 318 called institutionalized evasions.
stretch (n)
- an area of land or water, especially a long one
- a continuous period of time, a period of time that someone spends in prison
- something that requires great effort to do, imagine, or believe
- sự căng ra, kéo dài liên tục, khó tin, khó đạt được
- She used to read for hours at a stretch (= without stopping).
- It’s not much of a stretch to think this team can win seven games.
swarm (n)
- a large group of insects, especially bees, moving together in the same direction
- a large group of people, especially when they are all moving quickly in the same direction
- đám bầy, đàn ong chia tổ
- a swarm of bees/locusts (châu chấu)/flies
- They talk a lot about their “research” and “insights,” but pretty much a swarm is the same with a 4e statblock.
handcuff (v)
- to put handcuffs on someone or to fasten someone to something or someone with handcuffs
- khóa tay, xích tay
- Her hands were handcuffed behind her back.
- He was handcuffed to a policeman.
loiter (v)
- to stand or wait somewhere especially with no obvious reason
- đi tha thẩn, la cà, chơi rong
- Teenagers were loitering in the street.
- Would an electric company not allowing non-employees to loiter around on its property be by the same principle an issue of private property?
wretched (adj)
- feeling sick or unhappy
- extremely bad or unpleasant
- making you feel sorry for someone or something
- khốn khổ, thảm hại, tệ
- You look wretched—what’s wrong?
- She had a wretched time at school.
- She finally agreed to have the wretched animal put down.
- Is it that wretched woman again?
slug (something out) (v)
- to hit someone hard, especially with your closed hand
- to hit the ball hard
- a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink
- a bullet, a piece of metal shaped like a coin used to get things from machines, etc., sometimes illegally
- đánh mạnh, diệt ốc sên, thân mềm của ốc sên
- He took another slug of whiskey.
- On 2nd thought, the idea of dbadass being teabagged by a slug is gross!
breed (v)
- to have sex and produce young
- to keep animals or plants in order to produce young ones in a controlled way
- to be the cause of something
- gây giống, dạy dỗ, giáo dục
- Many animals breed only at certain times of the year.
- The rabbits are bred for their long coats.
- Nothing breeds success like success.
- Fear of failure was bred into him at an early age.
nostalgia (n)
- a feeling of sadness mixed with pleasure and affection when you think of happy times in the past
- nỗi nhớ nhà, sự luyến tiếc quá khứ
- a sense/wave/pang of nostalgia
- She is filled with nostalgia for her own college days.
- I feel quite nostalgic for the place where I grew up.
- to look back nostalgically to your childhood
splendor (n)
- grand and impressive beauty
- the beautiful and impressive features or qualities of something, especially a place
- sự chói lọi, lộng lẫy, rực rỡ, huy hoàng
- The palace has been restored to its former splendor.
- the splendors of Rome (= its fine buildings, etc.)
sardine (n)
- a small, young, sea fish that is either eaten fresh or preserved in cans
- pressed tightly together in a way that is uncomfortable or unpleasant
- cá xacđin, chèn ép như cá hộp
- I assume these are jokes, and when the open the box, I try a “sardine” - flavoured jelly bean.
- (packed, crammed, etc.) like sardines
dweller (n)
- a person or an animal that lives in the particular place that is mentioned
- người ở / động vật một nơi nào đó
- apartment dwellers
- It is not easy to take a dweller from a town and turn him on the land of any country.
swanky (adj)
- fashionable and expensive in a way that is intended to impress people
- trưng diện, phô trương, khoe khoang
- a swanky new hotel
- Despite their brevity, I just love her tastes in swanky background music (the theme from Mannix — yeah!).
plush (n)
- very comfortable; expensive and of good quality
- a type of silk or cotton cloth with a thick soft surface made of a mass of threads
- vải nhung lông, xa hoa, lộng lẫy
- Only if they make it in plush, as the hideous likenesses of all good interplanetary space beings ought to be.
- Also, it has a pressurized cabin plush with Italian leather seats, burlwood accents and integrated flight systems.
arcade (n)
- a place where you can play games on machines that are operated by coins
- a covered passage with arches along the side of a row of buildings (usually a row of stores)
- a covered passage between streets, with stores on either side
- khu trò chơi điện tử bằng đồng xu
- Its like that game at the carnival or in arcade – you know the one where the head pops up and you hit it with a hammer.
- Penny arcade is more than just a marketing machine.
- The first covered shopping street to be built in Britain, the arcade is at Piccadilly in London’s bustling West End shopping district.
shackle (v)
- to put shackles on someone
- to prevent someone from behaving or speaking as they want
- xích lại, ngăn cản
- The hostage had been shackled to a radiator.
- The prisoners were kept shackled during the trial.
- She is opposed to shackling the press with privacy laws.
resentment (n)
- a feeling of anger or unhappiness about something that you think is unfair
- sự phẫn uất, bực bội
- to feel/harbor/bear resentment toward/against someone
- She could not conceal the deep resentment she felt at the way she had been treated.
adman (n)
- a person who works in advertising
- người chuyên viết, vẽ quảng cáo
- “Absolutely, conclusively,” insists John Slattery, who plays fellow adman Roger Sterling.
- Five years later, trade magazines sang his praises; and five years after that, he became “the most discussed and publicized adman in a generation.”
trip over (v)
- to walk, run, or dance with quick light steps
- to catch your foot on something and fall or almost fall
- bước nhẹ, trật bước, hụt chân, nói lỡ lời, ngáng chân
- I was tripping over my words in my excitement to tell them the news.
- She tripped over and skinned her knee.
- As I passed, he stuck out a leg and tried to trip me up.
poaching (adj)
- to cook food, especially fish, gently in a small amount of liquid
- to cook an egg gently in nearly boiling water after removing its shell
- to take and use someone or something that belongs to someone or something else, especially in a secret, dishonest, or unfair way
- câu trộm, săn bắt trộm
- The elephants are poached for their tusks.
- The company poached the contract from their main rivals.
- I hope I’m not poaching on your territory (= doing something that is actually your responsibility).
chamber (n)
- a room used for the particular purpose that is mentioned
- a room in a public building that is used for formal meetings
- a bedroom or private room
- a space in the body, in a plant, or in a machine, that is separated from the rest
- buồng ngủ, phòng làm việc của thẩm phán, ngăn riêng
- the chambers of the heart
- Under Senate rules, the chamber must vote on the bill by this Friday.
- They found themselves in a vast underground chamber.
brood about (v)
- to think a lot about something that makes you annoyed, anxious, or upset
- nghiền ngẫm những gì làm bạn bực mình
- You’re not still brooding over what he said, are you?
- At such times he was remarkably taciturn, and would sit in brooding silence or go almost immediately to bed.
gravy (n)
- a brown sauce made by adding flour to the juices that come out of meat while it is cooking
- something, especially money, that is obtained when you do not expect it
- nước thịt chảy ra sau khi nấu, món lời dễ kiếm
- Anything on top of eight percent profit is just gravy for the industry.
- This classic combo of buckwheat groats, bowtie noodles and gravy, is incredibly simple to make when it it prepared as a side with a brisket in gravy.
cutthroat (n)
- in which people compete with each other in aggressive and unfair ways
- kẻ giết người, tàn khốc, khốc liệt
- the cutthroat world of politics
- It is in cutthroat markets for laptops, digital cameras, G.P.S. units and plenty of other products.
stapler (n)
- a small device used for putting staples into paper, etc.
- máy ghim cặp, người xếp loại
- She realizes her stapler is out of staples, we are late.
- Your low-tech stapler is about to get a huge makeover if Swingline has its way.
hassle-free (adj)
- a situation that is annoying because it involves doing something difficult or complicated that needs a lot of effort
- a situation in which people disagree, argue, or annoy you
- sự tranh cãi, điều rắc rối phức tạp, phiền não
- It’s a hassle having to travel with so many bags.
- Send them an e-mail—it’s a lot less hassle than calling.
- Do as you’re told and don’t give me any hassle!
- Try not to get into a hassle with this guy.
regimen (n)
- a set of rules about food and exercise or medical treatment that you follow in order to stay healthy or to improve your health
- chế độ dinh dưỡng, trị liệu
- a daily regimen of exercise
- Agassi said his grueling fitness regimen is the key to his success.
reckless (adj)
- showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your actions
- khinh suất, không để ý tới, không lo tới
- He showed a reckless disregard for his own safety.
- She was a good rider, but reckless.
- The accident was caused by reckless driving
- She had fallen hopelessly and recklessly in love.
seclude (v)
- to keep yourself or someone away from contact with other people
- tách biệt, sống ẩn dật
- Max, who chose to seclude himself behind closed doors, instead of being with her when she awoke.
- The monks secluded themselves from the rest of society.
summon (v) (something/something up)
- to arrange an official meeting
- to call for or try to obtain something
- to make a feeling, an idea, a memory, etc. come into your mind
- gọi đến, triệu đến
- to summon a meeting
- to summon assistance/help/reinforcements
- The book summoned up memories of my childhood.
tad (n, adv)
- a very small amount
- một chút, một tí
- Could you turn the sound down just a tad?
- It’s a tad too expensive for me.
free-riff (adj)
- a short repeated pattern of notes in popular music or jazz
- đoạn ngắn những nốt nhạc được lặp lại trong nhạc dân gian
- a guitar riff
ramp (n)
- a slope that joins two parts of a road, path, building, etc. when one is higher than the other
- a road used for driving onto or off a major road such as a highway
- bờ dốc, thang lên máy bay
- Ramps should be provided for wheelchair users.
- a loading ramp
- a freeway exit ramp
fidelity (n)
- the quality of being loyal to someone or something
- the quality of being faithful to your husband, wife, or partner by not having a sexual relationship with anyone else
- the quality of being accurate
- lòng trung thành, tính trung thực, sự chính xác
- fidelity to your principles
- marital/sexual fidelity
- the fidelity of the translation to the original text
feast (n)
- a large or special meal, especially for a lot of people and to celebrate something
- a day or period of time when there is a religious festival
- a thing or an event that brings great pleasure
- bữa tiệc, ngày hội hè, sự hứng thú
- a wedding feast
- The evening was a real feast for music lovers.
canary (n)
- a small yellow bird with a beautiful song, often kept in a cage as a pet
- like the cat that got/ate/swallowed the canary: very pleased with yourself
- chim bạch yến, rượu vang canari
- She looked like a cat that got the canary—she was almost purring with pleasure.
menial (adj)
- not skilled or important, and often boring or badly paid
- không quan trọng, khúm núm, quỵ lụy
- menial jobs/work
- menial tasks like cleaning the floor
succumb (v) (to something)
- to not be able to fight an attack, an illness, a temptation, etc.
- thua, không chịu nổi, không chống nổi
- The town succumbed after a short siege.
- He finally succumbed to Lucy’s charms and agreed to her request.
- She succumbed to the temptation of another drink.
goof (v)
- to make a stupid mistake
- goof around: to spend your time doing silly or stupid things
- goof off: to spend your time doing nothing, especially when you should be working
- người ngu, xao lãng công việc
- Sorry, guys. I goofed.
- It’s all crap, and the Democractic Party will once again goof up by taking the nomination away from Hillary Clinton.
behemoth (n)
- a very big and powerful company or organization
- con vật kếch xù
- a multinational corporate behemoth
cling (v) (to someone/something)
- to hold on tightly to someone or something
- bám vào, níu lấy
- Leaves still clung to the branches.
- survivors clinging to a raft
pitch (n)
- talk or arguments used by a person trying to sell things or persuade people to do something
- how high or low a sound is, especially a musical note
- hắc ín, kể chuyện
- Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch.
- A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher.
heel (n)
- the part of a sock, etc. that covers the heel
- a pair of women’s shoes that have high heels
- gót chân, giày cao gót
- The sergeant clicked his heels and walked out.
- She doesn’t often wear heels.
arachnophobia (n)
- an extreme fear of spiders
- chứng sợ nhện
- Even the best psychotherapists sometimes fail to cure arachnophobia.
saddle (v) (up)
- to put a saddle on a horse
- gắn yên ngựa
- He saddled up and rode off.
strap (v) (on)
- to fasten someone or something in place using a strap or straps
- buộc bằng dây da
- He strapped the knife to his leg.
- Everything had to be strapped down to stop it from sliding around.
- Are you strapped in (= wearing a seat belt in a car, plane, etc.)?
thou (pronoun)
- a word meaning ‘you’, used when talking to only one person who is the subject of the verb
- mày, mi, ngươi
- Thou shalt overlap
thy (determiner)
- a word meaning ‘your’, used when talking to only one person
- của mày, của anh, của ngươi
- Honour thy* father and *thy mother.
shalt (v)
- thou shalt = used to mean ‘you shall’, when talking to one person
- thì hiện tại của shall
- Regin says, “Trust me well herein; and with that same sword shalt thou slay Fafnir.”
- By thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother.
reptilian (adj)
- any animal that has cold blood and skin covered in scales, and that lays eggs. Snakes, crocodiles, and turtles are all reptiles.
- loài bò sát
- He licked his lips in an unpleasantly reptilian way.
ascribe (v) (something to somebody/something)
- to consider that something is caused by a particular thing or person
- to consider that somebody/something has or should have a particular quality
- đổ thừa cho, gán cho
- He ascribed his failure to bad luck.
- We ascribe great importance to these policies.
utopia (n)
- an imaginary place or state in which everything is perfect
- điều không tưởng
- What utopia* is the scientist referring to … I think it would be rather different from the humanist version of *utopia.
- I think the faith of many that a high-IQ society would be a utopia is sadly misplaced.
maternity (n)
- the state of being or becoming a mother
- tính chất người mẹ, nhiệm vụ người mẹ
- maternity clothes (= clothes for women who are pregnant)
- a maternity ward/hospital (= one where women go to give birth to their babies)
exterminator (n)
- someone or something that exterminates.
- a person whose job it is to kill insects and other pests in a building
- người hủy diệt
- The rat ran for its life, dog barely missed it and I called the exterminator who came that afternoon and got rid of it.
- That’s what the landlord called them when I demanded he call an exterminator.
galley (n)
- a long flat ship with sails, usually rowed by slaves or criminals, especially one used by the ancient Greeks or Romans in war
- the kitchen on a ship or plane
- thuyền gale cho tù nhân chèo, nhà bếp trên tàu, khay sắp chữ
- He reads my work when they are in galley stage and he’s usually amazed that I’m able to make all this stuff up.
- For all I could do, a galley is short of comforts; and he felt the pull of the oars.
ergonomics (n)
- designed to improve people’s working conditions and to help them work more efficiently
- the applied science of equipment design
- khoa học lao động
- I keep seeing these features about how to raise the laptop or monitor to eye level but my understanding of ergonomics is that you actually want the monitor to be * lower* than eye level.
- Style can refer to ease of use and ergonomics - in other words, how something fits into a person’s life.
outpost (n)
- a small military camp away from the main army, used for watching an enemy’s movements, etc.
- a small town or group of buildings in a lonely part of a country
- tiền đồ, nơi định cư ở biên giới
- Finally, I would say that the outpost is a technical prerequisite for a Mars flight.
- A moon outpost is ISS 2.0 in every way imaginable, because the moon has no ISRU for life opportunities.