Remember! From samplex Flashcards
The denticulate ligaments are toothlike processes arising from?
Pia mater
Chief effector of limbic system + control of visceral activity
The obturator internus passes through –?
Lesser sciatic Foramen
The lateral wall of the pelvis is covered by
Obturator internus
The posterolateral wall of the pelvis is covered by
The pelvic floor is composed of
Levator ani muscles + coccygeus
Common site of urethral rupture in males
Spongy urethra
Extravasation of urine in urethral rupture/ laceration is from?
Bulb of the penis
Muscles innervated by the dorsal scapular nerve
Rhomboid major and minor
Levator scapula
Nerve root/s of dorsal scapular nerve
Nerve root/s of supra scapular nerve
C5, C6
Muscles innervated by the supra scapular nerve
Muscles for lateral rotation of the arm
Teres minor
Nerve/s injured with complete loss of arm abduction
Axillary nerve - deltoid
Supraspinatus - suprascapular nerve
Lateral boundary of cubital fossa
Medial boundary of cubital fossa
Pronator teres
Contents of cubital fossa from medial to lateral
Median nerve
Brachial artery
Biceps brachii tendon
Radial nerve
Cranial nerves that exit via the jugular Foramen
CN 9, 10, 11
along with jugular vein
Foramen - maxillary nerve?
Foramen rotundum - part of middle cranial fossa
Foramen - Mandibular nerve
Foramen ovale - part of middle cranial fossa
Muscle of the medial compartment of the thigh that can flex the knee joint
Gracilis - flexes and rotates the knee medially
Knee joint is composed of?
Tibia, femur, patella
Divides the liver into anatomic left and right
Falciform ligament
Jejunum and ileum are attached to the posterior abdominal wall by a fan shaped fold known as ?
Mesentery of the small intestines
Largest and most movable part of the colon
Transverse colon
Biggest nerve found in the popliteal fossa
Tibial nerve
Smaller branch of the sciatic nerve
Common peroneal nerve
Branch of the lumbar plexus most likely to be injured during herniorraphy which passes through the inguinal canal
Genitofemoral nerve (L1-L2)
Form and shape of the eyeball is maintained by?
Parts of the uveal tract
Choroid, ciliary body, iris
The respiratory diaphragm is inserted into the?
Central tendon
Which is heavier - Left or right lung?
What vein accompanies the LAD?
Great cardiac vein
Largest branch of the axillary artery
Subscapular artery - usually from 3rd part of the axillary artery
Union of what veins form the portal vein
SMA and splenic vein
Venous sinuses of the brain are located where?
Between the inner meningeal and outer endosteal layer of dura mater
Responsible for the wrinkling appearance of scrotal skin
Dartos tunic
Narrowest and least distensible portion of male urethra
Membranous urethra/ intermediate part
Widest and most dilatable part of male urethra
Prostatic urethra
Longest and most mobile part of the male urethra
Spongy urethra
Which muscle serves as the vaginal sphincter
Bulbospongiosus muscle
Kidneys are held in position mainly by?
Appositioning of the surrounding viscera
Which event marks the end of prophase in mitotic division
Disappearance of that nuclear membrane
Junctional specializations where the intermediate filaments of epithelial cells are attached
Desmosomes/ Macula adherens
- link keratins (int filament) in epithelium
What bone cells have receptors for the parathyroid hormone
Osteoblasts and osteocytes
Part of sarcomere where intercalated discs of the cardiac muscle are found
I band
Variations in the shape of erythrocytes
Variations in size of erythrocytes
Peri-arterial lymphoid sheath (PALS) is characteristic of what organ?
Permanent mucosal folds in the wall of the small intestines
Valves of Kerkring
Centroacinar cells are found in what gland?
What exits via the Foramen ovale?
Mandibular nerve - V3
What accompanies V3 as it exits via the foramen ovale?
Accessory meningeal artery
Where is the rima glottidis located?
In between the vocal folds
CSF rhinorhea - what bone was fractured?
Ethmoid bone
What goes through the optic canal?
Optic nerve Ophthalmic artery (from ICA)
What exits the superior orbital fissure?
CN 3, 4, 6, V1
Ophthalmic veins
Lacrimal gland - supplied by what cranial nerve/s?
Costodiaphragmatic recess at what level in MCL?
8th rib
Costodiaphragmatic recess at what level in MAL?
10th rib
Papillary muscles of the heart are attached to the atrioventricular cusps via?
Chordae tendinae
In what heart chamber is the moderator band found?
Posterior boundary of epiploic Foramen of Winslow is formed by
Another name for moderator band?
Septomarginal trabecula
Bifurcation of the trachea - at what vertebral level?
Shape of the right adrenal gland
Shape of the left adrenal gland
Crescent shaped
MC type of intussusception
Liver biopsy - at what level?
9th ICS right MAL
The medulla is derived from?
Imaginary vertical plane passing longitudinally through the body dividing it into equal right and left halves
Median plane
Supratentorial compartment is divided into two by the?
Falx cerebri
Occipital sinus is found in what cranial fossa?
Posterior cranial fossa
The middle cranial fossa lodges what lobes of the cerebral hemispheres?
Temporal lobes
Separates the frontal from the parietal lobe
Central sulcus of Roolando
Cavernous sinus - in what cranial fossa?
Sulcus that divides the occipital lobe into 2?
Calcarine sulcus
Primary motor area?
Pre central gyrus
Primary sensory area?
Postcentral gyrus
Chief motor nerve to anterior leg
Deep peroneal nerve
Dorsalis pedis is a terminal branch of?
Anterior tibial artery
Central structure in the gluteal region
Hamstrings - common proximal attachment?
Ischial tuberosity
Medial umbilical fold from?
Umbilical artery
Proximal attachment of the inguinal ligament
Pubic tubercle
Thoracic duct passes through the diaphragm through the?
Aortic hiatus
- with aorta and azygous vein
What passes through the caval Foramen
Most mobile part of the duodenum
Superior - D1
Which segment/s of the duodenum are intraperitoneal?
The rest are peritoneal
Vessel posterior to the neck of the pancreas
Portal veib
At the porta hepatis, this structure is posteriorly located
Portal vein
Umbilical vein - becomes?
Ligamentum teres hepatis/ Round ligament of the liver
Where is the ligament of Trietz
Duodenal-jejununal junction
Last costal cartilage to articulate with the sternum
Costal cartilages that do not reach or attach to any other bone or cartilage
Ribs 11, 12
Sole motor nerve of the four suboccipital muscles
C1 dorsal ramus
Another name for C1 dorsal ramus
Suboccipital nerve
Motor innervation of muscles of mastication
Major vessel that can be compressed against the first rib by applying direct pressure on the supraclavicular triangle
Subclavian artery
Junction between anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3 of tongue is marked by
Sulcus terminalis
Longest segment of the nephron
Proximal tubule
Innervation of the platysma
Cervical branch of facial nerve
Innervation of the trapezius
Spinal accessory nerve
What is found in Simon’s triangle
Best space for cricothyroidotomy?
Between cricoid cartilage and thyroid cartilage
Hoarseness after thyroid surgery?
Unilateral RLN injury
Injury to bilateral RLN will produce what symptoms
Hypoglossal nerve innervates all muscles of the tongue except
In a tonsillectomy, bleeding usually arises from?
External palatine vein
Scala vestibule and tympani are continuous at the
To release pressure on the brachial artery to avert impending Volkman’s contracture, this structure has to be cut
Bicipital aponeurosis
Bells’s palsy affects what CN?
Cranial nerve for pupillary constriction
The exocrine gland that stores its secretions extracellularly
Thyroid gland
Fluorescence of semen under ultraviolet light is due to secretions from what gland
Seminal vesicle
A glassy membrane is characteristic of what follicle
Atretic follicle
Obstruction of CSF flow in the midbrain will produce dilatation of which ventricles?
Lateral and 3rd
Cerebral aqueduct is located at he dorsal midbrain. If obstructed, the lateral and 3rd ventricles will be distended
Posterior limb of internal capsule lies between what structures?
Globus pallidus and thalamus
Hemibalismus - involves what part of the brain?
Basal gangia
Specifically subthalamic nucleus of Luys
Chorea - involves what part of the brain?
Corpus striatum - especially caudate nucleus
Parkinson’s - what part of the brain is involved?
Substantia nigra pars compacta
Body temperature is regulated by what part of CNS?
Decussation of central auditory pathway occurs in which segment of the CNS