Remedies for Vitiating Factors (Rescission) Flashcards
What is rescission?
○ Aims to put the parties in the position they would’ve been in as if the contract had never been formed: Restitutio in integrum
What does restitutio in integrum mean?
Returning to the position as if the contract was never performed
Alati v Kruger 1955 CLR principle
Recission is flexible: it will aim to return the parties to the position as if the contract never existed even if this isn’t entirely possible
Alati v Kruger 1955 CLR facts
- Contract for the sale of a fruit business
- Kruger entered agreement to buy shop and take over lease of the shop and all of the stock (everything)
- Told the average takings of the shop £100 per week -
- First week £44, one week £8
- Many weeks made a loss even without paying himself
Lawyer said 3 options:
• Damages for breach of warranty (Cannot rescind as this affirms the conract)
• Sue to cover damages for price he paid and (Cannot rescind since this affirms the contract)
• Rescission
○ Argued he could not be put in the precise position as before the contract
§ Fruit/vegetables were used up, sold, rotten etc.
§ Business was in worse shape - Kruger had no experience, closed shop to avoid loss, supermarket opened across the road (these factors known by seller at the time of making contract)
§ Plaintiff had taken shop with more time remaining on lease than at the time of trial - cannot be taken back
Alati v Kruger 1955 CLR decision
○ Common law requires them to be returned to their positions in a precise way but equity is flexible -
○ Equity: practical justice, enough that parties are substantially returned to their positions before the contract was formed
* Value of fruit: paid in monetary value * Business in worse shape: external element
If Kruger had acted unconscientiously it would be unfair for him to close the shop without giving the original owner notice.
Court found in Mr Kruger’s favour and undid the transaction
Vadasz v Pioneer Concrete 1995 CLR principle
Equity requires the parties are at least substantially returned to the positions they were in before.
There is a general equitable doctrine to ensure exercise of good conscience.
Vadasz v Pioneer Concrete 1995 CLR facts
Mr Vadasz was one of two directors of a business which used concrete supplied by Pioneer Concrete
Owed Pioneer Concrete over $200 000
Pioneer did not want to pay?
Mr Vadasz agreed to give a personal guarantee the concrete - he was only offering to guarantee the future costs
Guarantee actually covered all past debt
Company continued to incur debts up til $357 000
Pioneer sued for debt
Mr Verdasz sued for the misrepresentation (that it was only future debt)
Vadasz v Pioneer Concrete 1995 CLR decision
- In accordance with equitable maxim: he who seeks equity must do equity
- Set aside only the part of the guarantee which was provided by the representation
- Still required to pay $157 000
• Mr Vadasz: rescind whole contract
• Pioneer - then return our concrete?
• Equity requires the parties are at least substantially returned to the position they were in before
• Only circumstance where he could get rescission if equity was to exercise it’s general jurisdiction to set aside contract to ensure the exercise of good conscience
• Courts didn’t think the general jurisdiction should be used here
○ Nothing practically just about allow Mr Vadasz to get out of his obligations - when he got a lot of
○ Unwarranted benefit at the expense of Pioneer
○ Distinguished from Amadio: Mistaken as to amount, duration and state of sons company
§ Amadio’s wouldn’t have entered at all if they had known about the state of the company they wouldn’t have entered at all - therefore higher remedy warranted
If they had only been misrepresented as to the money it is likely a lower remedy would have been given
Hartigan v International Society for Krishna Consciousness Inc [2002] NSWSC principle
Rescission in equity is flexible
- If property is involved and has already been sold the party can receive the monetary value instead of the property itself
Hartigan v International Society for Krishna Consciousness Inc [2002] NSWSC facts
- Gifted farming property to Krishna
- Company sold property then used the money to reduce the debt on a different property
- The court found the contract was vitiated by the undue influence over Hatigan - relationship as a matter of fact
- Defendant argued plaintiff wasn’t entitled to any remedy because even if there was undue influence the parties couldn’t be returned to same as before - the property couldn’t be got back from the third party
Hartigan v International Society for Krishna Consciousness Inc [2002] NSWSC decision
- Since the property was no longer in the organisations control the correct remedy as for the amount the organisation received for the property should be returned to the plaintiff
- Demonstrates the flexibility in rescission in equity
When are statutory remedies applied?
• Applied where s20 (unconsionable conduct) or s18 (misleading or deceptive conduct) have been contravened
s236 Australian Consumer Law
S236 Actions fordamages
(1) If:
(a) aperson(theclaimant) suffers loss ordamagebecause of the conduct of anotherperson; and
(b) the conduct contravened aprovisionof Chapter2 or 3;
the claimant may recover the amount of the loss ordamageby action against that otherperson, or against anypersoninvolved in thecontravention.
(2) An action under subsection(1) may be commenced at any time within 6 years after the day on which the cause of action that relates to the conduct accrued.
Division4–Compensation orders etc. for injuredpersonsand orders for non-partyconsumers
Subdivision A–Compensation orders etc. for injuredpersons
note: limited to actual loss suffered
s237 Australian Consumer Law
237 Compensation orders etc. on application by an injuredpersonor the regulator
(1) A court may:
(a) on application of aperson(theinjuredperson) who has suffered, or is likely to suffer, loss ordamagebecause of the conduct of anotherpersonthat:
(i) was engaged in acontraventionof aprovisionof Chapter2, 3 or 4; or
(ii) constitutesapplyingor relying on, or purporting toapplyor rely on, a term of aconsumercontract that has been declared under section250 to be an unfair term; or
(b) on the application of the regulator made on behalf of one or more such injuredpersons;
make such order or orders as the court thinks appropriate against thepersonwho engaged in the conduct, or apersoninvolved in that conduct.
Note 1: For applications for an order or orders under this subsection, see section242.
Note 2: The orders that the court may make include all or any of the orders set out in section243.
(2) The order must be an order that the court considers will:
(a) compensate the injuredperson, or any such injuredpersons, in whole or in part for the loss ordamage; or
(b) prevent or reduce the loss ordamagesuffered, or likely to be suffered, by the injuredpersonor any such injuredpersons.
(3) An application under subsection(1) may be made at any time within 6 years after the day on which:
(a) if subsection(1)(a)(i) applies–the cause of action that relates to the conduct referred to in that subsection accrued; or
(b) if subsection(1)(a)(ii) applies–thedeclarationreferred to in that subsection is made.
NOTE: Covers loss likely to be suffered
Non exhaustive list
What 3 things must you prove in order to claim a statutory remedy?
• A contravention of one of the sections
• Actual loss (s236) or likely loss (s237)
• Causal connection between loss and contravention
○ Often because they acted in reliance or failed to act because of the contravening conduct
○ Act or event materially contributed to the loss suffered
○ Common sense approach is sufficient
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