Remains Flashcards
‘Probably armed, possibly not’
Narrator doesn’t know if looter was a threat or if shooting him was justified – line is repeated showing soldier keeps going over it in his mind – guilt and worry won’t leave him.
‘Tosses his guts back into his body’
Casual verb ‘tosses’ suggests the lack of care and respect for the dead in times of conflict. Death and killing seem insignificant at the time – in contrast to
later in poem.
‘He’s here in my head when I close my eyes’
Metaphor suggests that memory of victim can’t be erased. Suggestion that the dead man is haunting the soldier and there is no escape from him.
Poem has no discernible rhyme suggesting lack of patterns or predictability – reflects the rushed chaos of conflict.
Idea/Perspective/Context (AO3)
Refuses to glorify war – focuses on the trauma that involvement in conflict can cause.
War Photographer
Bayonet Charge