Religious Unrest 1536-7 Flashcards
What were the strengths of Robert Aske? (3)
- Brilliant organiser and speaker
- Made the rebellion appear non-violent and Christian
- Communicated well
What was Robert Aske’s key weakness?
Too naive and trusting of the King and Government
What were the strengths of Thomas Cromwell? (3)
- Closed all monasteries by 1540
- Successfully implemented reform, e.g. publication of the Great Bible
- Strengthened by rebellions
Who was Francis Bigod?
Protestant reformer, but believed Act of Supremacy gave King too much power
What were the weaknesses of Francis Bigod? (2)
- Gathered little support for his rebellion
2 . Rebellion gave Henry an excuse to execute other rebels
What were the strengths of Henry VIII? (3)
- Allowed Norfolk to negotiate
- Was deliberately vague to stall rebels and recover
- Tactfully began repression
What was the key weakness of Henry VIII?
Sent a letter threatening rebels which only strengthened their anger
What were the strengths of the Duke of Norfolk? (2)
- Successful negotiator, made the rebels trust him
- Tricked rebels and nobles into arrest
What stimulated the Lincolnshire rebellion on 2nd-3rd October?
Government officials investigating monasteries in Lincolnshire are attacked
What happened on the 4th October 1536?
Lincolnshire gentry take leadership over rebels
What did the army of the Lincolnshire rebels grow to?
What happened 10th-11th October 1536?
Rebellion disperses in Lincolnshire but breaks out in Yorkshire
What happened on the 16th October?
Rebels took York
What happened on the 21st October?
Darcy surrenders Pontefract castle and Norfolk negotiates
Who were the key groups of support for the Pilgrimage of Grace? (2)
- Court Nobility - conservative faction, Percy and Darcy
- Commoners and Peasants - large scale lower class involvement, reflected in Pontefract Articles
What were the religious causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace? (2)
- Northern people more conservative and loyal to the Church
- Dissolution and closures of local churches
What about the Pilgrimage of Grace suggested its religious intent? (3)
- ‘Pilgrimage’
- 5 wounds of Christ symbolism
- Widespread support suggested unifying religious intent
What were the economic/social causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace? (3)
- Government demanded peace-time taxes
- Poor harvest in 1534, 1535 and 1536
- Increasing enclosures
What were the political causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace? (3)
- Northern gentry hated London Government
- Unpopularity of Cromwell and Richard Rich
- Court factions forming
Where did the Lincolnshire rebellion begin?
Louth, Lincolnshire