Religious Studies ☸️ Flashcards
Banality of evil
Thoughtless evil acts can be carried out by normal people without meaning that they are bad people
Sunni and Shia difference ?
Sunni- pray 5 times a day , Shia - pray 3 times a day
When egg is removed from woman’s ovaries and and is fertilised by sperm in a laboratory
What is Ahisma?
Truth force
What is pacifism?
Belief that violence is wrong
What was the colour bar?
Discriminatory practices in England that prohibited black people from
certain types of employment, housing etc.
What is a creed?
A creed is a statement of a person or a groups most important beliefs
What is the United Nations?
an international organisation that aim to establish human rights
What is prejudice?
to pre-judge: an opinion that is without reason or experience
What is discrimination?
prejudice in action: treating someone differently because of, for example,
their race, religion or gender
What is segregation?
To separate and keep apart
What is righteous indigantion?
A sense of injustice at what is morally wrong.
Give an example of how Jim Crow laws affected African Americans
There were separate toilet facilities in public places
What is a Samaritan?
A person living in the region of Samaria in biblical times. Samaritans and
Jews disliked each other.
What is a parable?
A story used to show a moral or spiritual lesson
What is the salt march?
A peaceful protest in India regarding the Salt taxes imposed by the British
What is Lynching?
to kill someone for an alleged offence without a trial especially by hanging
What is a fact?
a thing that is known or proved to be true
What is a belief?
A belief is an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof
What is an opinion?
a view or judgment formed about something, not
necessarily based on fact or knowledge
Give two examples of a creed?
Apostle’s Creed, Fireman’s creed
What is Kamma
the law of cause and effect, where the intention behind your
actions also counts.
What is samsara?
the cycle of birth, death and rebirth
What is rebirth?
the belief that a soul substance is reborn in a new form after
your die. Your rebirth is based on your kammic merit in this life.
What is Annica?
is the concept that nothing stays the same and
everything is always changin
What is Dukkha?
Accepting that suffering exists and Suffering comes from craving thin
What is Anatta?
the idea that humans have no soul or self
What are the three poisons?
Greed, Hatred and Ignorance
What is absolutism?
the view that certain actions are good or bad.
What is relativism?
the view that whether an action is good or bad depends on the situation.
What is utilitarianism?
the theory that the best action in any situation is the one which
creates the greatest amount of good for the greatest number.
What is the hedonic calculus?
Jeremy Bentham’s way of calculating which actions are right
and wrong.