Religious Pluralism And Theology (exclusivism) Flashcards
What is religious pluralism
Refers to a variety of beliefs within a religion e.g Methodist anglicans catholics and different religious beliefs e.g island Sikhism
What two probelms does religious pluralism lead to
- epistemological problem which is the problem of to what extent are truth claims of other religions be considered true for Christianity
- soteriological problem is the problem of whether a non Christian religion or non believer can achieve gods salvation
What is the theology of religions
Theology of religions is concerned with Christianity’s theological, philosophical and practical relationships with other religions
- there are three theology of religions
- theological exclusivism
- theological inclusivism
- theological pluralism
What is the difference between a necessary and sufficient condition
- A necessary condition is one which is necessary but not sufficient for something to be the case.
E.g be a uk citizen to be the prime minister - sufficient condition is one where it is sufficient for something to be the case but not necessary
E.g having a large sum of money and no criminal record to be a us citizen, this is enough but not the only way
What question is posed in the theology of religions
What is necessary and sufficient to receive salvation
- gavin d Costa believes it is dependant on the controlling beleifs of the tradition or community
What is sola Christ us
- the controlling belief that gods grace is on,y accessible through Christ
What is fides ex auditi
True faith is only possible by hearing the gospel as witnessed in the bible and church
What is extra ecclesiasium nulla salus
The controlling belief that you need to be a member of the church to receive salvation as the church is the mediator of Christ
What is theological exclusivism
Theological exclusivism is the view that Christianity is the only means of receiving salvation
What is Bertrand’s Russell’s quote to support theological exclusivism
“ as a matter of logic, no more than one of them can be true”
- highlights the viewpoint of theological exclusivists
What are the two types of theological exclusivism
- restrictive access exclusivism
- universal access exclusivism
What is restrict access exclusivism
Restrictive access universalism is the view that salvation is only possible through fulfilling the controlling beliefs of fides ex auditu and being baptised into the church
- emphasises the sinful nature of humans and the uniqueness of Christ as the only means of salvation
What quote do restrictive access exclusivist use to support them
“ there is salvation in no one else” - acts 4:12
“ he said, I am the way… no one gets through to the father except through me” - John 4:16
What are the issues of restrict access exclusivism
- what about people who have not heard the gospel through no fault of their own, such as living in a non Christian culture or living before Christ. It would be contradictory if a just and loving god to condemn his creation through no fault of their own
How does Calvin respond to this criticism of Rae being unjust
He argues that as humans are sinful by nature, god is under no obligation to save anyone at all but though he is a must and loving god he elects those who have live righteously to live eternally in his presence
What is universal access exclusivism
Universal access exclusivism is the view that god wills the redemption of everyone
What si the difference between Rae and uae
In St Paul’s quote “in Christ god was reconciling himself with the world”
- RAE sees the world as the elect
- UAE sees the world as everyone
What is the biblical support for UAE
“ god our saviour, who desires everyone to be saved” - Timothy
What is a problem with uae
- how are those who were born before Christ or not born in Christian cultures means to be saved if they haven’t got fides ex auditu
- living a life according to conscience and natural law whilst having devotion to a non Christian god allowing them to develop sensus divinitatis can act as good preparation for the individual so they will receive the gospel when presented
Life after death
When in an intermediate state or purgatory they may receive the gospel
What is the difference between universalism and use
What is the Roman Catholic view on the theology of religions
Theological exclsuivists
What do Roman Catholics say about other religion s
“ reflect a ray of truth which can Englishmen everyone”
- other religions contain bits of the truth and should be respected hwiever these religions lack the controlling beliefs which means these religions cannot be the means of salvation
What does the RCC say in dominus Jesus
- that the ideas of theological pluralism and relativism undermine the unicity of the church and the fullness of christs salvation
Karl Barth
Karl Barth
How is Christian imperialism a weakness
- suffers from Christian imperialism as it ebleices Christianity is the truth. It can be argued this brings harm into society as over the years Christian’s have persecuted others due to different beliefs and fought wars over their beefiness
How does exclusivism contradict god
Portrays a unjust and loving god
How does the RCC lack consistency
In Vatican II, the RCC says that as other religions posses rays of truth, they can be a means of salvation
However in dominus iesus, the RCC argues for extra eccesium nulla salus
How does it wrongly judge universalism
UAE wrongly judges universalism as undermining Christian beleifs, this is wrong as universalism puts eschatological emphasis on the fact that god has love for all his creations and wants them to enter his beatific vision