Inter-religious dialogue
Communicating between people of different beliefs to build relationships, break down stereotypes and prejudices and promote peace and understanding
What are the 3 aims of IRD?
- To not convert
- To understand each other on points of tension
- Find mutual respect and co-operation, where people can understand others points of views.
Exclusivist perspective on IRD
- Bad as it doesn’t allow for conversion
- Only Christians can be saved; its wrong to pick apart other religions for partial truths
Inclusivist perspective on IRD
- Bad as it doesnt allow for conversion
- People must convert to Christ as soon as they learn about him
Pluralist perspective on IRD
- Good as it means other religions can learn from each other
- Allows them to compare their ideas of the Real, noumenal and phenomenal
Catholic Church and IRD: Redemptoris Missio (3)
- Written by Pope John Paul II
- Discusses the place of Christian missionary work in a multi-religion world
- Makes it clear Christian mission to non-Christians essential: Jesus Christ is the only way in which God is revealed
What does the Pope also recognise about Christian mission?
In a multi-religion world, Christian mission can be seen in a negative way, as intolerant or condemnatory of other religions
What is the purpose of Redemptoris Missio?
To show how catholic christians can be missionaries for their faith while still respecting religious, cultural diversity and people’s freedom of choice
“Dialogue with our brothers and sisters of other religions” (3)
- Pope considers how IRD might work alongside the missionary requirement for Christians to encourage others to turn to Christ
- IRD should be seen in context of Christian mission as one of its expressions to convert people
- IRD and mission can work together but shouldn’t be confused- each has its own distinctive aim and nature
What do Christians have a duty to emphasise according to Pope?
That the way to salvation is through Jesus Christ
Redemptoris quote about dialogue
“Dialogue should be conducted and implemented with the conviction that the Church… alone possesses the fullness of the means to salvation”
4 Strands of IRD according to COE
- Dialogue of Daily Life: informal conversations
- Dialogue of the Common Good: working together to benefit the community
- Dialogue of Mutual Understanding: formal debates like Scriptural Reasoning
- Dialogue of Spiritual Life: meetings for prayer and worship
What does “Sharing the Gospel of Salvation” reaffirm?
The Christian message that God’s plan for the salvation of the world is uniquely achieved in Jesus Christ
What does “Sharing the Gospel of Salvation” mean for Christian action? (2)
- Christians should “go beyond tolerance into positive engagement and dialogue” (realise that most people don’t want to be pressured into change)
- They shouldn’t judge but should let people take their time and be open to explaining what Christianity means to them
What are the Scriptual Reasoning Movement’s aims?
- To present an opportunity for committed religious people to engage in debate and IRD without undermining or threatening anyone’s beliefs
- To help an understanding of difference and conflicting religious truth claims
What is the SRM’s goal?
To get beyond the superficial and look into the different ways that apparently similar beliefs are looked at in their own contexts
What are the agreements of the SRM? (3)
- SR meetings shouldnt be places where people feel under pressure to change their beliefs
- Participants need to agree meetings shouldnt be used as a context for missionary work
- Participants are discouraged from trying to speak for their whole religion