Biological sex
Determined by physical attributes, such as chromosomes, sex organ and hormone levels
Refers to a more sophisticated relationship between:
- someone’s physical characteristics
- the way people choose to behave
- the way they percieve themselves
What is gender identification and gender expression often heavily influenced by?
The ways society expects its members to behave and feel
The process by which people learn cultural norms
Who contributes to our socialisation?
- Our parents, siblings, peer group and other members of our society
What has socialisation traditionally put emphasis on in Western Culture?
The distinction between male and female
(as a result trad views on gender deeply embedded in Western cult.)
What is a patriarchal society?
A minority of men tend to hold most of the postions of power in government and in the workplace
How are patriarchal societies organised and what do they offer?
- Organised in ways that allow men to hold onto the power
- Offer ways of looking at the world that are from a male perspective, expressed through male voices
How did Aquinas support patriarchy? (2)
- Argued that women are inferior to men in physical strength and intelligence
- Used the word ‘defective’ when describing women to men- that they were created to be inferior to men
1) Men created directly
Plato quote supporting patriarchy
“It is only men who are created directly by the gods and are given souls”
How did Aristotle support patriarchy?
- Argued that reproduction is male centred as they produce the semen; women are merely recievers of the life-giving force.
- As they were unable to produce semen, he considered women as infertile and defective
Higher, lower, rules and ruled
Aristotle quote on patriarchy
“The relationship between male and female is… that the male is higher, the female is lower that the male rules and the female is ruled”
Men vs Women
According to patriarchal society
- WvsM= emotional vs rational
- Men- better suited to making important decisions
- Women- better suited to caring roles- looking after children and elderly
Feminist movement
A term to encompass a range of diff beliefs and ideologies that share the aim of improving rights and opportunities for women
The name given to a wide range of beliefs that seek freedom for women
Why do some feminists argue changes needed to be made within the structure of Christian practice, worship and leadership?
To give women more equality with men
Some feminists argue religious worship should focus on God as feminine? How would this come about?
Using language of motherhood rather than fatherhood
Why do some feminists argue that Christianity and other religions are completely incompatible with feminism?
Religion is a social construct that is heavily intertwined with patriarchy and they argue that feminists should abandon religion together
How do traditional gender roles link to Christianity
Some Christians argue that the diff skills men and women have mean that women shouldn’t take roles, such as priests, where they represent Christ (Eucharist)
Why do the Catholic and Orthodox church not ordain women to the priesthood
They argue Jesus chose to come into world as man and so therefore only a man can represent him in the sacraments
How does the Church of England and United Reform Church challenge Catholic and Orthodox Church?
They have ordained women as well as men, arguing that God calls people to ministry without gender discrimination
What is the traditional Christian teaching on the roles of men and women in family and society
God created men and women in order that they should have different, complementary roles
M + W created to have diff roles
What do Christians believe about this traditional teaching (2)
- Some believe this teaching sets an ethical standard that’s appropriate for all time
- Others think it needs to be reinterpreted to keep Christiantity relevant for modern society
What book of the Bible is often used to support the view that men and women were always meant to have different roles?
Genesis: the creation story
What does humanity being created in God’s own image suggest?
That both male and female in some sense reflect nature of God and neither sex is superior to another
Undermine being made in God’s own image
What has the view that Adam was created first been used to justify?
- Eve was created to be Adam’s helper so this has been used to justify that the proper role of a woman and wife is a companion for a man
What views are supported by Eve succumbing to temptation first?
- That women are weaker willed than men and more likely to give in easily when challenged
- Men should take lead in decision-making and not let their opinions to be swayed by women
Ephesians 5:21-33 Context
Society was patriarchal: father was head of family and had complete rule of household
How does Ephesians 5:21-33 emphasise trad gender roles?
Husband should be in control and wife should submit to his authority
Ephesians 5:21-33 Quote for wives
v22: ‘Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord’
How does Ephesians 5:21-33 subvert trad gender roles?
Husband needs to love his wife in the way Christ loves the church and should be self-sacrificing for his wife
Ephesians 5:21-33 Quotes for husbands (2)
- v21: Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. (not 1 sided relationship)
- v25: Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
Motherhood and parenthood
How does modern secular society present challenges to Christian belief
- Questioning patriarchy and equal rights to power
- People living in non-trad families
What is Pope John Paul’s letter called and what is it about?
- Mulieris Digniateum
- It is about the subject of the dignity and rights of women
What was the intention of Mulieris Dignitatem and what was it in response?
-To clarify the Catholic positon on issues raised by feminists
- Was in response to accusations that the church was sexist and promoted injustice by denying women same right as men
What was Pope John Paul’s position on gender roles?
Men and women have diff complementary characteristics given to them by God
What did the Pope want to emphasise?
That a woman’s role as a christian is a role that have to be respected
What is the turning point of human history and how was it made poss according to pope?
- TP: God coming to earth as Jesus Christ, made possible by a woman who freely chose to be the mother of God
- Mary recognised the call to service and responded to it
What are the “two particular dimensions of the fufilment of the female personality” exemplified by Mary?
Virginity and motherhood
What does motherhood enable a woman to be according to the Pope?
Self giving as she has a ‘special openess’ to the new person that will be her child
Why does the Pope write that women are “naturally disposed to motherhood”?
A woman’s personality is such that she us more capable of attending to the needs of others than a man is
What does the Pope write about parenthood? (2)
- Shared by hubby and wife but hubby “owes a special debt to the woman”
- A child’s upbringing “should include the contribution of both parents”- doesnt say this should be an equal contribution
The Pope on womanhood
- Uses word passive to say a pregnancy is something that takes place in a woman rather than something that a woman actively does
What does the Pope say through using the example of Mary? (2)
- Through Mary’s obedience to God’s will, God is able to begin a new relationship with humanity
- In this way, women safeguard and pass on word of God because every human being in the world comes into it through the “threshold” of motherhood
The Pope on Childbirth (3)
- Pain of childbirth is result of og sin that also allows women an insight into mystery of suffering of Christ
- Women, according to pope, better at coping with suffering than men but also more sensitive
- Plus, suffering of childbirth immediately forgotten with joy of recieving newborn
What does Christianity teach about women? (2)
- They have special dignity due to their capacity for motherhood and their unique ability to bring next gen into world
- Women are not to be treated in a degrading and disrespectful way- no one would be here at all without existence of motherhood
Why is family difficult to define in contemporary modern society? (2)
- Can have a different meaning in different contexte.g extended vs immediate family
- Some unrelated people might consider themselves part of the same familye.g unmarried couple with kids from previous relationships who all live together
Traditional Christian teachings on Family
- Often assume that a family consists of two parents- one male, one female- and their children
What do sociologists understand the function of family as?
A social unit that provides protection and socialisation for its members, sharing tasks such as earning money, preparing meals and raising children
What is the best context for raising children according to Christians?
Marriage (many assume this to mean hetero marriage)
Why is marriage important according to Christianity? (2)
- Ordained by God- therefore, not just a social convention but something that God designed and intended when humanity was created
- It’s a special relationship given to humanity as a gift from God and is something that requires some serious thought
Divorce in Christianity (2)
- Some denominations accept divorce as they emphasise the importance of forgiveness and opportunities to make a fresh start
- Other denominations such as the Catholic Church do not recognise possibility of divorce
Why do most non-religious feminists believe that women should have access to both contraception and abortion?
In order to have the choice of avoiding unwanted pregnancy
Abortion + Contraception
Why do some Christians oppose these?
Abortion: They see it as the destruction of a god-given human life
Contraception: Catholic Church oppose use of this as it opposes God’s plan
Christian teaching on sex- why may some oppose this?
- Should take place within marriage- children are gift from god
- Could be considered old-fashioned as it restricts right of adults to enjoy sexual freedom
Christianity on homosexuality (3)
- For many Christians, homosexuality is “unnatural”
- Some accept it but feel “marriage” is wrong word to use for legally binding commitment for same-sex couples- marriage is ordained by god between man and woman
- Others are happy to accept same-sex marriages in same way they accept hetero as they argue that love comes from God and couples should be supported by Christian church if they want to make public commitments to each other