Religious Laungage Flashcards
How is the use of language as a concept for God a limitation?
When using physical terms to define God we attribute God with worldly existence, however we cannot use such terms as god is above and beyond our existence.
Metaphysics also cannot be used to talk about god as famously put by Hume it is not good enough.
What Is the challenge to religious texts and pronouncements as unintelligible.
Once religious language goes on to describe divinity that are worshiped in temples and teachings related to an afterlife, suddenly what is being communicated is neither understandable or relatable.
What is the challenge to religious language as a not shared bas of experience.
Language is inherently problematic on the basis that ; it not communicating ideas that can be agreed upon by all possessing empirically knowable truth.
Our language is experience based and there is no common shared universal experience of God.
What Cognitive and Non Cognitive language.
Cognitive language - language that is empirically justified and based, cognitive language can be verified and falsified.
Non Cognitive language - Language that is not falsifiable and verifiable as it is not based on empirically sound information.
What is Logical Positivism?
Logical Positivism - A philosophical movement that grew as a group of philosophers known as the Vienna circle,
and their task was the reduction of knowledge to basic scientific and logical formulations.
1. Anything outside of basic logical ad scientific tethers, is dismissed as meaningless as they are unverifiable.
2. What remains are tautological (self explanatory) statements and statements, that could be verified by observations from sense experience.
What is verification? And what limitation did I suggest that verification had in terms of logical positivism.
To verify something is the show something to be true and authenticated by some form of testimonial evidence The logical positivists view scientific knowledge as a paradigm of knowledge since it had proved successful and resulted in agreed knowledge.
Tautological statements mathematical statements synthetic statements analytic statements are all statements that are considered to be empirically evident.
What is falsification?
an alternative view of being able to verify a statement in order to render it meaningful the concept the falsification took almost an opposite view. the concept of falsification stated that for something be meaningful there had to be evidence which account against the statement if this was possible than what was spoken about clearly had an empirical meaningful bases to it.
Most of religion is unfalsifiable as they do not allow any argument against it furthermore language such as talking about a deity is unfalsifiable and non-cognitive.
What are the criticisms of verification.
1 “the meaning of a statement is its method of verification” this statement in itself is not a logical obvious no supported by empirical evidence thus the statement is not verifiable a self-defeating principle is not the bedrock upon which a principal criterion for establishing the meanings of language.
- I recognise that the initial criteria for the verification principle did not take into account historical statements or even universal scientific statements as meaningful further undermined its usefulness.
- John Hick argued that the fact the Christian concept of God was very verifiable in principle. using his parabola journey to the celestial City take demonstrated that whilst of knowledge of the existence of the Christian God may not be immediately verify and practice there’s a possibility that it can be verified in the future after death eschatological verification.
What is Richard hair criticism of falsification.
suggested that the concept of meaningless came from the impact that a belief had an individual not for me empirically verifiable no falsifiable nature of belief. Coined blik which is a way to describe looking at our lives and experiences and propose that a blik had the power to radically affect our behaviour and relationship in this sense the blik was meaningful and even if it could not be falsified.
What is basil Mitchell’s criticism of falsification?
basil Mitchell suggested to flew that he had fundamentally misunderstood the religious believers perspective when flew stated that religious believers allowed nothing to count against their beliefs. he stated that religious believers are frequently faces challenges to their belief and with evidence that seems to be country to their beliefs. it was a matter of faith as to how the individual dealt with those challenges but it’s not true to say that such evidence had no impact on the religious believer.
Mitchell’s point therefore was that such beliefs constituted trial of faith but test for the religiously held the beliefs that individual had.
What is criticisms of falsification by Richard swinburne.
Richard swinburne noted that there were plenty of instances where the human language was used in ways which were accepted as meaningful by people even without the empirical evidence to support this. just because my dear cannot be falsified does not necessarily mean that it should be automatically discounted meaning this we may not be able to disprove something but that does not mean that such a thing does not actually happen.
Beliefs that such things do happen despite a lack of evidence should be taken and held as meaningful.
What is the proportion of attribution by Thomas Aquinas?
Aquinas recognise that language was often using two ways univocal and equivocal. when languages used universally it is used in the sense that there is some term that means the same thing whatever the context.
No going to be used equivoque any was where it was using the sense that there’s the same term that has completely different meanings according to the context in which it is used.
clearly neither of these uses of language were helpful for the believer and trying to gain a deeper insight into the nature of God Aquinas therefore settled on the use of analogy as a middle ground because on one hand it was accepted that part of what was being spoken about was in perfectly understood and what it is based on his understood.
What is a creditors analogy of proportion?
Aquinas considered that the universe was inhabited by different orders of things is what I Rocco in the sense of status so for example God will be above all creation. therefore each other presents particular characteristics which are appropriate to to its status even though the same adjective may be applied.
For instance what it means for a human to be intelligent and for an animal the human would have to be far more intelligent than the animal would have to be to be intelligentrather use the same word the features between them in relation to human of fox are different in this sense we can see the link but we understand the difference in proportion.
therefore it is possible to talk and then logically about God by making reference to human qualities to talk about God as being good made sense analogically because we understand what it means for human to be good.
What is Aquinas analogy of attribution?
it is possible to talk about God in a meaningful sense was doing analogy of attribution an attribute is a characteristic or feature that someone possesses.
Herbert Aquinas believe that these at the between tidy divinely inspired human beings can only be good because they come from God and gods goodness is that the beat which all humans have.
therefore we can talk about our goodness Innocence from God as all goodness comes from God.
What is Ian Ramsey qualifier and disclosure?
Disclosure - where something is made known where previously it was hidden or unknown.
Qualifier - where a word or phrase is used to give a deeper meaning to the model that the qualifier proceeds.
the Ramsey religious language that grew out of religious situations became revelatory in the sense that the religious experience with various he referred to as disclosures moment where the person was often able to grasp an understanding of the Divine.
Clever on their own they are still insufficient way to properly refer to God which is why Ramsay believed he need to make use of qualifiers words or phrases that could be added to these earlier terms in order to provide them with the quality and sense that they were greater than what was normally represented.
What are the challenges of analogies as the use of religious language.
- As recognised by Hume and analogies only as good as the point at which the two things being compared as similar, the issues of religious language which was central the concerns raised by the Vienna circle is what do we mean when we use the word god.
- Both Aquinas and Ramses seem gods existence and with an assumption then their sessions regarding allergy have some weight however werevdismiss the assumption then we went with serious philosophical issue as far as another just religious language is concerned without the existence of God there can be no comparison
- Even if we accept their assumptions, means the best hope we can have using language about God is he using eqivocally then the words are different takes us back to hume
How can the views of Aquinas and Ramsey be used to help understand religious teachings.
religious teachings Express the religious language can often be seen a pig from the perspective an outside tradition however considering the idea that there is a connection between a credit card and human creation means suitable point of reference can be drawn between the two and therefore not meaningless.
Ramsay’s models help the disclosed divine attributes and qualifiers that make a sense of impossibility of actually describing god assist religious believers in understanding how it is possible to talk about things which relate to God.
What are the two non-cognitive symbolic representations of religious language and what are their functions by John Randall?
Myths and symbols,
Symbols are rich in meaning and therefore can be interpreted in very different ways. understanding the functions of religious symbols has long been a matter of interest for those individuals and groups who wish to find deeper meaning in the pictures and words are pointed out very hard to being a human.
John Randall took up your academic journey to explore not only have religious language carries meaning knowledge but also how this form of communication both different and sheds similarities to other disciplines.
led him to realise that the great Christian thinkers of the early church such as agustin who were influenced by Greek philosophers so philosophy the central recognising the twin pillars of faith and reason.
Religion was not independent of man’s second knowledge and believe that all religions were mythology if such symbols held and contain any truth randomly that this was not the truth of factual statements.
I further believe that religion gave humans a valuable insight into what it means to exist the human being in the universe religious symbols of the clear primary role in a non common sense to provide a function described as a revelation of Truth.
also do distinction between symbols used in scientific fields and symbols of art and religions he believes scientific symbols saved a completely different functions to the symbols for an art religion.
What did Paul tillich say about religious language as non cognitive and symbolic.
Following Maslow’s hierarchy of needs till it also saw need for spiritual concerns these concerns led to his humanity ultimate concern.
Tillets pointed out 6 characteristics of symbols as follows
1. Symbols point beyond themselves to something else.
2. Symbols participate in the reality of that which they point.
3. Symbols open up levels of reality that are otherwise close to us
4.Symbols and lock dimensions and elements of our soul that correspond to the dimensions and elements of reality
5. Symbols cannot be produced intentionally.
6. Symbols like the living beings grow and die.
for tillage therefore the language of symbols was the language of power.
What are the challenges including weather symbols adequate or gives right insights.
- firstly Randall recognises at the language of symbolism as non-cognitive and as such symbolic language has not provide information that empirically knowable, this immediately put it at odds with the conclusions of the Vienna circle.
- Paul Edwards criticised to his work as he noted that tillich himself recognises the inability to Express in literal terms anything meaningful about God. “ it does not automatically tell us what he does me know whether in fact he means it at all” (tillich)
- Another point where symbol cannot be adequate is if symbols change over time symbols changing mean that one is not just earlier symbol but it’s also ordering something even more fundamental and that is the association of the symbol. Insight changes over time and the fundamental significant meaning is meaningless.
How can vanderlande tillage be used to help understand religious teachings?
as Randall progresses his work that I did it symbols at able to convey knowledge about the world become the central theme not knowledge in the cognitive sense but in an almost intuitive sense, where insight is gained and truths about the world revealed does it can be argued by understanding symbols we led a greater understanding of religious beliefs and their associated teachings.
for tilich the key in his work was to show how symbols could point beyond themselves and lead they believe it to the ultimate concern by participating in the reality of which it is pointed the symbol illuminate the meaning of the object or idea that it represents and provides inside that would never be possible to other means.
However neither Randall note religious views are university accepted some believe the religious beliefs and teachings should be understood purely symbolically on a non-cognitive as potentially offensive as it suggests that there is no basis in objective reality.
Outline how we cannot dismiss myths and how understanding mythical language is essential to understanding myths
Dismissing this as simplistic is factually incorrect as Mr require interpretation but to do so requires care. Ms exist in all human cultures the very fact that this is so demonstrates the value that they have for all societies.
understanding mythical language is essential in helping us to understand those myths however studying myths and the language they are written in as a matter of interpretation therefore on with the best knowledge that we have it should be remembered that these interpretations are not always definitive. Mr a complex form of literature and can be interpreted in subjective or objective ways.
What are the challenges to myths and problems associated with them.
- If we consider any myth is meaningful and that would presume that the integrity of the myth was preserved by this we mean that to consider them is revealed in certain truths we have to rightly except those insights and truths to have energy worth preserving and even sharing.
- however what happens when another miss stakes a claim to competing truths or competing values does this channel the meaningfulness of the original myth.
- the value of mythical language and therefore meaning will inevitably change as that is a society change and therefore the meaning for this form if could completely disappear and if it was that meaningful this wouldn’t happen.
What is Ludwig Wittgenstein language game?
stated that language was meaningful tattoos that use it within their own form of Life / language game such as a builder will know what a wrench etc is but no one person may not know but agree with their description.
The consequential theory of truth is known as a realist position
the Wittgenstein it was imperative that we understand which game we are playing when we use particular forms of language if we are unable to do this then it would be inevitable that we could lead to miss understand how the particular language game is being used.
As such language in this context is understood to be non-cognitive rather than cognitive the meaning from this comes from the context with which the form of language is used and therefore provides meaning to those who participate in the game even if it is not clear what the meaning is today was outside of the game.
Once an individual understand the rule of the game they will understand the meaning of a language.
What are the challenges to wittgenstein’s theory of language games?
- Rush rhees:
- Language was about making sense to other people like following a set of protocols that are agreed upon like following the rules of the game.
- What it is possible to explain a game to someone who has never experienced again before, it is not possible to explain the concept of language to someone who has never spoken language or heard language before. this is because an explanation of language has to be given in language where as it does not apply to the explanation of games.
- in order they know what it means to play a game you need to know what people are doing when they play games however when a person uses language it is not enough to just know what they are doing you also need to be able to understand it
- Is that each language game has its own rules which are pertinent to it and which do not extend in their entirety to any other game if so then would suggest that is not be possible to communicate an entirely meaningfull way between different two uses of different language games.
- finally the word God has no objective meaning than how can we talk meaning for the about God many religious believers would have said that the word God has a definite cognitive meaning and would struggle to accept anything else suggest that we can send the language game seem to not allow for an adequate meaning of the word god.
What is a direct quote from Hume talking about divinity on metaphysics?
” permit it then to the flames for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion “
What is a direct quote on a Vienna circle outlining how to analyse philosophical problems?
” logical analysis is the method of clarification of philosophical problems and makes and extensive use of symbolic logic and distinguishes the Vienna circle empiricism. “
What is a direct quote from schlick outlining verification.
” when are we sure that the meaning of a question is clear? obviously if and only if we are able to exactly describe the conditions in which it is possible to answer yes. “
What is a direct quote from higher on verification or falsification.
” a further distinction we must make is between strong and weak sense of attain verifiable. “
What is the example he gives of a quote as the criticisms of verification
” all the time one of them things his journey as a pilgrimage to The celestial city and interpret the pleasant parts as encouragements and obstacles has trials the other believes none of this and sees his journey as an unavoidable and a little ramble. “
What is a quote from swinburne on his criticisms of falsification.
” the trouble is however that there are plenty examples of statements which some people judge to be factual which are not apparently confirmable or discomfortable through observation “