Religious experience Flashcards
What are the key issues for this topic?
Can the R.E be empirically tested?
Should people be believed?
Are they proof of God’s existence or do they support belief?
Do they support the attributes of God?
For Otto, what are the features of a numinous experience?
A realisation that God is incomprehensible (mystery). One might meet God and see his work but will never fully understand God.
God is recongnised as being of ultimate importance.
During a religious experience God will be both attractive and dangerous. The person will feel privileged to have had the experience but will recognise that God can not be controlled.
What does James say about conversion?
Religious ideas become central. Psychology could only partly expalin conversion experiences. Fruits - the person is happier, kinder, more loving - show it is more valid - Christian support - fruits of the Holy Spirit e.g. love, joy, faith - St Paul
How does Swinburne group religious experiences?
Experiencing a normal non-religious object or event that is seen as the handiwork of God e.g. night sky
Experiencing a very unusual public object e.g. resurrection of Jesus.
Experiencing private sensations that can be described e.g. Joseph’s dream of the angel. Muhammad and the night of power
Experiencing private sensations that are not easy to describe e.g. Nicky Cruz
Non sensory experience. Can’t explain what it was in particular that made them think it was God, it just felt like it.
What does it mean to be a pragmatist?
Interested in the practical effects of a religious experience.
What does it mean to be a subjectivist?
True for the person who has experienced it, not for anyone else.
For William James, what are the four hall marks of a genuine R.E.?
Noetic, passive, transient, ineffable.
For James how does the testimony supply good evidence for the person themselves?
The sheer certainty of the testimony. Individuals were left in no doubt that they had had a religious experience. “They are as convincing to those who have them as any direct sensible experience can be”.
For James, how do the Fruits provide good evidence for the person themselves?
The fruits of a religious experience were proof. The individual becomes less selfish, calmer and more loving. This links to one of his hall marks - transciency - it has a long lasting effect.
How does the noetic aspect of a R.E. provide good evidence?
People learn noetic truths which would be difficult to learn through an ordinary experience.
If a R.E. is ineffable and passive, what does that show?
The experience is ineffable and so shows it was not an ordinary experience and has come from God. The person is passive and so that shows that God has taken control of them.
Define each of James’ hall marks.
Ineffable - can’t be explained.
Noetic - learn spiritual truths
Passive - not in control/can’t make it happen
Transcient - experience is short but effects are long lasting.
What are some general criticisms of James?
People who claim religious experiences can not be believed as they are often neurotic. People of different faiths have different experiences and portray the being that appeared to them differently so there can not be a common cause. Religious experiences are to do with emotion and so can not be empirically tested.
How does James respond to the idea tha people who have religious experiences are often neurotic?
James says that we don’t usually question the mental balance of an artist, we just accept their art. We should do the same with those reporting Religious experiences. Also, he says a neurotic person is more likely to accept the experience as it is and not explain it away, so they make good subjects for a religious experience.
How does James respond to the fact that people often see different beings?
People of different faiths will explain their experience using their own beliefs and cultural tools. It does not mean that people did not experience the same God.
How does James respond to the fact that R.Es are to do with emotion and so can not be empirically tested.
Religious experiences can be tested by their “fruits” i.e. the lasting impact.
What are some criticisms of James’ hall marks?
Some are not transient e.g. Muhammad - 26 years of revelations. Underhill - not passive - mystics put themselves in a position to have a religious experience. And are not ineffable - some are able to describe in detail what has happened to them.
What is Swinburne’s principle of testimony?
Must believe what someone is saying unless we know they have not spoken truthfully in the past.
What is Swinburne’s principle of credulity?
People do not usually hallucinate - should believe they have experienced what they say they have experienced, unless we can disprove it.
How does Mackie criticise Swinburne?
People may not be deliberately deceiving us but they could easily be mistaken.
How does Gale criticise Swinburne?
R.E’s are so different to ordinary experiences that we can not apply the same rules to decide if they are true or not.
How does Davis criticise Swinburne?
R.e’s carry too much importance to just take somebody’s word for it. They are a question of ultimate importance and so deserve investigation.
How do Martin, Davis and Russell criticise Swinburne?
Some people experience a world with no God or that God has abandoned them or even that satan is speaking to them (Russell). If we apply Swinburne’s credulity and testimony to them, we will need to believe them too and conclude there is no God.
What is a mystical experience?
A direct experience of God - perhaps hearing voices/seeing visions - a union with God where a spiritual truth is reached.
Give some examples of mystical experiences.
Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross.
What did Happold’s study conclude?
Humans have the spark of God within, must experience God rather than reason.
What does numinous mean?
Attractive and yet dangerous.
Give some examples of religious experiences?
Otto - Storm breaking a bridge over the rive rhine. Nicky Cruz. Martin Luther King. St Paul. Toronto Blessing. Pentecost. Bernadette of Soubirous at Lourdes Hadley - a drunkard - one of James’ examples.
Describe a conversion experience.
Can be mystical - marked by dissatisfaction, searching, point of crisis (sinfulness and repentance) peace, change in direction long term. E.g. St Paul, Nicky Cruz.
What is a coporate religious experience?
A group one
Give some examples of Corporate experiences.
Toronto Blessing, Pentecost, Medjugorje.
What happened at the Toronto Blessing?
Holy laughter - involves animal sounds, soaking in the holy spirit, dancing, falling backwards - inspired by Rodney Howard.
What happened at Pentecost?
Disciples praying in the top room - wind around them and flame above their heads - talking in different languages so everyone outside could understand from different countries.
What happened at Medjugorje?
Virgin Mary appeared to 6 teenagers in 1981.
What does Hank Hanegraaff say about corporate R.Es?
Argues that such phenomena are the result of mass hypnosis.
What does William Sergeant say about Corporate R.Es?
He argued that mass religious conversions are down to conditioning.
What does John White say about Corporate R.Es?
Refers to them as: learned patterns of behaviour.
What does Freud say about R.Es?
They are a projection of the human mind. A need for a father figure to get forgiveness from due to the Oedipus Complex.
What is the Oedipus complex?
When a young boy desires his mother and wants to get rid of his father. These feelings of anger are suppressed and turn into guilt towards the father when he is older.
What does Carolyn Franks Davis say about R.Es?
It may be that some of them are experienced by those who are mentally disturbed. It may be that some can be induced by drugs or stimulation of the brain. However, you can not move from saying that some can be explained in this way to all can be explained in this way.
How does Freud use the Super-ego to explain R.Es?
People believe that they hear the voice of God telling them what to do. When this happens, they are confusing the subconscious super ego with the voice of God. The superego internalises the rules from society and authority firgures. this becomes the “conscience” in humans.
How might drugs be used to expalin R.Es?
Some drugs like LSD in tests have shown that they can bring about experiences which are very similar to religious experiences - tests carried out by Pahnke in 1960-62 - 70% reported mystical experience.
What is a weakness of drugs causing R.Es?
Experiment carried by Masters and Houston found that only 3% of people on drugs reported mystical experiences.
What did Penfield show?
His experiments with 1100 people showed that by stimulating the right temporal lobe with an electric shock, patients would hear voices and having experiences very like NDE’s
In the 1980s what did Dr Persinger do?
He designed a helmet that produced a safe stimulation of the temporal lobe. He reported in over 80% of test subjects it produced a feeling of a “sensed presence”.
What did Flew say about R.Es?
If there is one God, why are all these experiences so different?
What did Greely argue?
Some religious experiences are not transient - they can last up to a year or longer