Forms of religious language - symbols Flashcards
What was the first thing Tillich said about symbols?
They point beyond themselves to something else.
What was the second thing Tillich said about symbols?
They participate in that to which they point.
What was the third thing Tillich said about a symbol?
It opens up levels of reality which otherwise are closed for us
What was the fourth thing Tillich said about a symbol?
Not only opens up dimensions and elements of reality which otherwise would remain unapproachable but also unlocks dimensions and elements of our soul which correspond to the dimensions and elements of reality.
What was the fifth thing Tillich said about a symbol?
Symbols cannot be produced intentionally.
What was the sixth thing Tillich said about a symbol?
Like living beings, they grow and they die.
How does Tillich overcome univocal problems?
As symbols point beyond themselves to something else, this shows that they aren’t exactly the same to what they are pointing to (unlike a sign)
How does Tillich overcome equivocal problems?
Symbols participate in that to which they point. Therefore they provide some information about what they are pointing to in the way they participate in it.
How does Macquarrie categorise symbols?
Convention symbols and intrinsic symbols
What is a conventional symbol?
One which has no connection with what is symbolises e.g. mathematical symbols such as +
What is an intrinsic symbol?
One which does have a connection with what it symbolises e.g. the crucifix.
What did Macquarrie say about an ‘existential response’?
Symbols provoke in us an ‘existential response’ - symbols remind us of feelings such as loyalty or awe and we can then recognise that we should have the same response to God/Beings.
What did Macquarrie say about ‘similarity of relation’?
Symbols provide us with an understanding in terms of ‘similarity of relation’ - symbols can work in the same way as analogies e.g. the shepherd is to the sheep as God is to the humans.
How does Macquarrie overcome univocal problems?
Symbols show how things are similar without being exactly the same through the similarity of relation.
How does Macquarrie overcome equivocal problems?
He argued that they convey an understanding in terms of similarity of relation, which allows them to convey some level of meaning of what they are symbolising.
Existential response - provides us with some level of understanding of what we would feel i.e. if a symbol provokes gratitude such as the crucifix, this means that we would feel gratitude in front of God.
What are some of the problems of using symbols?
Symbols could be taken too literally and fall into the univocal trap
Symbols could be subjective, so two believers could arrive at a totally different idea about God
Culturally and historically determined e.g. a king, could be kind and caring or could be power hungry depending on prior experience.
What’s the advantage of using written symbolism?
As they are in the Bible, the symbols are within context, less likely to reach the wrong conclusion
What did Bultmann say about the Bible?
Believed that it shouldn’t be read literally, so instead, the supernatural should be stripped away from the Bible in a process he termed demythologization.
What did Bultmann say about miracles?
Believers should look at what the saving message was behind the miracle (the kerygma). Jesus’s miracles are important because they give a message about human existence and that is what people should have faith in.
How does Hick support Bultmann?
In “the myth of God incarnate”, he said that the incarnation should be read as myth
What are the key issues for symbolism?
Do they overcome problems of equivocal and univocal language?
Do they promote an existential response?
Does the fact that they are used in the Bible give symbolism authority
For Randall, what are the four functions of religious language?
To arouse emotions and stir people to act, therefore strengthening commitment to belief. To stir people to work together and so binding people together. To communicate some qualities of experience. To evoke and clarify human experience of the divine.
What does Randall say about religious language?
It is non cognitive i.e. it was neither true nor false. It did not describe fact but fulfils a function. The function of religious language is to aid the function of religion which is to contribute to human culture.
What does Randall say about God?
God does not exist, God is a symbol of our ideals, values and ultimate concerns. God is a part of the human imagination and is functional, as is religion.
What does Tillich believe about all language?
Believes that all language participates in being itself.
How does Hick criticise Tillich?
He argued that Tillich never actually explains how symbols participate.
What does Tillich say about complex theological statements?
They arise out of the unconscious e.g. God is omnipotent yet it is more likely that they have come from the conscious, particularly for philosophical theologians.
What does Hick say about God becoming a function?
Hick believes that God becoming a function has come about through the growth of scientific knowledge. We apply scientific methods to truth. Hick believes that it is possible to do this with religion but not with God.
What does Hick say about the importance of the incarnation?
It is very important for giving authority to symbolism. Christians believe that Christ is God incarnate. This means that Jesus’ forgiveness is the same as God’s. As Christ used symbolism e.g. parables, and Christ is believed to be God, then this gives authority to symbolic stories and thus, a Christian can learn a great deal about God from these symbolic stories of Christ.