Religious beliefs and social change and stability Flashcards
What fundamental distinction did DURKHEIM make between?
Scared- things set apart that inspire feeling of awe, fear and wonder.
-Made special as they are symbolic
Profane- things of no special significance, ordinary or mundane.
What are totems?
Collective symbols that represent god & society.
Chosen by society and has a sacred nature due to its worshipped nature
The image of the clan
What are DURKHEIMS cognitive functions of religion?
Provides concepts and categories needed for understanding world and communicating with others.
Gives person identity and sense of belonging causing conformity
Provides communal language
Why did DURKHEIM stress the importance of collective worship?
Collective worship creates collectivism
Religion keeps society stable due to shared norms and values
Religion keeps society stable due to shared norms and values
What did DURKHEIM quote about religion?
‘Primitive man comes to view society as something sacred because he is utterly dependent on it’
What did MALINOWSKI say religion provides?
At a time of crisis religion can provide a source of comfort, explanation and meaning.
Events could otherwise threaten social stability and solidarity.
What were Functionalist PARSONS views on religion?
Provides and underpins core values of any culture, and norms regulate behaviour
Provides mechanism of adjustment (help with change)
- means of emotional adjustment
- way to return to some sense of normality
What did Functionalist BELLAH say about religion?
Religion unites people
American ‘melting-pot’ approach to society
American society is overarching civil religion based on belief system that attaches sacred qualities to society
What is a civil religion?
Religion of the people
Expressed by pledges- allegiance to flag, singing national anthem
Why does MALINOWSKI believe death is the most ‘socially disruptive’?
It removes a member from society
Role individual plays is no longer being fulfilled
Threatens social solidarity
What was MARX’s view on religion?
Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiments of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions.
It is the opium of the people
What is MARX’s view on religion?
Religion is like a drug that soothes pain and distorts reality
Makes life bearable
It stupefies people rather than bring them true happiness and fulfilment
How can MARX & MALINOWSKI compare?
Marx: religion drugs you in false sense
Malinowski: positive improves life
Both believe is prevents revolution
What is the Marxist view on religion and compensation?
Legitimises inequality
God creates and ordains social structures
Social arrangements appear inevitable
Those at the bottom accept/ come to terms with their situation
What was Marxist LENIN’s view on religion?
Religion is a kind of spiritual gin
Slaves of capital drown their human shape and claims to a decent life
Numbs pain for proletariat- no awareness of exploitation
What is an example of how religion legitimises power of the ruling class?
In the Church of England
Archbishop of Canterbury -> Bishops -> Priest -> followers
What is the Marxist view on religion and compensation in virtue of suffering?
Religion emphasises the idea that life can be full of suffering
Being poor with dignity will be rewarded in heaven
Heaven repays life
What is the Marxist view on religion and compensation with existential security?
Religion arises where people lack economic security
Poor countries with life threatening risk tend to be more religious
What is the Marxist view on religion and compensation with promises of an afterlife?
Christianity offers the promise of ‘salvation from bondage’ in the afterlife
Makes life on earth more bearable
What are the criticisms of the Marxist view of religion?
Religion can act as a radical force- liberation theology challenges ruling class power
There’s religion in communist countries- USSR
Functionalists- ignores positive benefits of religion
Secularization- religion declined, no longer needed to maintain ruling class power
What does Marxist ENGLES believe about religion?
Religion doesn’t always act as a conservative force
Oppressed groups may use religion to get freedom
It could become a force for change by uniting oppressed groups and giving common set of belief
What is the Hajj?
Muslim pilgrimage
Celebrating sacrifice
What does Neo-Marxist GRAMSCI believe about religion?
Religion promotes ruling class ideology
Persuades masses everything is fair- through superstructure
Church isn’t owned by state
- independent so gives empowerment for change
Church encourages people in oppression to revolt
What does Neo-Marxist MADURO say about religion?
Uses idea of liberation theory- power and wealth should be redistributed from rich to the poor
Relative autonomy- some independence from state
Religion isn’t always a conservative force- can be revolutionary
What example does Neo-Marxist MADURO give for the liberation theory?
Catholic church sided with bourgeoisie & right-wing dictatorship
Church gave little support to trade unions, opposition parties
Priests began to speak up for interests of poor
What does Neo-Marxist MADURO say about grievance and religion?
The church can provide guidance for the oppressed
How are places of worship patriarchal ?
Separate rooms for prayer
‘Women must remain silent in church’
- Old Testament, Bible
How are sacred texts patriarchal?
Bible is written by men
Qur’an cannot be touched while women are pregnant/ menstruating
What did ARMSTRONG say about religion and feminism?
Religion hasn’t always been patriarchal
Early history- women considered central to spirituality (Great Mother Goddess)
1750BC- importance of goddess declined as male god Marduk replaced as dominant figure of religion
What did SAADAWI say about feminism and religion?
Religion is patriarchal
Religion is not oppressive itself
Male dominance of religion is patriarchal due to rise of monotheistic religion
Scriptures are interpreted/ written by men
What did WOODHEAD say about feminism and religion?
Religion is not always patriarchal
Women use religion to gain freedom and respect
Used as symbol against oppression
Means to escape confines of home and enter education/ employment
What does HOLM say about feminism and religion?
Public sphere of religion men always dominate
Private sphere women dominate and do most care of children into religion
What does HOLM mean by the public and private sphere?
Public- important positions are held and public announcements are made
Private- socialization of children into a religion within family
What does SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR say about feminism and religion?
Religion is an instrument of male domination
Men control religious organisations, claim authority comes from god
Religion gives women false belief suffering will be rewarded in heaven
What was WEBER belief in the protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism?
Predestination already occurred
‘the elect’ chosen for heaven
Salvation panic occurred as it was unknown whether you were being saved or not
People lives an ascetic lifestyle involving abstinence and self-discipline which led to the protestant work ethic
Reinvest profits in technology- led to massive social and economic changes
What is calvinism?
Protestant religious movement in 16th century
Influential in development in capitalism
Ascetism and predestination
Who believes the protestant way of life has led to the growth and stability of capitalism?
What is the protestant work ethic?
The value attached to hard work
Signs of an individuals eternal salvation
What are some of the criticisms of WEBER?
Scotland, Switzerland, Hungary were strongly Calvinist but were not first areas to become capitalist
Capitalism predated and cause Protestantism
Calvinism was linked to capitalism as individuals were banned from many other professions
What did WEBER believe?
Believes religion is a force for social change
Indirect effects of the belief in predestination led to protestant work ethic
Reinvestment and pursuit of profit only came after Protestantism
Protestant beliefs came before capitalism
In the story of Adam and Eve, God says…
Supports patriarchy
It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him
What was Malinowski example of religion in the Trobriand islands?
Religious rituals performed before islanders went fishing in canoes in dangerous and unpredictable deep sea water
No religious rituals when they fished in relatively calm and safe inland lagoons
How is 9/11 an example of religion causing social change?
by Islamic organization Al Qaeda
Significant changes in US foreign policy