Religious attitudes towards Death and the Elderly Flashcards
What is Sanctity of Life?
Christian and Muslim belief that all life is a sacred gift from God.
What is Quality of Life?
The measurement of fulfillment.
What is Death?
The end of life, which can be determined in several ways but normally when the brain stops functioning.
What is Heaven?
A state of being with God after death (Christian and Muslim).
What is Hell?
A state of being without God (or with the Devil) after death (Christian and Muslim).
What is Purgatory?
A time of spiritual cleansing and preparation for Heaven (Catholic).
What is Reincarnation?
Being born again in another form. (Sikh and Hindu).
What is Rebirth?
Continuing life in another form (Buddhist).
What is Ageism?
Prejudice and discrimination against the elderly.
What is Euthanasia?
Inducing a painless death, by agreement and with compassion, to ease suffering. Not legal in the UK but legal in Holland.
What is Voluntary Euthanasia?
A person gives consent to die.
What is Non- Voluntary Euthanasia?
A person is not able to give consent to die (Coma, Child, Paralysed).
What is Passive Euthanasia?
When the patient dies because the medical professionals either don’t do something necessary to keep the patient alive, or when they stop doing something to keep a person alive (switch off life-support machines, disconnect a feeding tube, don’t carry out a life-extending operation, don’t give life extending drugs).
What is Active Euthanasia?
When the medical professionals, or another person, do something that causes a person to die (lethal injection, administer a deadly amount of drugs).
What is Assisted Suicide?
A person gives another person the means (e.g. lethal drug) to end their own life. Illegal in UK but legal in Holland and Switzerland.