Religions in South Africa Flashcards
What are the major religions in South Africa?
Baha’i Faith
African traditional religion
What is religion?
A war of believing in God or gods. Usually has certain customs and tradition.
What is the symbol for Christianity? Why?
Symbolizes that Jesus died on the cross
What is the symbol for Baha’i? Why?
Nine pointed star
The number 9 represents completeness
What is the symbol for Buddhism? Why?
Wheel with eight spokes
Symbolizes the 8 things that all Buddhists must do
What is the symbol for Judaism? Why?
6 pointed star
Symbolizes the start of David
What is the symbol for African Traditional Religion? Why?
Because it is used in many rituals
What is the symbol for Islam? Why?
Crescent moon and star
Because phases of the moon mark their calendar
What is the symbol for Hinduism? Why?
Aum (30 with for on top)
Symbolizes the sound Hindus chant at the beginning and end of their prayers
What is a symbol?
A mark/sign/picture that has special meaning
What are rituals?
Ceremonies that we perform (usually as part of a religion)
Describe the African traditional religion (5 points)
Believe in
• god that created the life and earth,
• nature spirits in animals, water and earth
• ancestors (spirits of people who have died, they communicate between people and god)
• No book
• rituals
Describe Buddhism (5 points)
• founded by Bhuddha (Siddharta Gautama) in India
They believe
• there is no god
• people can bring their own freedom /peace by letting go of wanting things
• people must love others and be kind
• reincarnation (when someone dies, they reborn as someone else) & enlightenment
Describe the Baha’i Faith (6 points)
• Started by Baha’u’llah, died in 1892
• pray every day
They believe:
• one god who created the universe
• in all religions
• people should put aside their differences & unite
• most important teaching children spiritual
Describe Hinduism (5 points)
• began in India
• one God called Brahman who appears in different shapes/forms and rules over many lesser gods
• teach all living things should be loved not harmed
• most are vegetarian
• believe that when they die they come back in a different form
Describe Judaism (4 points)
• in one God
• You must follow God’s laws (treat each other fairly)
• each person is made in God’s image
• book: Tanakh (Old Testament), of which the 5 Books of Moses (Torah) are a park
Describe Islam (4 points)
•Followers of Islam are Muslim.
Believe in
• one God called Allah
• holy book is the Qur’an
• main prophet Muhammad born in Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
What is the religion that joins Christian teaching with traditional African beliefs?
African Christian churches eg.
• Zionist Christian church (Moria on Limpopo)
• shembe church in KZN (Zulu)
What do Jewish people celebrate at pass over and how do they celebrate?
To celebrate that they escaped from Egypt (the exodus)
They eat
• grated apple with nuts & spice (reminds them of cement slaves used in Egypt)
• flat bread (no time for yeast and rising dough)
• bitter herbs (reminds them of bitter time in Egypt)
• hard boiled eggs with warm salt water (reminds them of the tears cried in slavery)
Where do Muslim worship?
How often do Muslims pray? Describe their prayer traditions.
• 5 times a day
• A muezzin (or bilal) calls them to prayer from the mosque’s tower (minaret).
• 10 minutes
• Men pray in mosque, women separately.
• they face Mecca
• The kneel down with face on the floor
Where do Jewish people worship?
Describe the synagogue?
• Entrance hall with steps
• Opposite the entrance is a special cupboard with the Torah
• Women sit upstairs in the gallery
• Men sit downstairs
What is the leader in a Jewish service called?
Where do African traditionalists perform ceremonies?
Near their homes.
If important, then they go back to the rural area they came from.
Where do Hindus worship ?
In a temple or in their homes (where they have a shrine or prayer place; with statues and pictures of their gods/goddesses, lamp, incense burning