Religion Unit test Flashcards
C1. Define: Eternal life
Living joyfully in grace and friendship with God in this world and in heaven after we die
C1.Define: Incarnation
The Son of God, Jesus, being born as a full human being in order to save us
C1. Abba means
Dad, or Father
C1. What does Ichthys mean
Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior
C1. Jesus’ name means
Anointed one and Messiah
C1.What is the order of the events in the Paschal Mystery
Death, Resurrection, and Ascension.
C1.When do we celebrate the Paschal Mystery
At the Eucharist
C1. What is the trinity
The Trinity is the three persons in one and is the main Catholic dogma
Jesus shows us that being fully human is to share in God’s very own life
The Old Testament tells of God’s love
C1.How do these reflect God’s goodness? Water,fire,Earth,animals, and humans
Water:The cleanest hearts of pure
Fire:The warmth of God’s heart
Earth:God’s mercy and sympathy
Animals:Creating things in good image
Humans: A being similar to himself
C2.What is scripture
The word of God written by human beings who were inspired by the Holy Spirit
C2.Who was Jesus
Jesus was the Son of Man
C2.What is tradition vs Tradition
tradition:A way of acting that has been practiced for a long time
Tradition: The Word of God passed down verbally from generation to generation, from the time of the Apostles, in Church’s teachings, Creed, and liturgy
C2.How can you better know Jesus
;Being involved in your parish community, spending time with Jesus in scripture, or learning traditions
C2.T/F Is Jesus both God and Man
C2.Who is a disciple
Everyone is a disciple
C3.How many books are there in the bible. New Testament and old Testament
73 in total, New Testament has 27, 46 in Old Testament
C3.What is an Evangelist
Proclaimers of Good news
C3.Synoptic means
Same view
C3.Who wrote the Gospels
Matthew,Mark,Luke, and John
C3.What are the Gospels writers symbols
Matthew,Mark, and Luke
C3.Who is the audience for each of the gospel writers
Matthew:Jewish Converts
Mark:Persecuted Christians
John:Christians defending their faith
C3.What are the Gospels
The 4 accounts of the life and teachings of Jesus. They are documents of faith
C3.A long speech in the Gospel is call a what
C3. The first five books of the Bible and called what
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
C4.Who were the Pharisees
Largely middle class Jews known for their love of the Torah
C4.Who were the Gentiles
C4.Who were the Scribes
Scholarly Teachers among the Pharisees
C4.Who were the Sadducees
Wealthy and powerful political leaders
C4.Who were the Sanhedrins
A group of 71 Jewish men in Judea who served as a supreme council
C4.Who were the Zealots
Freedom fighters who sometimes used violence to overthrow Romes control of Palestine
C4.Who were the Essenes
Men unhappy with the way Jewish faith was lived
C4.Who were the Publicans
Tax collectors
C4.Who were the Samaritans
The people of Samaria
C4. Who were the Romans
The people of Rome
C4.Vocab: Sabbath, Shalom, Jerusalem, Torah, Shema, Galilee, Synagogue, and Mezuzah
Sabbath: The day of rest for Christians and Jews
Shalom: Means peace
Jerusalem: the holy city for the jews
Torah: The first five books of the bible
Shema:A holy prayer for the jews
Galilee: A region in israel
Synagogue: A place for prayer and worship of God
Mezuzah: A box that holds the Shema
C4.Where is the Holy Land
C4.Where was Jesus raised
C4.Know all of the regions and rivers of the map
C5. Name the Holy Family
Mary,Jesus, and Joseph
C5. Who was present at Jesus’ birth
Mary,Joseph,Shepard’s, Magi, and farm animals
C5. Who were the Magi and what did they bring
Gold, myrrh, and frankincense
C5.Explain the infancy narratives and their authors
The infancy narratives are about stories of Jesus’ younger life and their authors explain in different lights and words.
C5.Define: Emmanuel
God with us
anointed one
Mary had no sin and was the mother of God
C5.Mary’s fiat
Marys fiat was saying yes to God
C5.The immaculate Conception
This was when Mary was conceived with the Son of God
C5.Who was the first to hear the good news of Jesus’ birth
C5.Define:The annunciation
This was when the angel Gabriel told Mary she would be the mother of God
C5.The visitation
This was when Mary went to Elizabeths and Elizabeth proclaimed that blessed is she among women
C5. The nativity
This is when Jesus was born
C5.The presentation
The presentation of Jesus in the temple shows him to be the firstborn Son who belongs to the Lord.
C5.Infancy Narratives
stories of Jesus’ conception and birth.
The Bible has never been changed from the original
C5.The Virgin Birth
This is Mary having a child even though being a virgin
C5.The assumption
Mary being taken into heaven body and soul
a set of beliefs that are organized teachings from God
C5.Who did Our Lady of Guadalupe appear to
Juan Diego
C5. What did Mary want to be built in her honor
A church
C5.Who is the “New Eve”
C5. When________ opened his cloak, what did the bishop see
Juan Diego, a picture of Mary and roses
C6.Who prepared for the coming of the Messiah
John the baptist
C6.What river was Jesus baptized in
C6.Define: Tempatation
the desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.
C6.Venial Sin
Sins that offend God but don’t destroy our relationship with God
C6.Mortal sin
A mortal sin is a sin that destroys our relationship with God
C6.Original sin
The sin that is cleansed from when Adam and Eve disobeyed God
Jesus is Priest, Prophet and King
C6.Christ means
Anointed one and Messiah
C6.The four Gospels and their stories
Matthew,Mark,Luke, and John and they tell the life of Jesus
C6.Jesus in the desert-40 days and 40 nights
C6.Devil tempted Jesus in the desert
C6.T/F Temptations are not sins
C6.Jesus’ mission
He was to bring about the Kingdom of God, in which all people live in peace and love
C6.Jesus’ baptism
He was baptized to show that he is human too.
C6.The kingdom of Heaven
The rule of God over our hearts
A person that hears the word of God and proclaims it
C6.What did the holy spirit appear as at Jesus’ baptism
A dove
People offering to sacrifice for God
A man who rules in God’s name
Matthew: Man
Mark: Lion
Luke: Ox
C6.John the baptist
Jesus’ cousin and he baptized him
C6.WHat was Jesus’ mission
To save people and save their sins and to bring people to the kingdom of God
C6.What do we call someone who speaks for God
C7.What does teacher mean
C7.Whats another name for a disciple
C7.What does Apostle mean
C7.What is the primary role of the Apostles
To share the ministry of God and to preach the Good News
C7.Who was the first Apostle
C7.What does it mean to witness
A person that has seen God’s miracles and preaches of it
C7.What did Jesus demand of his disciples
If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me
C7.Which Apostle was a tax collector
C7.Which Apostle did Jesus give the keys to heaven
C7.Which Apostle was nailed to an X shaped cross
C7.Which Apostle is the patron saint of Spain
James the Greater
C7.Which Apostle died from hanging off a pillar
C7.Which Apostles symbol is a knife
C7.Whose symbol is a cudgel or a club
James the Less
C7.Who is the patron saint of hopeless cases
C7.Who was the doubting Apostle
C7.Who was the Zealot
C7.Which Apostle is known for betraying Jesus
C7.Which apostle’s symbol is a lance
C8.The three stages of the initiation
Baptism,COnfirmation, and Eucharist
This is the period after Initiation we’re the newly Christians learn more about their faith and how to live it
Prayers against evil spirits
Petitions and Exorcisms
a Christian convert under instruction before baptism.
C8.Three sacraments of initiation
Baptism,Confirmation, and the Eucharist
C8.OCIA stands for
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
C8.Name the signs of Baptism
Water,chrism, white garment, and a candle
C8.The mixture of olive oil and balsam
C8.What is Confirmation
Strengthens the gift of the holy spirit
C8.When is the Rite of Election
The first Sunday of Lent
C8.The sacraments the chrism is used for
Baptism and Confirmation
C8.Age you have to be to be a catechumen
C8.The seven sacraments
Baptism,Confession,Eucharist,Confirmation,Holy Orders,Marriage, Anointing of the sick
C8.What does someone have to do to become a member of the Catholic Church
receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion.
C8.What is the Mystical body of Christ
The body that binds all the sacraments together
C8.What is an Inquirer
a person who asks a question or seeks to learn about something
C8.What is a sponsor
A person willing to assist the person in the OCIA process