religion semester 1 EXAM Flashcards
what is a denomination
A distinct religious grouping that exists within a major religion
describe an example of a denomination
catholicism - christianity
During early Christianity Jesus’s teachings were handed on by the Apostles as well as sacraments, and were presented in the language and culture of those it was preached to
This meant the sacraments and teachings of the apostles didn’t change, but the way in which they were expressed changes in different cultures/languages
These different ways of expression were called rites, and as a result the Catholic Church came into being
what makes the Church Catholic
- belief in the teachings of Jesus
- celebration of the sacraments
- apostolic succession: bishops will have the same
mission and spiritual gifts Jesus gave to the apostles
what was the east-west schism
Separation between East and West churches into Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic
Occurred as a result of long rising tensions between Roman Church based in Rome and Byzantine Church based in Constantinople
Occurred because of many religious and political disputes
Each church recognized their own leaders before excommunication (PopelLeo IX led Roman Catholic, Michael Cerularius led Orthodox)
what are 3 factors that led to the east-west schism
difference in theology
political disputes
difference in geography/culture
explain the factor of ‘difference in theology’ that led to the schism
filioque cause: major factor in 11th century
The dispute centered around the Trinity doctrine and whether the Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father alone or from the Father and the Son
Wording was originally “who proceeds from the Father” and Western Christians added on “from the son”
Pope Leo IX, leader of the Western Christians wouldn’t budge with his belief to add the wording into the creed
Michael Cerularius, leader of Eastern Christians refused to admit the word ‘Filioque’ into the creed,
eastern bishops accused western Pope and bishops of heresy
Both Churches forbade to use the other’s rites and excommunicated one another
explain the factor of ‘political disputes’ that led to the schism
Struggle over ecclesiastical authority in the Church, particularly regarding whether the Pope in Rome held power over the patriarchs in the East
Rome argued for primacy of the Roman Pope since 4th century
Eastern leaders honored the Pope but refused to give him the power to determine policy for other jurisdictions or to alter decisions of the Ecumenical councils
explain the factor of ‘difference in geography/culture’ that led to the schism
There were five patriarchs of religious authority: Rome, Antioch, Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem
These religious centers expanded across large distances and the East spoke Greek and the West spoke Latin, so there were difficult language boundaries and problems
Churches began to disconnect with each other, as there were 5 patriarchs that held authority across different religions
list some similarities between catholicism and orthodoxy
Share beliefs on certain core beliefs e.g. sinfulness of man, the Trinity and the physical resurrection of Christ
Both churches celebrate the 7 sacraments
Apostolic succession is extremely important and integral to both denominations
Same bible composition – 39 old testament, 27 new testament
list some differences between catholicism and orthodoxy
Orthodox believes there is no Church leader as Jesus Christ is the leader of the Church, Catholicism believes the Pope is the figure head of the Church
In Orthodoxy all bishops are equal in power and jurisdiction, Catholicism has different bishops with different jurisdiction (e.g. archbishop, diocesan bishop)
Catholicism believes marriage is an unbreakable contract and re-marriage after divorce isn’t permitted, Orthodoxy believes marriage is a union and divorce is allowed in cases of adultery
In orthodox church female deaconesses are permitted, and deacons and priests are allowed to marry before ordination, unlike Catholicism where all clergy must be male and celibate
define religious belief
a conviction about an idea central to a religion that expresses a religious truth
what is the nature of religious beliefs
Religious beliefs offer insights and understanding about life
These find expression in a variety of religious teachings and practices
list some insights and understanding that a religious belief (revelation) offers
Human beings were created to relate with their creator
By relating to him people can live a life that reflects God/participate in his plan for salvation
God created us to be in union with him/one another
God wants to restore our relationship of love/trust but often people break this through their own fault
give examples of religious beliefs
belief in revelation
belief in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
belief in the Trinity
Identify and define one religious belief
continuing and dynamic process by which God communicate personally with people
process by which every generation has come to know God personally
what is the nature of revelation
- Main purpose: enable people to share in God’s life
- We are made to know, love and serve God
- We can know God only because he reveals himself
- God reveals all truths necessary for out salvation
list 3 key features of revelation
God’s self revelation begins with creation
patriarchal covenant with Abraham and moses
Jesus Christ is the fullness of God’s self-revelation
explain the key feature of revelation “gods self revelation begins with creation”
God’s self revelation to people starts from the beginning through his creation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden
God revealed his nature, his desired relationship with humankind and his plan of Salvation
Today, people can recognise the existence of the creator when they reflect on the created universe
explain the key feature of revelation “patriarchal covenant with abraham and moses”
God revealed his unconditional love to his people over time
E.g. revealing himself to Abraham and his descendants & choosing them to be God’s own people
e.g. revealing himself to Moses and the Israelites through the Mt Sinai covenant
The process by which God has led every generation to come to know him is called revelation; it is a personal revelation of God to humanity
The principle purpose for revelation is to enable people to share in God’s life
what the key feature of revelation “jesus is the fullness of gods revelation”
The climax of God’s self-revelation is the life, death and resurrection of Jesus
Before Jesus he made his people aware that he would send one, known as the Messiah, to restore God’s kingdom
Jesus restored the kingdom of God, therefore making it possible for everyone to be free to relate closely with God through relating to Jesus
Jesus revealed that God would send the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen his followers
what informs the belief of revelation/where does it come from
Comes from the basic understanding that people were created by God and therefore created to relate with God and one another
We need to relate with God to participate in his plan for salvation because of the stain of original sin on humanity
Original sin leads to the inability of people to determine what it truly right
When people choose his faith God’s gift of grace becomes apart of us
how does the belief of revelation find expression in a religion
find expression in catholicism
Find expression in religions through teachings and practices:
- Teaching of individual faith: each follower is
allowing God to work in all aspects of their lives - Practise of communal and personal prayer and
worship: - through participating in the reading of the
Scripture, Old Testament, the prophets, through
creation as well as in the New Testament
through the life of Jesus to continue growing in
an understanding of God. - Practise of the sacraments e.g. through practise
of Baptism
what is a religious practise
A way of doing something religious, referring to a broad range of experiences that relate to many aspect of religious life.
E.g. ways of praying, styles of religious worship, specific places and rituals. These will often use religious signs and symbols.
what are religious signs and symbols
represent and convey meaning about beliefs
Signs represent and point to something else
symbols are complex, tangible items that represent reality and convey a number of meaning.
They’re used to communicate what is complex and difficult to fully comprehend.
what is a religious ritual
Use symbolic actions such as movement, gesture and words to express what is important about faith
For Catholics, rituals help people enter into the mystery of their faith.
define baptism
A religious practice that contains signs, symbols and rituals
These features of Baptism express what is important about faith and allow the community to come together to participate in the divine life of God, and thus enter into the mystery of faith.