re source analysis pt 2 Flashcards
list factors that influence people to respond to religion in a positive way
Spiritual experience
Good example given by family
Convincing explanation, evidence or reasons in favour of religion
list factors that influence people to respond to religion in a negative way
the attitude of sinful man which makes him hide from God out of fear and flee his call
influences of evil on the world
the scandal of bad example of behalf of the believers
what is the influence of religion on a person’s life
Religion can motivate people to behave in a way consistent with the way of life promoted by the religion
It can contribute to a person’s development
People may discover a powerful way to understand and respond to life and its challenges in religion
how does reconciliation apply to the lives of people
• Deepens people faith
• Provides comfort and guidance
• Desire to restore relationship
• Desire to relate to God
• Frees a person from being a slave to sin
• We become free to relate to God and others in
loving ways
what are the key features of reconciliation
Individuals confess their sins to a priest to be absolved
Purpose: Provides healing for the soul and regain the grace of God
Priests are given the authority by Jesus to forgive sins on earth in Jesus’s Holy Name
Reconciliation focuses on conversion – a continuing process of acknowledgement and turning towards God
We respond to God call to conversion by restoring our relationship with God and others
Believers who sincerely celebrate this sacrament allow the Holy Spirit to restore them to greater intimacy with God and have a greater sense of belonging in the Church
For true reconciliation 2 things are necessary:
- The genuine conversion of the individual
- The forgiveness of God
what is reconciliation
Definition: An act of prayer or self denial carried out by a person as part of their sorrow for sin and decision to turn to God and away from evil
Reconciliation is the name given to one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church and includes various rites of reconciliation.
what is the 4 step process of reconciliation
- Contrition: sorrow for sins with the firm resolve not
to commit them again - Confession: owning up honestly about sins
committed and accepting responsibility - Satisfaction: doing whatever’s possible to repair the
harm caused by sin - Absolution: forgiveness of sin by Jesus
what is the christian view of meaning and purpose
All people are called into a deeply personal relationship with God and how people respond to this call is a free choice
The purpose of a Christians life is to proclaim and share in God’s Kingdom
Christianity encourages a gospel interpretation of social justice – people’s purpose is to create justice, peace, harmony and love
Christian beliefs help people find meaning in their everyday lives
The meaning of life for Christian’s is in Jesus’s life, death and resurrection, providing a framework for answering existential questions
People receive the Holy Spirit, making them live like Jesus with generosity, gratitude and confidence