Religion, Relationships and Families Flashcards
What does the church believe all relationships should follow?
Sex should be marital. This means that sex should be saved for marriage.
Sex should be unitive. This means that sex should unite the couple and make their relationship stronger.
Sex should be pro creative. This means that sex should always be open to the possibility of creating new life-you should not use contraception.
What does marital mean?
Sex should be saved for marriage.
What does unitive mean?
Sex should unite the couple and make their relationship stronger.
What does pro creative mean?
Sex should always be open to the possibility of creating new life. No contraception should be used.
What is adultery?
When a married person has sexual intercourse with a person that is not their spouse (husband or wife).
What are the key features of Pope John Paul II’s ‘theology of the body’?
- Sex outside the marriage does not show respect or commitment to your partner.
- Sex should only occur in marriage.
- No one should be disrespected sexually (actions or thoughts).
- We are all made in God’s image and deserve respect.
What is contraception?
Deliberate, natural and artificial ways of preventing pregnancy.
What are some methods of contraception?
- condom (used as a barrier to trap male sperm).
- contraception pill (prevents women from becoming fertile).
- morning after pill (stops a fertilised egg planting in the womb).
What are some of the conditions for a valid marriage?
- The two people have to be free to marry. This means that they must not already be married to someone who is still alive.
- The two people must be getting married of their own free will.
- The two people must not be closely related to each other.
- The promises during marriage must be made when a priest or deacon is present to make the marriage valid.
What is sexual consent?
When someone gives their permission to another person to have sexual intercourse with each other.
What is marriage?
The sacrament where the couple commit themselves to each other for life.
What is an annulment?
A statement by the catholic church that there was no valid marriage in the first place.
What are examples of possible reasons for annulment?
One of the couple continued to have affairs after the marriage had taken place, which showed this person was not taking the marriage seriously.
What is the only form of birth control that the catholic church allows if it is used in marriage?
Rhythm method (Having sex on the days that the woman is not fertile).
Define cohabitation.
When a couple live together and have a sexual relationship without being married to one another.
Advantages of cohabitation are…
- No commitment has been made-you can learn more about one another.
- Don’t have to rush into things-relaxed environment.
- Can move out if things don’t work out.
Disadvantages of cohabitation are…
- Destroys a sense of family.
- Might not pursue marriage.
What catholic teaching goes against divorce?
‘Until death do us part’
What are the different types of family?
Nuclear family. One parent family. Reconstituted family. Extended family. Foster family.
What is a bible quote to support procreation?
In the bible it says “be fruitful and multiply”.
What are some catholic views on the nature and purpose of the family?
- The catholic church teaches that the purpose of family is to offer support to all members in it.
- The parents have a responsibility to take care of their children.
- The children have a responsibility to offer support to their own parents when they get older.
What is a catholic teaching on the equality of men and women?
St Paul said: “Gentile or jew, servant or free, woman or man no more-we are all one in Jesus Christ”. This shows that we are all equal despite gender or religion.
What are two catholic teachings on homosexuality?
- Homosexual relations are not acceptable as there is no possibility of creating new life.
- Homosexuals should live celibate lives (should stay virgins and never marry).
What is a view on homosexuality which contrasts with Catholic teaching?
The Church of England supports the idea of same-sex civil partnerships.