Christian: Creation Flashcards
How does ‘creation of adam’ reflect Catholic beliefs?
- God looks much older than Adam. This shows that God is ancient and eternal, while humanity is not.
- God and Adam both look powerful and muscular. This reflects the teaching that humanity is made in god’s image.
- God is shown bringing a human to life rather than any other species. This reflects the teaching that humans are unique, as they are specially created by God.
How does ‘hand of god’ reflect Catholic beliefs?
- Lines extend from God’s hand to the edge of the circle. This reflects the idea that God crested everything in the universe.
- God’s hand is large compared to the size of the cloud above it. This shows God’s greatness and power.
What are two similarities between ‘hand of God’ and ‘creation of Adam’?
- Both show that God is the creator.
- Both show that God is powerful and eternal.
Give two ways in which ‘hand of God’ shows that God is powerful.
- The large hand shows that God has power.
- The lines show that God created everything and is powerful.
What does Genesis 1 teach about the nature of God?
- God is the creator.
- God is omnipotent.
- God is transcendent.
What does Genesis 2 tell us about God and humans?
- Humans share the Spirit of God.
- God has given humans free will.
How does Genesis 2 tell us that humans share the Spirit of God?
God created Adam by breathing into his nostrils.
How does Genesis 2 show that humans are given the gift of free will?
It tells us about a man called Adam, who was put in a garden and told to eat anything he wants except from the fruit from the tree of knowledge. However, God gave him the opportunity to do so and this is free will.
What do the creation stories teach christians about stewardship?
Stewardship is important and God expects us to look after the world and take care of it on his behalf.
What does Genesis 1 state about humans?
- Humans have dignity- they are worthy of honour and respect.
- The sanctity of life is important.
What does the Old Testament tell us about?
God’s relationship with the Jews during the years before Jesus was born.
What does the New Testament tell us about?
It tells us about Jesus’ life and his teachings.
What are the four main sections in the Old Testament?
Law, History, Wisdom, Prophecy.
What are the four main sections in the New Testament?
The Gospels, The Acts of the Apostles, The Epistles, The Book of Revelation.
How is the Bible the word of God?
- God guided the writing of the bible through the Holy Spirit.
- The bible contains the word of God given by the prophets.
- The bible tells of the actions and teachings of Jesus in the Gospels.
- The Bible contains the writings of the Apostles in the Epistles.