Religion, peace and justice Flashcards
Give some of the consequences that war could bring.
- Death
- Destruction (of property and land)
- Disease
- Mental illness
What do some Christians believe that war is the result of?
Sin - the evil choices of people made in direct contradiction of God’s will
Explain in full the consequences that war could bring.
> Death - millions were killed in wars in the last century
Destruction of property and land - this makes it difficult to restart the economy of the nation after fighting
Disease - This often follows due to damage to food, water and medical supplies, which allows diseases like cholera to spread
Mental illness - for both the participants in the fighting and those exposed to attack, mental heath issues might follow.
Talk about the effect war might have on people’s mental stability.
For both the participants in the fighting and those exposed to attack, mental heath issues might follow. Some soldiers might suffer from what is called post-traumatic stress disorder, where even years later, they may have flashbacks about incidents that occurred when they were fighting.
Talk about the effect war might have on disease.
This often follows due to damage to food, water and medical supplies, which allows diseases like cholera to spread
Talk about the effect war might have on property and land.
Destruction of property and land - this makes it difficult to restart the economy of the nation after fighting
Talk about the effect war might have on population
millions were killed in wars in the last century
Give a quote/reference that back up the principle that pacifism should be followed.
Matthew 25:52b: “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword”
What is pacifism?
The belief that war and violence is unacceptable.
Complete the sentence:
Many Christians believe that war can only be fought if…
…moral principles are followed.
When do some people say that no Christian believed in fighting for the government until?
The Romans officially adopted Christianity and it became the religion of the Empire
Who came up with the Just War theory?
Thomas Aquinas, a Christian thinker
What is the Just War Theory?
a war that is better to be fought than not
What is the 6-point criteria that means a war is a Just War?
- Fought for a just/moral reason
- Controlled violence/little violence as possible used
- If greater evil would exist had the war not been fought
- Control of politicians and government instead of military
- Not excessive force used
- Only military fighting, avoid damage to property
Where in the Bible is God referenced as a warrior?
Exodus 15:3 - “The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name”
Why is the distinction between force and violence important?
Some Christians believe that violence can be justified at the national level by fighting in a war that they believe is just, they may be less willing to endorse violence in other contexts
What is the difference between violence and force?
- violence is destructive
- force might be about trying to restrict a person from behaving badly
Where in the Bible do Christians believe Jesus teaches we should avoid seeking revenge?
Jesus’ teachings on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:39, Jesus tells his followers to offer the other cheek if they are struck
Why do many Christians say that government’s use of violence should be addressed?
That abuse of another human being clearly contradicts the idea that all people are made in the image of God
What happened when Emperor Constantine accepted Christianity?
The Roman Empire began to convince Christians that they had to fight in order to protect their faith. For example, he and subsequent leaders of Christian countries have put the Cross on their shields or have seen that there is a spiritual dimension to fighting by providing priests to support the troops
What does a nuclear pacifist believe?
That the use of an atomic weapon can never be justified
Why does a nuclear pacifist believe that the use of an atomic weapon can never be justified?
Because the use of such a weapon would never be equal to the evil that needed to be defeated.
What are the Quakers also known as?
The Religious Society of Friends
What are the Religious Society of Friends also known as?
The Quakers
Do Quakers believe in violence or non-violence?
The Quakers have been committed to pacifism and non-violence as this is what they believe Jesus required
What is one of the most famous principles of the Quakers?
The Quaker Peace Testimony
Why do some Christians think pacifism to be naive?
It seems to assume that human beings can act in a selfless way, and it does not think about the sin that pervades all human beings (and their politics)
What do some people think about pacifist movements like the Christian campaign for nuclear disarmament?
Too linked to party politics which is not appropriate for Christians, they feel
What do some Christians say is the reason for war?
Sin - the evil choices people make in contradiction to God’s will
What would some Christians say about violence and war from Matthew 21:10-17 when Jesus threw the money-lenders out of the Temple in Jerusalem?
Jesus was acting in a violent manner and that sometimes violence may be justified
What happens in Matthew 21:10-17?
Jesus threw the money-lenders out of the Temple in Jerusalem
Where in the Bible did Jesus throw the money-lenders out of the Temple in Jerusalem?
Matthew 21:10-17
What is a criminal?
People who have committed a crime and can be put in prison for it
What is a conscientious objector?
When someone follows their conscience (the inner voice of God) and does not go to a specific war. He/she may use violence on another occasion if they felt it was necessary.
For what reasons might a Christian think war is wrong?
- OT teaches that peace will occur one day (Micah 4:3)
- 6th commandment = “Do not murder”
- Proverbs teach that God hates “hands that shed innocent blood”
- Jesus was a pacifist (would not follow Satan, rode into Jerusalem on a donkey showing he came in peace not a warrior)
- Message of Christmas = “peace and goodwill to all”
- Jesus taught “those who live by the sword die by the sword” when he was about to be arrested in the garden of Gethsemane
- Jesus taught “turn the other cheek” (Sermon on the Mount)
- Jesus taught “love your enemies and pray for those who hurt you” (Matthew 5:44)
- St Paul taught “Overcome evil with good”
For what reasons might a Christian think war is right?
- OT teaches “the Lord is a warrior”
- God told Saul to kill all of the Amalekites
- God helped Joshua win the battle of Jericho, told him and his men to kill everyone
- “Prepare for war” (Joel 3:9) and “Beat your ploughshares into swords”
- Sometimes you can have a Holy War to defend the religion
- Jesus used righteous anger when he challenged the money changers in the temple
The Just War Theory (St Thomas Aquinas) says it is all right to fight if it fits into what 6-point criteria?
- The government says to go to war (so started by proper authority)
- The reasons for starting the war are just/good
- If the aim or the end result of the war means that good will correct evil
- If all peaceful ways have been tried first - the war must be the last resort
- Only the right amount of force can be used
- There must be a reasonable chance of success
Give 3 examples of Christians that used non-violence and how they did this.
- Martin Luther King (against racism) used methods such as sit-ins, boycotts freedom marches and speeches
- Archbishop Oscar Romero (fighting against poverty in South America) who spent the 3 years of his time as Archbishop publicly protesting against corrupt rulers of El Salvador.
- Jim Elliot (fighting against violence of Ecuadorian tribes) was a missionary who refused to defend himself whilst trying to evangelise to an extremely violent Ecuadorian tribe. They speared him.
Give 3 examples of Christians that used violence and how they did this.
- Father Camillo Torres (against poverty in South America) who left the priesthood to join guerrillas to fight the government in an attempt to get better conditions for the poor
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer felt it was better to use violence to defeat the evils of Hitler (despite being pacifist) and so became involved in a plot to kill him (although he himself was not going to do the killing)
- Sam Childers (against LRA in Sudan) and so built a children’s orphanage in Sudan but was willing and open to using violence to protect himself and the children from the violence of the Lord’s Resistance Army and rebel groups.
Give 2 examples of peace organisations and talk about the work they do.
- United Nations:
> Tries to stop countries fighting
> Clears up land mines
> UN soldiers are not allowed to fight except in self-defense - Pax Christi
> Work for disarmament (tries to stop the arms trade)
> Education (tells people/schools about uhncleared landmines and other issues.
Give an example of a Christian peace organisation.
Pax Christi
> Work for disarmament (tries to stop the arms trade)
> Education (tells people/schools about uhncleared landmines and other issues.
Give an example of a non-Christian peace organisation.
United Nations:
> Tries to stop countries fighting
> Clears up land mines
> UN soldiers are not allowed to fight except in self-defense
Give 4 examples of Biblical teachings about peace.
- “Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” (Psalm 34:14)
- “Jesus said ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” (John 14:27)
- “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15)
- “Jesus said ‘Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9)
What is Liberation Theology?
People following the example of Jesus and setting the poor ‘free’ by any means necessary.
Give an example of a Christian involved in the Liberation Theology movement that was non-violent. Explain what this person did.
Oscar Romero: Was Archbishop of El Salvador, a dangerous violent and unfair place to live. Called for land reform and a fairer distribution of wealth - used Church radio station to speak out about the injustice going on. Set up a place where people could go for advice and allowed his church to be used as shelter. Dared to right an open letter to the US President to ask him to stop supplying the military regime of his country. Was shot by a government person.
Give an example of a Christian involved in the Liberation Theology movement that used violence.
Camillo Torres.