Religion, peace and justice Flashcards
Give some of the consequences that war could bring.
- Death
- Destruction (of property and land)
- Disease
- Mental illness
What do some Christians believe that war is the result of?
Sin - the evil choices of people made in direct contradiction of God’s will
Explain in full the consequences that war could bring.
> Death - millions were killed in wars in the last century
Destruction of property and land - this makes it difficult to restart the economy of the nation after fighting
Disease - This often follows due to damage to food, water and medical supplies, which allows diseases like cholera to spread
Mental illness - for both the participants in the fighting and those exposed to attack, mental heath issues might follow.
Talk about the effect war might have on people’s mental stability.
For both the participants in the fighting and those exposed to attack, mental heath issues might follow. Some soldiers might suffer from what is called post-traumatic stress disorder, where even years later, they may have flashbacks about incidents that occurred when they were fighting.
Talk about the effect war might have on disease.
This often follows due to damage to food, water and medical supplies, which allows diseases like cholera to spread
Talk about the effect war might have on property and land.
Destruction of property and land - this makes it difficult to restart the economy of the nation after fighting
Talk about the effect war might have on population
millions were killed in wars in the last century
Give a quote/reference that back up the principle that pacifism should be followed.
Matthew 25:52b: “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword”
What is pacifism?
The belief that war and violence is unacceptable.
Complete the sentence:
Many Christians believe that war can only be fought if…
…moral principles are followed.
When do some people say that no Christian believed in fighting for the government until?
The Romans officially adopted Christianity and it became the religion of the Empire
Who came up with the Just War theory?
Thomas Aquinas, a Christian thinker
What is the Just War Theory?
a war that is better to be fought than not
What is the 6-point criteria that means a war is a Just War?
- Fought for a just/moral reason
- Controlled violence/little violence as possible used
- If greater evil would exist had the war not been fought
- Control of politicians and government instead of military
- Not excessive force used
- Only military fighting, avoid damage to property
Where in the Bible is God referenced as a warrior?
Exodus 15:3 - “The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is his name”
Why is the distinction between force and violence important?
Some Christians believe that violence can be justified at the national level by fighting in a war that they believe is just, they may be less willing to endorse violence in other contexts
What is the difference between violence and force?
- violence is destructive
- force might be about trying to restrict a person from behaving badly
Where in the Bible do Christians believe Jesus teaches we should avoid seeking revenge?
Jesus’ teachings on the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5:39, Jesus tells his followers to offer the other cheek if they are struck