Attitudes towards other religions (in reference to evangelism, missionary work and ecumenism) Flashcards
True or False?
Christianity is a religion that believes in evangelism.
What is evangelism?
Christians believe that they should try and encourage everyone to become members of their faith
Why do people believe in evangelism within the Christian faith?
Because of the ‘Great Commission’ Jesus gave to his disciples in Matthew 28:16-20
What does Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 28 say?
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Do Christians believe that everyone should have the right to practise their own religion?
Yes, however some do believe that only Christianity has the complete truth about God. Others believe that if people are following their own religion then they are also worshiping God.
What did the catechism of the Catholic Church say about evangelism?
“The Church still has the obligation and also the sacred right to evangelize all men”
What is missionary work?
Bringing the Christian message to people in their own country and around the world.
Why do some Christians feel the need to be involved in missionary work?
They take the commission to spread the gospel and evangelize very seriously and so feel they should become involved in it
Why do some Christians feel the need to be involved in missionary work?
As Christians they felt it was their duty to convert as many people as possible, because of a belief that it was only by becoming Christians that people had a chance of reaching heaven when they died.
Are there still missionary societies today?
Yes but however, while they are still concerned with spreading the Christian message, their main purpose is to help people in developing countries by following the example of Jesus
What is ecumenism?
It is the name given to the movement that tried to unite Christians of different denominations
Why are there so many different Christian groups/denominations?
Because they all have different ways they believe is right to practise their faith
Why do many denominations meet as members of the World Council of Churches?
In order to celebrate the fact that all confess the Lord Jesus Christ and God and saviour
Give 2 examples of different denominations that meet as members of the World Council of Churches.
Protestant and Orthodox
What areas of the world encourage the spirit of ecumenism?
Asian and African churches - they have demonstrated great courage in the face of persecution
Give an example of a community set up with the spirit of ecumenism.
The Taizé community in France
Who founded the Taizé community?
Roger Schutz
When did Roger Schutz establish the Taizé community of monks?
What was the Taizé community originally used for when it was established in the 1940s?
To shelter Jewish refusgees escaping Nazi Germany until 1942
What was the Taizé community used for at the end of the Second World War?
To care for German prisoners of war (practising the Christian belief of forgiveness and reconciliation)
What is the Taizé community?
An ecumenical community that acts as a place of pilgrammage, particularly for young people from all over the world.
What happens in the Taizé community today?
Young people camp in fields, worship daily (including simple songs from Latin, French, German and English), meditate and reflect (to develop self-awareness and listen to God), group discussion and live a simple monastic life without distractions
In the Taizé community, what does living a simpler monastic life help young people to do?
Living without a television and luxuries helps people find a meaning to life and to decide what is really important
In the Taizé community, what do time of group discussion encourage young people to do?
Listen better and to discuss the challenges of being a young Christian
In the Taizé community, what does the time of meditation and reflection help young people to do?
Develop self-awareness of what is in their heart and to listen to God