religion, human rights and social justice Flashcards
what is definition of human rights?
the basic rights and freedoms to which all humans should be entitled
what is the definition of social justice?
means ensuring society treats people fairly and involves protecting everyone’s human rights
when did the un adopt the universal declaration of human rights?
what does the bible teach about social justice?
the bible says “let justice roll on like a river and righteousness like a never failing stream”
what are the buddhist views on social justice?
the buddha teaches that while suffering is inevitable, people should try and relieve that suffering of others it also teaches metta and karuna which is active compassion and loving kindness
what is the buddhist movement called that uses buddhas teachings to tackle social issues called?
engaged buddhism
what does equality mean?
having equal rights, status and opportunities
what does christianity teach about equality?
all people are equal because they are made in gods image
what does buddhism teach about equality?
treating people equally expresses metta and karuna - active compassion and loving kindness
what is the definition of prejudice?
holding biased opinions about an individual or group of people
what is discrimination?
actions or behaviours that arise from holding prejudice views
what are the christian views on gender?
in early christianity women were not allowed in churches and it was disgraceful for a woman to speak in a church however most christian denominations apart from catholic and orthodox allow women to be priests
what are the buddhist views on gender?
the buddha ordained nuns but was reluctant at first however in 2015 the dalai lama said there was no reason that the next dalai lama should not be a woman. in theravada buddhism nuns are not however given the same respect as monks
what are the christian views on sexuality?
some christians think that heterosexual relationships that lead to procreation are what god intended they believe that homosexual relationships are sinful. however others think that condemning people fir their sexual orientation is not loving your neighbour
what are the buddhist views on sexuality?
buddhist scriptures say very little about homosexuality many buddhists believe that the moral precepts apply to everyone regardless of their sexual orientation
what is freedom religion?
the right to practice whatever religion one chooses these rights are protected under the uk government and included in the udhr
what is freedom of religious expression?
the right to worship, preach and practice ones faith in whatever way one chooses
what is the main religious tradition in britain?
what are the christian views on freedom of religion?
christianity encourages tolerance and harmony however other christian denominations have been known to fight each other the romans say that ‘it is possible to live at peace with everyone’
what are the buddhist views on freedom of religion?
buddha encourages to listen to the teachings of other religions with respect the dalai lama said that ‘everyone on this earth has the freedom to practice or not practice religion’
what are the christian teachings on disability?
christians oppose discrimination against disabled people as it does not promote love or equality in the bible jesus helped the disabled by healing them
what are the buddhist teachings on disability?
the buddhist attitude of karuna applies to all that are suffering in any way including disabled people
what are the christian teachings on race?
most christians oppose racism as they believe that everyone is equal and made in image of god jesus teaches christians to ‘love your neighbour’ and the actions of desmond tutu and martin luther king jr persuaded governments to change racist policies
what are the buddhist views in racism?
the principle of loving kindness means that racism is not acceptable to buddhists and loving kindness should be developed for all people without discrimination
what are the christian and buddhist views on wealth?
christianity and buddhism do not teach that it is wrong to be wealthy but they do teach that focusing on wealth can lead to greed and selfishness and the neglect of spiritual practice
what is the christian attitude towards wealth?
the bible teaches that wealth is a blessing from god but also the root of all evil and that focusing on wealth brings in the danger of neglecting god
what are the buddhist attitudes towards wealth?
traditionally monks and nuns live a simple life with little to no money buddhists are encouraged to use their wealth to relive the suffering of others and that happiness is not achieved through craving but through enlightenment
what are the three main causes of poverty?
debt, unemployment and natural disasters
what is one view on who is responsible for those living in poverty?
some people think that it is society’s responsibility and that some people getting into poverty may be a result of bad luck such as natural disasters
what is a contrasting view on who is responsible for those living in poverty?
done people think that more responsibility should be placed on people to make an effort to get out of poverty and the bible says that ‘the one who is unwilling to work shall not eat’
what are the christian views on the exploitation of the poor?
most christian believe that you should not ‘exploit the poor because they are poor’ and thinks that everyone deserves fair pay and that people trafficking is wrong and goes against the ‘love your neighbour’ teaching
what are the buddhist views on exploitation of the poor?
many buddhists think it is important to balance profit with ethics and that making money by exploiting the poor is an example of the three poisons and that people trafficking is wrong
what the two ways that you can help the poor?
long term aid e.g providing farmers with tools and short term aid e.g providing food and water after an earthquake
what are the christian views on helping the poor?
christians have a responsibility given by god to help the poor as they have to ‘love your neighbour’ they try to balance long and short term aid
what are the buddhist views on helping the poor?
buddha taught that buddhists should hive freely without expecting anything in return they may not give money to a homeless person as they do not know what that money is used for however, they will give money to a charity helping homeless people