religion, crime and punishment Flashcards
what does capital punishment mean?
the legally authorised killing of someone as punishment for a crime
what is a community service order?
when a criminal is sentenced to unpaid work as punishment for a crime
what is a conscience?
a persons moral sense of right and wrong
what is corporal punishment?
physical punishment for a crime such as flogging
what is a deterrence?
discouraging an action through instilling doubt or fear
what is a hate crime?
a usually violent crime motivated by prejudice against someone
what is parole?
the release of a prisoner on the promise of good behaviour
what is a probation order?
the release of an offender subject to a period of monitored good behaviour
what is reparation?
the act of making amends for a wrong thing that someone has done
what is retribution?
punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance
what does vindication mean?
the action of clearing someone of blame or suspicion
what is a young offender?
a criminal from 14 to 17 years of age
what is the law that all christians must follow called?
the 10 commandments
what is the law that all buddhists must follow called?
the 5 precepts
what are the christian views on good and evil intentions and actions?
there are teachings in the bible that warn against having any evil thoughts or intentions and evil actions are considered to be sinful against god many christians claim that there is no such thing as an evil person as they are made in the image of god and that it is original sin that makes us evil
what are the buddhist views on good and evil intentions and actions?
buddhism does not speak of good and evil but rather skilful and unskillful actions not all unskillful actions are illegal and not all skilful actions are legal, the principle of karma teaches that the intention behind an action is very important. buddhists believe that it is correct to follow the law unless this restricts acting in a skilful way
what are the christian views on poverty as a cause of crime?
stealing is wrong but christians should do what they can to help others that can’t afford food
what are the christian views on upbringing as a cause of crime?
parents should teach children the right way to behave through their actions and words
what are the christian views on mental illness as a cause of crime?
treating the causes of illness is the most loving way of dealing with people with mental illness
what are the christian views on addiction as a cause of crime?
most christians are against taking illegal drugs and support rehab to help those with drug addictions however alcohol is acceptable in moderation
what are the christian views on greed as a cause of crime?
the 10 commandments forbid envy as it is envy that causes greed
what are the christian views on hate as a cause of crime?
jesus taught to love your neighbour as well as your enemies
what are the buddhist views on poverty as a cause of crime?
stealing contradicts the 2nd moral precept which is to abstain from taking what is freely given
what are the buddhist views on upbringing as a cause of crime?
people need supportive conditions growing up in order to develop empathy and sympathy
what are the buddhist views on mental illness as a cause of crime?
everyone sees reality in a distorted way which causes them to inflict harm on others
what are the buddhist views on addiction as a cause of crime?
drug abuse means people are less sensitive to others and the 5th moral precept encourages people not to take drugs or alcohol
what are the buddhist views on greed as a cause of crime?
acting out on greed is unskillful and leads to suffering
what are the buddhist views on hate as a cause of crime?
hatred is one of the three poisons and is the main cause of suffering
what are the christian views on hate crime?
they condemn hate craziness as god created everyone equal and no one should feel inferior jesus taught his followers to ‘love your neighbour’
what are the christian views on theft?
theft goes ada isn’t the 10 commandments and they do not agree with any theft including any caused by need rather than greed
what are the christian views on murder?
murder is wrong because only god has the right to take life and it goes against the 10 commandments
what are the buddhist views on hate crime?
hatred is one of the three poisons and doesn’t meet loving kindness and compassion hatred causes harm to themselves and others
what are the buddhist views on theft?
theft breaks the 2nd moral precept and strengthens the habit of greed and of the three poisons it expresses a lack of empathy towards others
what are the buddhist views on murder?
murder breaks the 1st moral precept and it inflicts suffering on not only the victim but the victims family
what is rehabilitation?
helping the criminal change for the better
what is protection?
helps to keep society safe from the criminals
reasons for the death penalty
protects society from criminals and may give the victims family closure
reasons against the death penalty
there is a chance of killing an innocent person, there is little evidence that it is an effective deterrent, it is not morally right to take someone’s life and society can be protected by imprisoning criminals
christian views on the death penalty?
all life is holy as it is created in gods therefore only god can take life some christians believe you should ‘forgive 77 times’ however other christians believe in the teaching of an ‘eye for an eye’
buddhist teachings on the death penalty
many buddhists do not support it as it breaks the first moral precept however buddhist countries like thailand do still have the death penalty