religion final Flashcards
Margaret Cook
one of the first members of the RS, sewed clothes for the poor
D&C 124, 127, 128
how baptisms for the dead should be performed, in the temple, with witnesses and recorder
D&C 25
Emma is an elect lady
D&C 132
you can’t be exalted without the new and everlasting covenant
D&C 135
Joseph Smith was martyred. He did more for the salvation of men save Jesus only
D&C 136
direction and encouragement for the pioneers
D&C 138
President Joseph F. Smith’s vision of the spirit world
Official declaration 1
no more polygamy
Official declaration 2
All worthy men can hold the priesthood, regardless of race
James Toronto
almost died in a shipwreck, gave a bunch of money to Brigham Young to help build the temple, God will inspire us to know the sacrifices we need
Charles Lambert
someone tried to hire him instead of working on the temple but he said no. Satan will use the lures of the world to try to distract us from the temple
Mary Fielding Smith
widow, was told she would be a burden to the company but she kept faith and kept going, encouraged the sisters of the RS to donate 1 cent per week and raised $2000 for the temple
Levi Savage
enlisted in the Mormon Battalion, arrived home from his mission 4 days before the Martin handcart company was to leave, warned them not to leave now but they didn’t listen, he went with them to help them
Francis Webster
pretty rich guy, was gonna go by wagon but decided to sell their wagon and donate that money for others going by handcart, shared a handcart with another family because there weren’t enough
Joseph F. Smith
his dad was Hyrum Smith and he died when he was 5, his mom died when he was 13, brother died, two of his wives died, 13 of his children died, received the vision of the spirit world