Religion And Science Flashcards
The process by which living things change and develop over a very long period
To develop through a natural process
A universe that is ordered and harmonious
A cluster is billions of stars held together by galaxy
Regarded as holy
The book of genesis?
The first book in the Bible. In the book of Genesis, God creates the world and humanity
The study of the origins of the universe
Creation of the universe from a scientific view?
Big Bang theory uses scientific evidence suggesting the universe expanded with a giant explosion, then gases and dust formed solid matters. As solid matters collided with other matter, it formed planets etc in universe. Scientists observed that uni is still expanding,galaxies moving further away from each other. S’s think universe has a starting point+was formed around 14 billion years ago.
Christian response to Big Bang theory?
C’s believe science doesn’t fully answer Q’s raised by existence of uni and humanity. C’s argue that Big Bang doesn’t explain why universe exists. Also argue there is not a definitive answer as to how/why life in Earth began.
Christians response to origins of humanity?
Some were unhappy with the fossil findings and argued that the fossils had been out in the ground to test the faith of Christians
The origins of humanity?(scientific view)
Charles Darwin-scientist who explored world, his discoveries are central to theory of evolution. Wrote book ‘On the origin of Species’, he said life began with v simple cells+later developed in2 diff species. Natural selection is what he called the process of survival of the fittest. His theory meant human beings had evolve. His theory suggested humans share ancestry with apes. Theory had scientific support from discovery of fossils from animals that now extinct
Creationists idea on the relationship between scientific and religious understandings of the origins of the world and humanity?
They believes Genesis account literally, think Bible is word of G so everything in bible is how universe,world and humans were created. Would also say that world is around 7000 years old when they measure historical periods in Bible, also say God created would in six days
Brief outline of the relationship between scientific and relationship understandings of the origins of the universe?
Genesis account of creation has no mention of Big Bang/evolution so in some ways, the biblical account appears to conflict with scientific view.
Other Christians(Modern C’s) response to relationship of science+religious understanding of origin of world?
Don’t take bible literally, instead believe story is symbolic+there’s some truth to it. Think Genesis provides explanation for existence of world+ humans. This view on story gives purpose and direction to world. Also say the ‘days’ are periods of time+ could be millions of years. Think s+r don’t have to conflict. Science explains how universe came to exist, religion explains why.
Scientific response to: ‘if the universe was created by accident does my life have purpose?’
Scientific ideas regarding creation views origin if universe/humanity as accidental process, b’cos there’s no real reason why creation occurred. For this, some agree that life(without religion) has no purpose. Others argue our purpose could be ensuring life continues through reproducing