religion and life key words Flashcards
killing someone painlessly and with compassion, to end their suffering.
quality of life:
the idea that life must have some benefit to be worth living.
voluntary euthanasia:
when a person asks to have their life ended as they don’t wish to live anymore. it’s their own choice.
involuntary euthanasia:
when a person is able to give consent and is not asked/does not want to, but their life is ended anyway. you will go to prison.
non-voluntary euthanasia:
a person is too ill to ask, and has their life ended by a doctor, because it is thought to be in their best interest.
sanctity of life:
the belief that life is holy and belongs to God.
the deliberate removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive.
marvelling at the complexity and beauty of the Universe.
a feeling of devout respect, mixed with fear or wonder.
a state that comes after death and never ends