Religion And Conflict: Christianity Flashcards
What are some Christian teaching on forgiveness?
> retaliation when wronged is not helpful
> Jesus called on us to be ‘peacekeepers’ (Matthew 5:9)
> the story of Zacchaeus
- example of prominent Christians such as MLK
> the Lord’s Prayer
> the teachings of Jesus of love and forgiveness
What are some Christian teachings on war and conflict?
> ” do not take revenge on those who have wronged you
- just war
“for all those who take the sword will perish by the sword”
- conscientious objection.
What are the conditions for just war?
> must be government controlled
> must have a reasonable chance of success
> must be a just cause and last resort
> to avoid evil/ promote good
> proportionality and no civilian death
What are Christian views on non-violent protest?
> is favoured because of Jesus’ teachings and examples
- standing up for justice and equality is expected
What is Corrymeela?
> means ‘hill of harmony’
> charity created over 40 years ago in Northern Ireland to try to heal divisions between Catholics+ Protestants
> promotes peace and reconciliation
> workshops for children
What is the Christian view of original sin?
> humans were given free will but abused it for selfish means
- the fact that humans find it easier to be selfish is caused by original sin
- suffering is caused by original sin
- humans can overcome sin with discipline
What is the Christian perspective on suffering?
> it is caused by moral and natural evil, caused by original sin
> example of Jesus dying for our sins
- Christians believe that with faith in God, suffering can be overcome and learned from, building character and resilience
> however kindness and compassion should be shown to those suffering and in need.