Authority: Islam Flashcards
What is the Islamic teaching on crime and punishment?
> reconciliation and forgiveness are important, but so is protecting the community
> punishment is an integral part of the legal system
> 2 crimes that deserve capital punishment are: murder, and openly attacking the way of Islam having previously followed it.
How was the prophet Muhammad a political activist?
> when Muhammad was born there were lots of corrupt practices in Mecca.
> joined a group to protect the safety and rights of strangers
> after the revelation of the Qur’an he spoke for women’s rights and against female infanticide and rid the Kabbah of its false idols.
What are the 5 pillars of Islam?
> Shahadah (belief)
> Salah (prayer)
> Zakah ( giving)
> Sawm ( fasting)
> Hajj (pilgrimage)
What are the duties of Muslims?
To follow Shari’ah Law and the 5 pillars of Islam
What are the Muslim views on capital punishment?
> ” do not take life which Allah has made sacred, except for just cause”
> 2 crimes are murder and openly attacking Islam having previously belonged to it.
How do Muslims view the Qur’an?
> Q: Qur’an, was revealed to Mohammed in 23 years, only read in Arabic.
U: Ultimate guidance for Muslims
R: Respect, placed in highest shelf in house and Wudu is performed before reading
A: Aklaq ( a persons attitude, conduct and ethics) are described in the Qu’ran
N: nations who are Islamic States have adopted Shari’ah Law