Religion Flashcards
Define vocation
A life calling from god
Describe three types of Christian vocation
Marriage, Parent hood, religious life
Describe 3 types of consecrated religious lifestyles
Religious brothers, nuns and monks
Explain the meaning of Jesus as a prophet, priest and king
Prophet - by being a public figure
Priest - by living and working as he did
King - By promoting gods rule of love
Define sin
Sin is a deliberate word, act or thought against the law of god
What is a moral decision
A moral decision is made utilising moral principles with sufficient relevant knowledge and personal freedom
What are the three elements of any moral decision
Action: the action itself
Intention:the purpose of the action
Circumstance: a decision can be moral unless in a bad circumstance
What two things are necessary for responsible decision making
Sufficient relevant knowledge and personal freedom
Explain with examples what might weaken a person’s ability to make responsible decisions.
Lack of sufficient understanding, bad habits, friends who pressure you to do the wrong thing, strong emotions, lack of adequate knowledge.
Discuss the difference between the Old Law of God given through Moses and Jesus’ New Law of freedom.
10 commandments (old law) Jesus uses the 10 commandemets but the new law includes the holy spirit. The beautitudes, ten commandements of jesus, charity
Outline the difference between Natural Law and Divine Law (Revealed Law).
Natural law refers to laws natural to people, that is, laws in harmony with the nature of every human being and knowing the difference between right/wrong
Divine law frees people from confusion that may stem from misunderstanding or confused feelings it is also known as revealed law
List and explain the four elements of Jesus’ New Law of freedom.
Two great commandments of jesus
The beatitudes
The holy spirit
What is the Catholic Church’s definition of Conscience?
The voice within us that urges us to do what is good and right and in une with god to have a good relationship with him.
How does Conscience influence people and what does it call people toward?
To do what is right and good
List and explain the 4 principles of Conscience.
You are obliged to form your own conscience
You are obliged to follow sincere conscience judgements
Conscience does not decide right or wrong
A good end does not justify immoral means
Provide a definition for the term Social Justice.
Social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality and can be defined as the way in which human rights are manifested in the everyday lives of people at every level of society.
What could we say causes injustice in the world?
All forms of unjust discrimination
Original sin
Name and explain the 3 principles of social justice upon which the Church bases its social doctrine.
The dignity of every person to be respected
Every human being treated equally, regardless of differences
That people support each other in solidarity
Define and Explain the terms:
- The Common Good
- The Universal Destination of Goods
The Common Good = refers to needs individuals have in common, the common good provides the basic needs for society for example food, clothing, wheel chair access, pensions
The Universal Destination of Goods (Section 4 Chapter 6 and Caritas website) = where someone is lacking the basic essential needs for life, they are entiled to take whatever basic resource they need from surplus of another person who has more than they need
What is the main focus and mission of the work of:
- St Vincent de Paul Society?
- Caritas?
St Vincent de Paul Society? (use the SVdP Website) = is a catholic organisation to care for those in need
Caritas? (Use the Caritas Website) = assits the poor, programmes to allow self determination in work such as farming
Explain the meaning of the following Catholic Church terms:
- Papal Encyclical
- Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
Papal Encyclical = is the name of a letter wriiten by the pope
Australian Catholic Bishop’s Conference = the gathering of Bishops in Australia
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) = a collection and summary of the beliefs of the catholic church
Describe the role of the Holy Spirit in the growth of the early Church and in the re invigoration of the Church throughout history.
Inspiring Christians to spread the gospel
Guiding people through conscience to live gods law what is true and good
Transform the world and do the will of god
is Dominic Brooke ?
Briefly summarise the main stages in the growth of the Church since the time of Jesus.
In Jerusalem Israel and Palestine Roman empire The time Christendom Beyond Europe
Explain the meaning of the following
- The church is one
- The church is holy
- the church is catholic
- the church is apostolic
The Church is One = the holy spirit works to unite all members of the church
The Church is Holy = jesus is holy and the holy spirit is with each member
The Church is Catholic = catholic means universal, religion anyone can be apart of there’s no discrimination.
The Church is Apostolic = it is founded on the apostles and shares jesus’s teachings through the church