Reliability & Validity A2 Flashcards
Define Reliability
The extent to which a test/measurement produce consistent results
What is Internal Reliability?
the checking the extent to which someone is consistent within its self
What is External Reliability?
the extent to which a test measures consistently over time
How is reliability measured?
using correlation analysis
If coefficient is over 0.8 it is deemed to be reliable
What are the 2 ways of assessing Reliability? Define them.
1) Test-Retest - measures external reliability, giving the same test to the same ppts on 2 or more occasions.
2) Inter-Observer Reliability - measures internal reliability, checks if an individual observer’s observations can be replicated by others.
How would you improve the reliability of questionnaires?
Test Retest - if low reliability some aspects of the questionnaire need to be reworded or removed
How do you improve the reliability of interviews?
Use the same interviewer, behaviour should be controlled when asking closed questions
How would you improve the reliability of observations?
Operationalise the behavioural categories
How do you improve the reliability of experiments?
Use the same procedures that would be easy to repeat
standardised procedure
Define Validity
the extent to which an observed effect is genuine
Define Face Validity
when a measure is scrutinised to determine whether it appears to measure what it should
Define Ecological Validity
extent to which findings can be generalised to settings and situations
Define Concurrent Validity
extent to which a psychological measure relates to an existing similar measure
Define Temporal Validity
extent to which findings from a research study can be generalised to historical times
Define Internal Validity
if effects observed in an experiment are due to the manipulation of the IV and not other factors
Define External Validity
If tasks used to measure the DV have low mundane realism
How would you assess validity?
1) Face Validity - passing it to an expert
2) Concurrent Validity - results obtained are close to/match those obtained on another recognised study
How would you improve the validity of experiments?
add control groups, standardised procedures, single & double blind procedures
how would you improve the validity of questionnaires?
Lie Scale w/in the questionnaire to assess consistency - control effects of social desirability by assuring anonymity
How to improve the validity of observations?
Covet Observations - authentic behaviour
How to improve the validity of Qualitative Methods?
Triangulation - use of diff sources as evidence