What is validity?
Appropriateness, meaningfulness and usefulness of any inferences a researcher draws based on data obtained.
What is face validity?
Extent to which an instrument looks like it measures what it is meant to.
What is content validity?
questionnaires actually measuring what you when them too. e.g: measuring height in cm is good, measuring intelligence through iq is not.
What is predictive validity?
Criterion validity. Tells us how well a certain measure can predict future behaviour.
What is concurrent validity?
comparing a new test to an existing one to see if it is similar.
One weakness of concurrent validity:
Fastest way to validate data.
One weakness of concurrent validity:
Less effective at predicting future behaviours
What is construct validity?
Examines consistency between a test and what it claims to measure. Should be consistent with theory and the construct.
2 ways to measure construct validity:
- Convergent Validity: agrees with other measures of the same thing
- Divergent Validity: doesn’t agree with measures of different things.
What are the disadvantages of test-retest reliability:
- pps get feedback before the retest which could affect performance.
- Practice or carry over effects.
- Could find out the purpose of the test = demand artefacts.
What is split half reliability?
Concerned with internal test consistency. Assesses the extent to which all parts of the test contribute to what is being measured.
It compares half of 2 tests
Weaknesses of split half reliability:
Only effective with large questionnaires.
What is inter-rater reliability?
Extent to which 2 or more individuals agree with something. E.g how similarly people categorise items.
What is internal validity?
Whether effects observed in the study are due to manipulation of the IV and another factor.
What is external validity?
Extent to which results can be generalised to other settings, people and time.