Relationships: friends forever Flashcards
love at first sight
love began the first time they saw each other
fell head over heels in love
fell deeply and madly in love
only has eyes for
is only attracted to
infatuated with
romantically obsessed with
besotted with
almost stupidly or blindly in love with
platonic relationship
affectionate relationship between people of the opposite sex that is not sexual
hit it off
liked each other the moment we met
people who feel close in spirit and understand each other deeply
a (wo)man after my own heart
someone you admire because they do or think the same as you
get on like a house on fire
have a very good, enjoyable relationship
bosom friends/buddies/pals
very close, good friends
always want to be together, very close
relationship or feeling of togetherness
kindred spirits
similar way of thinking and look at life
to be perfect for each other
family ties
relation between familymembers
mutual acquaintances
knowing somebody through someone else
holds her in high regard
to have a lot of respect for
as thick as thieves
very close
deep love and respect
a gentle feeling of fondness or liking
the quality of being friendly and pleasant
kindness and thoughtful regard for others, or an act of thoughtfulness
the quality of being faithful; fidelity
affection or liking for someone or something
a strong feeling of support or allegiance