Relationships and processes within schools Flashcards
School teaches:
- a sense of belonging and commitment
- the importance of cooperation
Emile Durkheim (1961)
School teaches:
- a belief that individual achievement should be based on merit
- a belief in individual competition
Talcott Parsons (1961)
Capitalism and the hidden curriculum
Bowles and Gintis (1976)
Feminism and the hidden curriculum
Michelle Stanworth (1983)
Hargreaves (1967)
Anti-school ‘lads’ and the pro-school ‘ear’ ‘oles.
Paul Willis (1977)
The variety of male subcultures: 5 types
Mac an Ghail (1994):
- ‘Academic achievers’
- ‘Macho lads’
- ‘New enterprisers’
- ‘Real Englishman’
- ‘Gay students’
Exaggerated femininity
Scott Davies (1995)
African-Caribbean subcultures: 4 types
Tony Sewell:
- Conformists
- Innovators
- Retreatists
- Rebels
The self-fulfilling prophecies: teachers lying about students IQ levels
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968)
Ability is fixed, when judging pupils
Gillborn and Youdell (2001)
Teaching and learning in primary schools: pro and anti-school subcultures
Hallam et al. (2004)