Relationships And Families Flashcards
What is Marital sex ?
Marital sex is sex within marraige and sex and love is a gift from god and marraige is the greatest commitment because vows are said infront of God and the community
what is unitive sex ?
Unitive sex is sex that unites the couple and deepens their love as they become closer and more commited and totally give themselves to eachother.
What is procreative sex ?
Procreative sex means God creates new life during sex and there is something more important like offspring .
Should christians have sex before marraige ? (Catholic veiws )
- Waiting until marraige to have sex means no risk of STI
- The gift of virginity makes husband and wife feel special and loved
- Casual - sex is wrong it can hurt others . Sex should be with someone you love
- Sex with someone you are not married to devalues the sexual act
- God gave us humans the gift of sex in order to reproduce so sex should only happen where there is a possibility of new life .
Should christians have sex before marraige ? (Contrasting veiws)
- everybody has the right to have sex when there ready
- sex before marraige is fine as long as its loving . Jesus taught that love is the most important thing
- pre -marital sex is common and the church should accept modern life .
What are the 7 conditions of a valid catholic marraige ?
- They must be consummated (have sex) to complete marraige
- Must give consent (i take thee to be my wife)
3.You must marry of your free will (not forced) - Must declare willingness to accept children
- The 5 vows must be said infront of a catholic priest
- Must not be closely related
- Must be free to marry (cant already be married to marry )
What is an annulment ?
An annulment is a statement that the marraige was invalid because one of the 7 conditions where missing . (In the eye of the law the marraige never took place)
- a catholic can remarry if their first marraige in annuled
What is the situation for divorce if you are a catholic ?
- Divorce : legal way of ending marraige
- catholics cannot re-marry in a catholic church
- catholics in a new (sexual) relationship should not be able to recieve the holy communion
What is the situation of divorce if you are part of the church of england ?
- they do not recognise divorce because its human nature means vows cannot be kept
- re-marraige is allowed as a sign of Gods forgiveness and willingness to give a new start.
What is adultary ?
When a married person has sex with someone other then their partner .
Christain teachings about same sex marraiges ?
-sex should be procreative
-Physical homosexual acts are not accepted
-same sex couples are unable to marry
-homosexuality its self is sinful
What is the theology of the body ?
-God established marraige to bring 2 people together as a communion of persons .
What is the responsibilies of the family ?
Educate children
Name a reference from the bible of gender equality ?
- Luke 1:26-38 - Mary , she gave birth to jesus bravely .
-Deborah, a judge who gained a great victory for the isrealites.
Does gender equality exist at work ?
Yes woman less paid
only 10% of soman are CEO’s
Of 195 countries only 3 have 50 50 woman and men in parlaiment
What is the sanctity of life ? (5)
Christians believe that life is sacred and precious
Christians believe like starts and contraception
Christians belive we need to protect all human life
Ideal place to procreate is within marraige
Life is a gift from god and only god can take it away
Should woman be priests (12 marker ) ?
For : - church must modernise for people to be apart of it , 2. Jesus lived in a patriarcal society today we live in a equal one . 3. Men and woman are equal when they enter the church sl should be treated equally after
Against : - the priest acts in the person of christ - so priest must be male , 2. Jesus chose men to be his apostles so only men should be priests
Why is the catholic church against cohabitation?
- there is no commitment within the sexual union which can create insecurity (for couple or children)
- it can lead to more casual attitudes and reduce the need for faithfulness
What are the 3 catholic veiws on adultury ?
It breaks the marriage vows
Betrays trust - causes hurt
Goes against the 10 commandments
Catholic attitdudes about contraception ?
Artifical contraception is wrong because it contradicts Gods command to ‘be fruitful and multiply
- it also contradicts the purpose of sex - to be unitive and to procreate
Other christian attitudes to contraception ?
- morning after pill is unacceptable
- you should only have the number of children you can care for
- god created sex to unite couples aswell as pro-creating
What is NFP ans is it an acceptable way of contraception ?
When a couple have sex at a time the woman is least fertile
The form for contraception is allowed by the catholic church
What is contrasting veiws to only being acceptable the have a nuclear family ?
- a quater of children in britain have single parents
- there is a growing acceptance of same - sex parenting (20k children)
- love and stability matters the most
What are 3 bible teachings on family roles ?
- husbands should be prepared to sacrifice and die for their wives , in the way jesus did
- children should honour their parents by obeying them as god commands it .
- wives should show their love by doing what their husband asks
Catholic teaching on gender equality ?
‘God created humans in his image , male and female ‘ genesis