Creation Flashcards
What does the old testement tell us (3) ?
Law : the first 5 books telling us how jesus became Gods people
History : these show how god guided the jews and how they often didnt listen teaching the later generations .
Prophecy : books of the prophets whose words challenged the people to remain faithful to God
What does the new testament tell us ? ( 3things)
- the gospels : cover the actions and teachings of Jesus
- the acts of the apostles : the events in the early church (up to 60CE)
- the book of revelation : written by apostle john it includes mystical visions which is believed to be the end of the world
What is the criterea to be accepted into the new testament ?
One of the 12 apostles had to be the authority behind the book
The book had to be written early ( before the end of the first centuary )
The book had to be accepted by all christian churches at the time
What is the creation story seen as ?
The creation story is seen to be a myth which conveys deeper truths
What does genesis 1 teach us about the nature of God (3 things) ?
- God is creator : he is the only creator , who created everything . Gods creation needs to be
maintained and looked after , God created humans in his own image meaning we share his quality - God is transcendant : god only needs his own word to create . Him being other than human makes it hard to describle him in words
God is omni-potent : he has the power to do whatever he wants . All things god made is very good - so powerful he can create what he wants . Belief in his omni-potence inspires christians to trust god
What is the nature of humans 2 points ?
- humans share the ‘spirit of God’
— gods spirit gives humans some of his qualities : loving , creative , conscious , kind - ‘God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life ‘ - free will comes from god
— god doesnt prevent adam from eating the tree , humans believe there is consewuences for their actions , god created humans
What is the significance of the creation stories ?
- we learn gods nature , humans nature and belief abou the image of god and sanctity of life
- god made humans in his image meaning all humans are equal and dignified
What is stewardship ?
The belief that christians have a special responsibility to look after the environment on the behalf of god
What was the laudato si ?
-Means care of our common home
- written in 2015
- sent out to every parish in the world
- written in latin
What was laudato si problems ?
- we have stripped the eart of plants and speciesas they are becoming extinst at an alarming rate
- stripped the earth of its forests and natural resorces
- we are treating our planet like it has unlimited resorces
- climate change hurts the poorest communities but they contribute the least
What was the solutions of laudato si ?
- we need to work together
- we need to stop using the earths resorces for profit
- be aware of what brands you are using
- slow down on how fast you consume things and dont over consume
What are the catholic teachings of sustainibility ?
- natural resorces should be preserved and not used as objects for profit
- damaging one element of nature affects others
- catholics should take action - vatican installed 1000’s of solar pannles
How does CAFOD support sustainibility ?
- they support sustainibility development goals (SDGs) - agreed by UN to be achieved by 2030
- SDGs : sustainable energy , good education , gender equality , clean water and sanitation
– SDGs encourage people to live more simply
What was the second vatican council ?
A series of meetings of the pope and bishops (magnesterium) from 1962-65 to update catholic teachings
Give me 3 V2 teachings and examples of them ?
- science and religion support eachother : genesis stories dont contradict science
- RC church supports advances in science that help people understand gods creation : george lemaitre , a RC priest first proposed the big bang theory
- religion and science might come up with slightly different answers : science explain how things happen religion explains why
What is natural law ?
Catholic teaching that our knowledge of right and wrong comes from human nature
Stemming the belief that god made all humans in his image therefore humans share in gods goodness .
What are the 2 basic natural laws ?
Do good and avoid evil
Protect and preserve life