Judaism - Practices Flashcards
What is a kippa and why do men wear it when praying ?
- A cap covering the top of heads
- To cover there heads to show significance to god and a sign of respect
What is a tallit/shawl ?
This is a cover when they pray and each fringe at the bottom represents each of the 613 commandments .
What is the main symbol of judaism ?
The star of david
What is the most important part of the synagogue ? why ?
The ark because they hold the torah scrolls
What is the bimah ?
The structure where the torah is read from and in the middle so everyone can see
What is the ner tamid ?
This is an everburning light showing that gos is omni-present meaning he is all around us and never leaves us
What is the menorah ?
This is a 7 branch candle stick to symbolise the 7 days of creation
Name 3 things that happens at an orthodox service ?
- the person leading it has his back to the congregation
- men and woman sit seperately (avoiding distraction and focus on prayer)
- the service is conducted in hebrew
Name 3 thongs that happens at a reform service ?
- they dont hold services daily
- they concentrate on shabbat and festivals
- the person leading the service will face the congregation
- reform services are alot shorter
What 4 things does a synagogue provide a space for ?
Charity work
What is the tefillin ?
Two leather boxes worn of the upper left arm and forehead , containing words of the sheema .
Shows that the person loves god with all there heart and mind .
What is the amidah ?
- prayed standing up facing jeruselum
- first 3 prayers thank god
- middle 13 - 6 personal requests , 6 requests for the community and 1 requesting god to accept
- final 3 thank god for being able to serve him
- followed by a reading from torah
What are the aims of the amidah ?
- Becoming closer to god
- focuses the heart , mind and soul on god
- strengthen the sense of jewish community
How do jews pray at home ?
- they fix a mezuzah to a door post
- they touch it when they pass , as a reminder of gods law
- they study the torah and talmud
What are 3 ways a jewish family prepares for shabbat ?
Food is pre - prepared
The house is cleaned
The family washes and get changed into clean , smart clothes
What items are places on the shabbat table ?
2 loafs of challah bread
Set with the best crokery and cuttlery
2 candles to remeber 2 commandments over shabbat
How is shabbat is celebrated in the synagogue ?
- Full service on saturday morning
- When torah is read congregation stand like they did when moses gave the 10 commandments
- The torah scrolls are paraded around the synagogue to be close to gods word
- People touch torah with tzitzit(fringe of tallit) then touch there lips with it
- When leaving people wish eachother ‘shabbat shalon’
What ceremonies do jewish people hold for the brith of a child - naming ceremony ?
Naming ceremony - it introduces the baby to the community and to god , names are considered powerful and the parents are saying something about the hopes they have for their child