Judaism - Practices Flashcards
What is a kippa and why do men wear it when praying ?
- A cap covering the top of heads
- To cover there heads to show significance to god and a sign of respect
What is a tallit/shawl ?
This is a cover when they pray and each fringe at the bottom represents each of the 613 commandments .
What is the main symbol of judaism ?
The star of david
What is the most important part of the synagogue ? why ?
The ark because they hold the torah scrolls
What is the bimah ?
The structure where the torah is read from and in the middle so everyone can see
What is the ner tamid ?
This is an everburning light showing that gos is omni-present meaning he is all around us and never leaves us
What is the menorah ?
This is a 7 branch candle stick to symbolise the 7 days of creation
Name 3 things that happens at an orthodox service ?
- the person leading it has his back to the congregation
- men and woman sit seperately (avoiding distraction and focus on prayer)
- the service is conducted in hebrew
Name 3 thongs that happens at a reform service ?
- they dont hold services daily
- they concentrate on shabbat and festivals
- the person leading the service will face the congregation
- reform services are alot shorter
What 4 things does a synagogue provide a space for ?
Charity work
What is the tefillin ?
Two leather boxes worn of the upper left arm and forehead , containing words of the sheema .
Shows that the person loves god with all there heart and mind .
What is the amidah ?
- prayed standing up facing jeruselum
- first 3 prayers thank god
- middle 13 - 6 personal requests , 6 requests for the community and 1 requesting god to accept
- final 3 thank god for being able to serve him
- followed by a reading from torah
What are the aims of the amidah ?
- Becoming closer to god
- focuses the heart , mind and soul on god
- strengthen the sense of jewish community
How do jews pray at home ?
- they fix a mezuzah to a door post
- they touch it when they pass , as a reminder of gods law
- they study the torah and talmud
What are 3 ways a jewish family prepares for shabbat ?
Food is pre - prepared
The house is cleaned
The family washes and get changed into clean , smart clothes
What items are places on the shabbat table ?
2 loafs of challah bread
Set with the best crokery and cuttlery
2 candles to remeber 2 commandments over shabbat
How is shabbat is celebrated in the synagogue ?
- Full service on saturday morning
- When torah is read congregation stand like they did when moses gave the 10 commandments
- The torah scrolls are paraded around the synagogue to be close to gods word
- People touch torah with tzitzit(fringe of tallit) then touch there lips with it
- When leaving people wish eachother ‘shabbat shalon’
What ceremonies do jewish people hold for the brith of a child - naming ceremony ?
Naming ceremony - it introduces the baby to the community and to god , names are considered powerful and the parents are saying something about the hopes they have for their child
What ceremonies do jewish people hold for the brith of a child - brit milah ?
- only for jewish boys
- key quote ‘every male among you shall be circumsised at the age of 8 days
- it is important because god said this to abraham and any male uncircumsised will break gods covenant - life long sacrife to god
What is bar mitzvah ?
Bar mitzvah - celebration of a boy coming of age (13) - literally ‘son of the commandments’
They are not considered old enough to take full responsibility in their faith
What is bat mitzvah ?
Bat mitzvah : celebration of a girl coming of age (12) - literally ‘daughter of the commandments (Reform only)
They are now old enough to take full responsibility in their faith
What is the significance of the phrase ‘and they shall become one flesh’ in Jewish marriage?
It signifies the unity of the couple as they join in marriage.
This phrase is derived from Genesis 2.
On which days do Jewish weddings typically not take place?
Shabbat and festivals.
These days are considered sacred in Jewish tradition.
What is the first step in the Jewish marriage process?
Betrothal, which usually lasts for a month.
This period is part of Jewish law and can only be broken by death or divorce.
What is the chuppah in a Jewish wedding?
A canopy that symbolizes the couple’s home and faces Jerusalem.
The chuppah represents the new home that the couple will build together.
What action does the bride perform during the Betrothal ceremony?
The bride circles the groom.
This act symbolizes the bride’s commitment.
What is typically recited over wine during the Betrothal ceremony?
This is a traditional practice in Jewish weddings.
What does the groom do with the glass during the wedding ceremony?
He breaks a glass wrapped in cloth under his heel.
This act symbolizes the fragility of life and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.
What is the marriage contract in a Jewish wedding called?
The Ketubah outlines the husband’s responsibilities and mutual hopes for the marriage.
What happens during the wedding reception?
The couple spends a short time together in a private room, followed by a special meal, music, and dancing.
This time symbolizes their new status as a married couple.
What is a key difference between Orthodox and Reform Jewish weddings regarding the rings?
The groom places a plain ring on the bride’s finger in Orthodox weddings, while Reform couples usually exchange rings.
This reflects differing traditions within Jewish communities.
What happens at the mourning of the dead ?
Aims to show respect for the dead person and offer comfort to loved ones
A jewish person will tear there clothing when a patient dies to show a permenant tear in there heart
What happens to the body after a jew dies ?
Body is washed
Wrapped in a plain linen cloth
Placed in a simple grave showing everyone is equal in death
What is pesach ?
Pesach is so important to jews because it was god rienforcing his covenant that jews were his people
What happens in the preperation of pesach ?
- The house is thoroughly cleaned of bread crumbs
- They make unleavened bread
What are the 8 stages of pesach ?
- Celebrated the freedom of jews from slavery
- it is a commandment to celebrate it
- body is wrapped carefully
- body wrapped in a tallit or plain linin
- body is placed in a simple coffin
- mourners shovel dirt on the coffin
- wash hands before leaving ceremony
- meal of condolence
What does the seder meal consist of and what does it represent ?
Roasted egg - symbol of harshness and new life offered by god
Salt water - sweat and tears of the slaves
Bitter herbs - the bitter suffering of the slaves
Lamb bone - because of the sacrifice to put a lambs blood on every door to be protected from plague
3 stages of pesach ?
First period 24hrs - soul of dead body doesnt leave until buried
Shiva 7 day period - week long period of intense mourning - stay at home - sit low -mirrors covered
Third period 30 days - normal life no longer confiend to homes - no parties - concerts -travel
Fourth period 11 months - continue with normal life but no parties - kaddish blessing
Why is pesach so important for jews ?
It is a commandment to celebrate it
Its when god reinforces his covenant to the jews
Ensures jewish tradition is passed on to the next generation ensuring the fututre of the religion
Remeber ansestors and how they suffered
What is rosh hashanah ?
The jewish new year period lasts for 10 days and finnishes with yom kippur
- special meal at home
- special prayers are said at the meal
- special synagogue service
How is yom kippur celebrated ?
- no work is done
- no food or drink for 25 hours
- no bathing
- no wearing leather shoes
- sex is forbidden
- white is worn as a symbol of purity
- most of day is spent in synagogue
What is yom kippur for god to the jews ?
Gods judgment day
What is kosher and what is trefah ?
- kosher : food jews are allowed to eat
- trefah : food jews are not allowed to eat
What are the kosher rules ?
Rule 1 : animal must have split hoof or several stomachs
Rule 2 : meat must not be mixed with dairy
Rule 3 : must keep a kosher kitchen
Rule 4 animals must be killed by jewish law
Jewish food laws have become out of date (12 marks)?
For : food technology and wider range of food has increased which people didnt have back then . 2.food restrictions could lead to bad health . 3. Jews have so many food limitations during festivals so they may just get bored of it .
Against : if you allow people to break kosher then they will think its ok to break more laws. 2 . It will give people freedom and power over the religion potentially leading to its down fall . 3. They should think of all the sacrifices god made for them and they are paying him back or they would still be in slavery