Relationships And Families Flashcards
What is the purpose of Sex
Should be marital, unitive, pro-creative
Catholic teaching on pro-creative sex
“Be fruitful and increase in number
Theology of the body
Emphasis on how precious sex is, some people believe it is discriminatory against homo-sexual relationships ( gay sex cant be pro-creative)
When is catholic marriage valid
- agree to freely marry ( not forced )
- agree to be faithful
- accept children lovingly as a gift from god
Catholic Marriage acrynom SPEL
What are the marriage vows
- To have and to hold, from this day forward, to love and to cherish, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part
What are reasons for Annulment
- One/both was forced to marry
- One/both never intended to have a child
- The marriage was not consummated
- One/both never intended to remain faithful
- Lies/concealment
- Incest
- Couldn’t give consent (not understanding the vows)
what are the catholic view on Adultery
• It breaks the marriage vows (have and to hold….love
and cherish)
• Betrays trust - causes hurt
• Brings distress to whole family
• Can cause the break-up of the marriage (insecure for
• Jesus says adultery is wrong
what is a contrasting belief on Adultery
- personal happiness is more important…?
Perhaps the couple made a serious mistake by
getting married?
What are catholic teachings on homosexuality
• It is not a sin to have homosexual feelings
• Homosexual sex is considered wrong because it is not
• Homosexuals should live celibate lives (with support and
What are catholic opinions on remarriage
• Catholics cannot re-marry in a Catholic Church
unless the original partner has died
• A re-married Catholic cannot therefore receive
Holy Communion
What makes a catholic marriage valid
- The five vows must be said (in front of a Catholic priest) - Must be willing to accept children - Must be consummated (have sex) - Must be willing to accept children - Must not be closely related - Must marry of own free will (not forced) - Must give consent and be free to marry
Why is the catholic church against cohabitation
• There is no commitment within the sexual union
• This can create insecurity … and reduce the need
for faithfulness
what are catholic attitudes on contraception
• All artificial contraception is wrong ….
• It contradicts God’s command to ‘be fruitful and
• ….It contradicts the two purposes of sex - to be
unitive and to procreate
what is a contrasting catholic belief on contraception
- Artificial contraception is acceptable because..
- It is responsible to only have the number of children you can care for
- God created sex for uniting couples as well as for pro-creating