Relationships Flashcards
we are more likely to develop friendships and love with those who are in physical proximity to us
Housing Study
o Festinger’s (1950) Housing Study
• 65% of friends named were from the same housing unit
• 41% named a person next door
• 22% named a person living two doors away
• 10% named a person living on the other end of the unit
Mere Exposure
familiarity breeds affection
Evolutionary Theory
- Attributes that characterize a species exist in their present form because they were adaptive, meaning that over eons they consistently helped the species to solve some problem they faced while trying to survive and reproduce.
- From the evolutionary perspective, humans evolved to be attracted to facial averageness and symmetry because they serve as “cues” to health and thus reproductive success.
- Exposure to diseases in utero causes facial (and bodily) features to be out of proportion; thus, facial averageness and symmetry are indicators of good health and thus good mating potential (i.e., if you mate with this person, your offspring have a good chance of surviving and reproducing).
Cues to Reproductive Success
• From the evolutionary perspective, humans evolved to be attracted to facial averageness and symmetry because they serve as “cues” to health and thus reproductive success.
Waist-To-Hip Ratio
- Men who were attracted to features of women’s faces and bodies that signal that she is young (but not too young) were more likely to find a fertile mate and successfully reproduce
- Waist-to-hip ratio
Facial Symmetry
in book
Beautiful=Good Stereotype
Cute Kid Study
Attachment Theory
Attachment Styles