Relationships Flashcards
What are beliefs about sex as marital?
• It means that sexual intercourse should be for marriage.
- Sacrament of marriage allows couple to love and commit themselves publicly and exclusively to each other.
- Commitment to be together should be consummated by sex.
- For a marriage to be valid there must be sexual intercourse.
What are the beliefs about sex as unitive?
• It means that sex should join people together.
- Sexual love deepens and expresses couples’ love for each other.
- ‘the two shall become one flesh’.
- Adultery destroys unity of married couple.
What are the beliefs about sex as procreative?
• It means that sex should be open to creating new life.
- Through sex God creates new life.
- Marriage contains commitment to accept children lovingly from God.
- ‘Be fruitful and multiply’.
What is the Theology of the Body by John Paul II?
They are teachings about human body and sexual relationships.
Talks about how God loves every person and created both sexes to have dignity and value. Full meaning of the body is appreciated through deep relationship involving sex within the marriage.
What do Christians believe about sex before marriage?
They believe it devalues the nature of marriage. The gift of virginity makes husband and wife feel special. It also lowers the risk of STIs.
What are different views about adultery?
Against: Breaks 10 commandments and marriage vows - ‘for better for worse’. It betrays trust and can cause harm/suffering. Can lead to break up of family and marriage.
For: May be a valid reason such as partner refusing to have sex or an unhappy marriage. A more suitable partner may have been found.
What makes up a valid catholic marriage?
- Must be consummated/had sex.
- Must be out of own free will and not forced.
- Couple must be free to marry and have given consent.
- Vows said in front of priest, ‘for richer for poorer’ ‘in sickness and in health’ ‘til death do us part’.
- Willing to accept God’s gift of children.
What are catholic beliefs about same sex relationships?
Same sex couples cannot have children naturally so catholics are against it. They should still be treated with respect however marriage is a sacrament between women and men.
What is marriage seen as?
- Providing a loving relationship in which children can grow.
- Exclusive union between woman and man.
- Sacrament where God’s blessing and love is given to the couple.
- A sign of love.
What are the purposes of the vows during marriage?
They are a public declaration that assures the love is genuine. Full name is given to ensure everyone knows identity. Some promises make sure husband and wife are equal in commitments. Promises recognise there may be difficulties but they should still fulfil a loving relationship.
Why is the catholic church against cohabitation?
- Destroys need for faithfulness.
- Breaks sanctity of marriage.
- May create insecurity.
- Destroys sense of family.
- Removes commitment or effort.
Why might cohabitation occur?
It may occur so that people can see if the relationship works out, financial reasons or to become more committed.
What is an annulment?
A statement by the Catholic Church that there was no valid marriage in the first place and couple are free to marry again.
Why might an annulment be allowed?
- Couple never had sexual intercourse.
- One partner isn’t taking marriage seriously. E.g. having affairs.
- Always insist on using contraception.
- Didn’t enter freely into the marriage.
What are beliefs about divorce?
• Marriage promises made before God cannot be broken meaning Catholics are against divorce. Catholics will allow remarriage if someone has died or there has been an annulment but otherwise it would be considered adultery and they cannot recieve communion.
• Contrasting views are that it is impossible to know future and a divorce may be only compassionate solution of marriage has broken down.
What are belies about contraception?
Using artificial contraception is not allowed as it means sex isn’t procreative. Sex should be an expression of total commitment of the couple.
Family planning is allowed if done naturally - leaves final decision to God. Responsible parenthood is important so couples should only have number of children they can care for.
What does the church think families should do?
Form a community, help with personal development. Children are signs of parent’s love and family should privide safe environment for children to grow up in.
What is the purpose of a family?
It is to provide security, love, care, stability, support, education etc.
Parents should be role models of children and encourage them to be independent.
How should different people in a family behave?
- Children should honour parents by obeying them as God commands, ‘Children, obey your parents in the Lord’.
- Fathers should show love and kindness to children to bring them up in Christian faith, ‘Bring them up in discipline and instruction of the Lord’.
- Wives should show love to husbands by doing what they ask and husbands should be willing to die for their wives.
What evidence in the bible shows women and men should be treated equally?
• ‘There is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Jesus Christ’.
• Importance and dignity of women in the bible is symbolised in Mary. Jesus treated women with respect.
• ‘The personal resources of feminity are certainly no less than the resources of masculinity’ - women are as important as men.
What are Catholic teachings on gender discrimination?
Against it because:
- Devalues them. - Can be hurtful/damaging. - Support should be given to women as mothers. -Women shouldn’t be treated as objects.