Creation Flashcards
What is the creation of Adam?
Artwork that shows God bringing Adam to life and reflects beliefs about God’s nature and humanity.
What beliefs are expressed about God and humanity in the Creation of Adam?
- Adam is waiting for God’s touch to bring him to life, showing humans are dependent of God.
- Adam is shown as perfect man full of strength, reflects teaching that God made everything ‘very good’.
- God chooses to bring humans to life, showing how close relationship between God and humans is.
- Both seem muscular and powerful, humanity is made ‘in the image of God’.
- God seems omnipotent, omniscient and full of wisdom, showing he is eternal.
- God is carried by group of angels, showing God is transcendent and is beyond human understanding.
What is creation and how can it be told?
Creation is God creating the universe. Told in Genesis and paintings can also be used. Paintings can inspire people and help them understand their faith but are limited. E.g. Adam appears equal to God.
What does the Hand of God in creation show?
- Lines extend from hand reflects God created everything and his influence/power touches and impacts all things.
- Size of hand shows God’s greatness and power.
What does Genesis 1 show about the nature of God?
It shows that God is Creator, Omnipotent and is Transcendent.
What are the beliefs about God as creator, as shown in Genesis 1?
• It means that God created everything.
- Therefore we should only worship this one God.
- All of creation is therefore special so should be looked after and cared for.
- God made humans in his own image so humans share qualities with God, so have close relationship.
What are the beliefs about God being omnipotent, as shown in Genesis 1?
• It means that God had the power to do whatever he wants and can even create things from nothing.
- ‘God saw everything he made and it was very good’ , he can make things exactly how he wants.
- Inspires Christians to trust in God as he has the power to do or change anything.
What are the beliefs about God being transcendent, as shown in Genesis 1?
• It means that God is beyond human understanding.
- ‘God said let there be light and there was light’ , God only needs word to create.
- God is completely above and beyond created world.
- God’s transcendence allows humans to inspire in awe.
What quote in Genesis 2 describes how God created humans?
“God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.”
God made humans in his image, God gave humans some of his qualities so we therefore live in his spirit.
What do Christians believe about free will?
- God gave humans free will as shown in the Garden of Eden. Christians believe that using free will for sin is turning away from God and is the reason evil exists.
- Using free will in a way that pleases God brings humans closer to God.
What are the Christian teachings about stewardship?
- God tells humans to ‘have dominion’ over every living thing, suggesting that humans have been given power and authority to rule over other creatures.
- This means that humans have a duty to look after God’s creation on behalf of God and that the world is a gift from God that he expects us to protect and care for.
Why must all humans be equal?
This is because they have all been created in the image of God. This means all people have dignity and are worthy of respect.
What is the sanctity of life?
It means that all humans should be treated with care and respect. God blesses humans after he creates them, mesning all creation is holy.
What does the Old/New testament show?
Old: It shows how God guided humans before the arrival of Jesus.
New: Shows life of Jesus and apostles.
What are the beliefs about the bible and what it means?
• God guided the writing of the bible through the holy spirit - writers were inspired/guided by holy spirit.
• The bible contains the word of God given by the prophets - inspired by God and passed on God’s message.
• Bible tells actions and teachings of Jesus in Gospels - God speaks to humans through Jesus.
What is magisterium?
Church’s teachings coming from Pope or bishops. It is guided and inspired by the Holy spirit.
What are the different beliefs about the creation stories?
-The Catholic church teaches that the creation stories are myths and are stories that convey spiritual truths. Main messages are that God made everything and humans are the high point.
- Fundementalists interpret creation stories literally as the Word of God.
- Some people may accept scientific theroies such as Big Bang or evolution.
What is natural law?
It refers to moral principles and that humans are born with an understanding of what is right and wrong.
Why are humans born with ability to know what is good and bad?
God made all creation good and humans are made in the image of God.
Following natural law is important as it is part of God’s will for humans.
What are the basic natural laws?
• Do good and avoid evil.
• Protect and preserve life.
What does the Second Vatican Council show?
That religion and science support each other.
‘If methodical investigation is carried out in a genuinely scientific manner, it never truly conflicts with faith’.
- Religion and science do not have to contradict each other and Catholic Church is supoortive of scientific advancements.
Why is all of creation special?
Because it was made by God to be good:
This means every part of it should be valued.
Catholics can show their love for God by taking care of his creation.
How did Jesus teach Christians to teach others?
He taught to ‘love your neighbour as yourself’.
This includes all people you share the world with and that Christians should also think about preserving the world for future generations.
What is sustainability?
It means living in a way that respects the environment/natural resources in order to keep everything in balance. It means humans need to be stewards.
What does CAFOD do?
Aims to help people living in poverty in order to create a more balanced world. Encourages people in the UK to live more simply with fewer natural resources. Sets up projects around the world involving helping poorer people and using renewable energy resources.