Incarnation Flashcards
What is incarnation and how was it told?
It is God taking on human form by becoming Jesus.
Told through the annunciation - angel Gabriel asks Mary to give birth to the Son of God.
What does the incarnation show about God?
It shows the love that God has for humans that he was willing to become one. Helps Christians feel closer to God and value God’s love.
What does Luke’s account say about the annunciation?
It focuses on Mary’s role and how angel Gabriel visited her. She is told she will conceive Jesus, the son of God and that he will be conceived by the holy spirit. Mary is given free will. Through Jesus’ birth God is fulfilling promise and it shows Jesus is fully human and fully God.
What does Matthew’s account say about the annunciation?
Focuses on Joseph’s role. He planned to break up with Mary due to her pregnancy but angle visited him to tell him the child will be conceived by the holy spirit. Angel confirms Jesus is sent to save humanity from sin.
What can the Word of God be described as?
Eternal - like God the father, word has always existed. ‘In the beginning was the word’.
The Word of God is God - comes from God and is God’s self expression.
The Word of God is distinct from God - united but is also distinction.
Word is how God expresses his power and love - gives life and guidance to people.
What does the quote ‘And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory’ show?
It confirms Jesus is the Word of God. The Word came to earth to guide people closer to God and to teach them how to share his love.
What does Jesus as the Son of Man mean?
Jesus was fully human and could experience human emotions such as happiness and suffering. Shows suffering in Crucifixion.
What does Jesus as the Son of God mean?
Jesus acknowledged that he was the son of God. Emphasises his share in God’s power and divinity. Resurrection proves he was always God.
What is the Ichthus?
Acronym of Greek words about Jesus as Jesus Christ, Son of God, saviour.
Was used as a declaration of faith by early Christians and their belief he was Son of God and saviour.
What is the Alpha and Omega?
It is the first and last letter of Greek alphabet to indicate that God and Jesus are involved in everything from beginning to end. Can be used in churches, vestments, art.
What is the Chi-Rho?
First two letters of Greek word for Christ. Reminder of death of Jesus. Reminds Christians that Jesus was sent by God to save humanity through death. Can be alternative for crucifix.
What are the reasion against religious art?
It isn’t possible to portray God accurately - infinite God shouldn’t be represented by finite objects.
Can mislead people about what God looks like - cannot be portrayed accurately so can give wrong ideas about how he looks.
He is transcendent - God is beyond human understanding so shouldn’t be depicted through art.
Can be seen as going against 2nd commandment - ‘Shall not worship false idols’ forbids people to make statues/paintings of God. Praying in front of image or statue can make it seem it is being worshipped as a God.
What are reasons in favour of religious art?
• It helps people focus on Jesus’ aspects of teaching/life.
• Jesus was fully human - makes it acceptable to show Jesus in human form as Bible teaches he has human qualities and artwork can capture them.
• Jesus was fully God - God revealed himself on earth as a human.
• Jesus died to save all humanity - means Jesus can be shown as member of any ethnicity as all people were affected by his death and resurrection.
• Inspires people, can be used as focal point, helps people learn about God and his works.
What does crucifix symbolise?
Crucifix is a reminder of crucifixion of Jesus and how he freed us from sin and death.
What does Sacred Heart of Jesus show?
It is an expression of peace and burning love that Jesus has for humanity.
What are the beatitudes?
They are a series of statements in which Jesus blessed certain attitudes or approaches to living. Jesus fulfilled the law so developed it to teach people how they should behave.
What does the Parable of the Sheep and Goats show?
It shows that by serving and caring for other people, they are also serving God. It shows Christians how to care for those in need. By showing careness and love to others, Christians will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven.
What did St. Ireneus say?
He said that Jesus is the meeting point between God and humanity as he is both fully God and fully human.
God is beyond human sight and understanding but Christians get to know what God is like theough Jesus as he is the Son of God and displays qualities of God.
What is Dei Verbum?
God was sent ‘as man to men’. Son of God became a human to live among other humans. God is revealed through Jesus and brings salvation.
What is Verbum Domini?
God made himself ‘small enough to fit into a manger’. Limited himself to human form so humans could understand him.
What does grace do?
It is an unconditional gift of love that gives believers strength to what God wants. It helps people be aware of what God wants for them and deepens relationship with God.
What are sacraments?
They are outward signs of inner grace. They are signs of God’s love and sanctify lives.
What is imago dei?
Belief that humans are made in the image of God. All life is holy and should be protected. Human life begins at conception so therefore abortion is wrong.
What happens in Baptism?
Water is poured on the head to remove original sin. They become God’s child and member of thr Church.
What happens in confirmation?
Someone is annointed with holy oil and faith is strengthened/deepened. Holy spirit is renewed.
What happens in the Eucharist?
You receive the body/blood of christ. Life of christ helps person grow in God’s love.
What happens in marriage?
Consent is given to accept God is active in couple’s lives through their love.
What happens in ordination?
It is the laying of hands for someone to become priest, bishop, deacon. They are committed to God/church and pass on the holy spirit.
What happens in reconciliation?
Person confesses sins and is forgiven. Their relationship with God is restored.
What happens in the Sacrament of Sick?
Person who’s ill is anointed with oil to give them strength and forgive.