Relationships Flashcards
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
What is meant by anisogamy
the reproductive material throughout ones entire life, including its worth
men: sperm is cheap as there is 100 million per ejaculation and can be reproduced within hours - can have sex with multiple people without consequence of wasted sperm
women: one egg per month - women have to be selective of who they let fertilise the egg - cannot afford to waste an egg
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
Outline what is meant by sexual selection
type of natural selection where individuals with certain traits are more likely to find a sexual mate and reproduce
these traits make them more attractive to the opposite sex or better at competing with the same sex for mates
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
Name the two types of sexual selection
intersexual selection
intrasexual selection
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
Outline intersexual selection as a type of sexual selection
where one sex (usually female) selects mates based on certain desirable characteristics
quality over quantity approach - want a quality reproductive mate as opposed to multiple crappy reproductive mates
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
Outline intrasexual selection as a type of sexual selection
involves competing with others of the same sex (usually males) for access to mates. e.g. fighting for dominance, displays of strength
quantity over quality approach - want lots of reproductive mates no matter the quality
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
Outline the potential evolutionary purpose of attraction to 0.7 hip to waist ratio
birthing is performed easier with a significantly reduced chance of the mother dying during birth
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
Outline studies into hip to waist ratio
Swami and Furnham:
ideal hip to waist ratio is roughly 0.7
majority of supermodels have this same ratio
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
Outline the potential evolutionary purposes of age preference in a partner
Men prefer younger women as they have more eggs and a higher chance of a healthy birth
Women prefer older men as they have more resources to provide
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
Outline studies into the impact of age preferences in a partner
Found men preferred young, physically attractive females in 37 different cultures
Found women preferred ambitious, older with vast resources
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
Outline the potential evolutionary purposes of symmetry preference in a partner
symmetry is a measure of attractiveness
being symmetrical better attracts partners - increased chance of reproduction
Women become more symmetric during ovulation in order to attract a mate whilst she is the most fertile
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
Outline studies into the purpose of symmetry in partner preference
Found women with symmetrical breasts were more fertile than women with asymmetrical breasts - supports suggestion that symmetry means higher fertility
Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences:
give evaluations for the role of evolution in partner preferences
- Research support - Buss, Cartwright, Swami and Farnham
- Social sensitivity - it is the woman that choses the man, men have no choice
- Conflict - reproductive traits do not necessarily help survival or vice versa
- does not explain gay, bi and asexual
- does not explain people who don’t want kids - 2.1 children per woman required for population maintenance, only 1.5 being born
Name the male strategies used in mating
- courtship rituals
- size
- sperm competition
- mate guarding
- sneak copulation
Outline courtship as a male mating strategy
showing off genetic potential for offspring to inherit and resources to provide for a family
Outline size as a male mating strategy
larger bodies show physical strength and an ability to protect partner and offspring
Outline sperm competition as a male mating strategy
evolved to have larger testicles and faster sperm to increased sperm count and chance of impregnation
Outline mate guarding as a male mating strategy
keeping a close eye on partners to prevent unfaithfulness
Outline sneak copulation as a male mating strategy
being unfaithful to maximise offspring/survival of species
Name the female strategies used in mating
- handicap hypothesis
- sexy sons hypothesis
- courtship
Outline the handicap hypothesis as a female mating strategy
some women pick handicapped people as it shows they can face hardship and survive - breeds fighters
potential for passing on ability to resist difficulty to offspring
Outline sexy sons hypothesis as a female mating strategy
some women pick physically attractive men in the hopes that the man will pass down his ‘attractiveness’ genes to their offspring to increase the likelihood of the offspring also having children
attempts to found a long lasting family line to preserve the species
Outline courtship as a female mating strategy
women date so they can assess the man’s worth and to determine if he is worthy of mating with for the purpose of offspring
the man’s worth is based on his financial earnings, the behaviour he shows and his personality - the woman hopes these traits passes down to their offspring
Factors affecting attraction:
Name the three factors into the development of attraction in romantic relationships
- self-disclose
- matching hypothesis/physical attractiveness
- filter theory
Factors affecting attraction:
Outline what is meant by self-disclosure
- disclosure of personal information
- partner gets the impression they are special
- partner discloses personal information due to feeling special
- repeat
Factors affecting attraction:
Name the theories surrounding self-disclosure
- social penetration theory
- breadth and depth of self-disclosure
- reciprocity of self-disclosure
Factors affecting attraction:
Name the factors affecting the effectiveness of self-disclosure
- appropriateness
- attributions
- gender differences
- content
Factors affecting attraction:
Outline appropriateness as a factor affecting the effectiveness of self-disclosure
Disclosing appropriate information at inappropriate times may damage the effective of self-disclosure
Factors affecting attraction:
Outline attributions as a factor affecting the effectiveness of self-disclosure
If you feel the information they have disclosed to you, they have disclosed to everyone, you won’t feel special and therefore won’t self-disclose yourself