relationships Flashcards
define natural selection
- human behaviour is driven by the need to survive and reporduce. Both males and females need to make sure that they have children, and those children survive to adulthood.
- Genes that confer a reproductive advatnage will increase in the gene pool.
define evolution
- the process of adaptation through natural selection
what is sexual selection?
- involves the natural selection of characteristics increasing reproductive success.
- Reproductive success involves the production of healthy offspring, surviving to sexual maturity
define intersexual selection
- memebers of one sex compete for access to the other sex leading to male-female dimprohism
- behaviours include the male /female strategies (see f7)
define male-female dimorphism
- enhanced secondary sexual characteristics are selected for by both genders, leading to these becoming more common in the population
- Evolution explains SD as developing through the process of natural selection , as it gave an adaptive advantage increasing the survival into adulthood.
Define intra sexual selection
- one sex chooses from available perspective mates according to attractiveness; genes that confer attractive qualities are more saleable.
Define Anisogamy
- difference between the nature and amount of gametes: male and female sex cells.
- Egg vs sperm
Outline the impact of attractiveness on male and female selection
males: Physical attractiveness in females is valued by males as an indicator of health and fertility. Qualities include large waist to hip ratio (around 0.7) , small waist (not carrying another man’s child) and rosy cheeks.
females: Look for characteristics linked to dominance - V Shaped Chest, tall and healthy.
Both value facial symmetery as it is the best predictor of body symmetry with women seeing males with symmetry as having genetic precision
Name the male strategies used to attract females.
- courtship behaviours
- size
- sperm competition
- male guardging
- sneak copulation
- courtship behaviours
- size
male strategies
- Courtship behaviour: allow males to display genetic potential, through characteristics and resource abilities.
- Size: males evolved to be bigger , demonstrating strength for success in competition against other males.
- sperm competition
- mate guarding
- Sperm Competition: natural selection acted on males, making them more competitive by producing larger testicles, bigger ejacultions and faster swimming sperms.
- Mate Guarding: Males fear being cuckolded (where another males gets their parent pregnant) and spending resources raising another male’s on and remain child so keep an eye on remain close to their female partners ( link to Kosh and Buss)
Describe sneak copulation
- males mate with females other than their partners if given the oppurtunity as it increases their chances of reproductive success.
- This could benefit females aswell , getting pregnant rhough a sneaky copulation with a genetically fit man and resoruce privding with another rich male.
Give and Describe the female relationship strategies
Sexy Sons hypothesis: females select attractive males as they will produce sons with the same attractive features, increasing their sons’ and thus their own reproductive fitness.
Handicap Hypothesis: Zahavi (1975) beleives females select males with handicaps because it advertises ability to thrive despite handicaps , demonstrating superior genetic quality. This may explain females finding those who drink or take drugs as attractive.
Courtship: females use courtship to select males on the basis of reproductive fitness , through males demonstrating strength, health and ability to provide resources.
Describe Koch’s research on sex differences in jealousy
- aimed to test Buss’s (1992) belief that males fear sexual infedelity more , while females fear emotionally infidelity more.
- Sample: 100 male and 100 female German university students.
- Participants imagined 4 scenarios involving both emotional and sexual infidelity.
- Scenario 4: asked participants to choose which aspect made them more jealous: Deep emotional relationship Vs Passionate sexual relationship
- Responses and decision times were recorded.
Outline Koch’s findings and evaluate the research
- Both sexes showed more jealousy over emotional involvement.
- 37% of males vs. 20% of females selected sexual infidelity as causing more jealousy.
- Women who chose emotional infidelity decided faster than those choosing sexual.
- Men who chose sexual infidelity decided faster than those choosing emotional.
- Men react faster to sexual infidelity, while women react faster to emotional infidelity, supporting evolutionary theories of jealousy.
- Refutes previous studies suggesting women’s decision-making about emotional infidelity is more elaborate than men’s.
- Does not clarify how men process emotional infidelity decisions.
Outline 4 pieces of research on evolutionary explanations for partner preferences.
- Buss (1989): Found that across 37 cultures, men prefer young, attractive women, while women prefer men with resources, ambition, and industriousness. This suggests that gender-based attractiveness preferences are biological.
Davis (1990): Conducted a content analysis of personal ads and found that men seek health and attractiveness (44%) while offering wealth, and women (25%) seek resources and status while offering beauty. This supports evolutionary-based gender differences in relationship formation.
-** Dunbar (1995): **Analyzed 900 personal ads from US newspapers, showing that men prioritize youth and attractiveness more than women, further supporting the idea that men and women have different motivations for relationships based on evolutionary factors. - Cartwright (2000): Supported Langlois and Roggman who used computer composite images, by finding that men prefer symmetrical faces in women, further linking symmetry to attractiveness.
- Swami & Furnham found that the optimum waist to hip ratio of 0.7:1 correspons closely to supermodels which in Singh’s research was a consistent feature in female attractiveness.
Evaluate the research on evolutionary explanations (EE) for partner preferences
- the EE presumes heterosexuality and that al relationships are sexual: it is therefore oversimplifed and cannot explain long distance romantic relationships. It also cannot explain cuples choosing not to have children , as it assumes all relationships are motivated by a desire to reproduce.
- Diamond (‘92): beleives males especially in early adulthood, use drugs and risky behaviours, to advertise their reproductive fitness in the face of adversity, providing support for the handicap hypothesis.
- Younger males sometimes desire substantially older women, this goes against evolutionary theory, but may occur due to males wanting to mate with demales proven to be fertile.
- Women do not need men in the way they once did and as predicted by evolutionary theory. Females have greater financial security and employment oppurtunities , and this has occured simultaneously with a rise in single women having children.
Name the factors affecting attraction in romantic relationships
- self disclosure
- physical attraction
- filter theory
Describe self-disclosure
- the revealing of personal inforamtion about oneself to another.
- the idea is that SD is crucial to the development of a closer, more intimate romantic relationship.
- Ajzen(1997) sees self-discloure more as a product of information processing, where linking someone comes from ahving positive perceptions of a person, leading them to be seen favourably as likeable, trustworthy and kind.
Name and describe the factors that influence the relationship between self disclosure and attraction.
Appropriatness of the disclosure: sometimes disclosing personal info may be inapproporiate. Social norms seem to exist as to what info is okay to reveal. More attractive people will be sensitive to these norms.
2.Attributions for the disclosure: Tbe reasons we believe a person is self-disclosing to us are important . Less attraction occurs if an individual discloses info to everyone. More info if SD is unique - indication of trust. - **Gender differences: **women are seen as better communciators of and more interested in intimate info, therefore intimate SD by males may be seen as less appropriate than those by females. A male SD, may be deemed more rewarding for a female.
- **Content of the disclosure: **highly intimate info may be seen as inappropriate and as violating social norms decreasing attraction as recipient may feel threatened and unsure how to respond.
Give research on self disclosure
- Altman & Taylor reported that disclosing personal information in the intital stages of relationship , was inappropriate and did not enhance attraction suggesting the person was maladjusted and less likeable. Derelga & Grzelak who found that indidviduals who violated social rules by revealing over-intimate personal information were viewed unfavourably.
- Collins and Miller performed a meta-analysis to find that individuals who give intimate SD are more attractive than those who give SD and that people disclose more to those who they are attracted to.
- Brewer & Mittleman reported that the positive impact of self disclosure breaks down at extreme levels of intimacy espeocally between strangers - content of the disclosure.
Evaluate self disclosure as a factor affecting attraction in romantic relationships
- it is unlikely that attractiveness of a potential partner would be reliant purely on the level of self disclosure - it is more likely that self-disclosure would interact with other considerations, such as attractiveness.
- much research does not distinguish between friendship/companionship and romantic relationships making it diffciult to assess the role of SD soley in romance.
- The personality of recipients may be important too , different individuals would have different needs for levels of intimacy in relationships and this would affect how attractive they would find intimate self-disclosures.
Describe physical attractiveness as a factor affecting attraction in romantic relationships
- P.A is an immediate and accessible way for potential partners to rate each other.
- individuals are not always competent in judging their own level of physical attractivenss, but generally people will agree on the physical attractiveness of a given individual , with greater agreement occuring among men as to the attractiveness of female.
Describe the halo effect
- individuals seen as physically attractive tend to create a favourable impression of possessing desirable personality characteristics, such as being trustworthy, optimistic and sociable.
- Where a general impression of someone iis incorrectly formed from one characteristic,
With reference to evolutionary theory, what are the indidcators of physical attractiveness
- in males , signs of genetic fitness are facial symmetry and muscularity, signs of healthy maturity are favoured too as they suggest resource richness.
- in females, indidicators of fertility are preferred such as signs of health , like lustrous heair and indidcators of youth.
- However gender differences in what constitute physical attractivness , differences occur across cultures.
Describe the matching hypothesis
- the idea that individuals are attracted to people of similar percieved attractiveness.
- this involves individuals assessing their own level of PA and then focusing attention upon potential partners of perceived similar PA.
Outline research on physical attractiveness
- Brigham: found that physically attractive people are seen as having desirable personality characteristis , including being sociable, interesting exciting and sexually warm.
- Murstein (1972): asked participants to assess form photographs the physical attractiveness levels of genuine couples and non-genuine couples ( who had been put together for the purpose of the study). It was found that the real couples were more likely to be judged as of similar levels of attractiveness to each other than the non-genuine couples, thus supporting the MH.
Evaluate research on physical attractiveness
- In an earlier study Walster et al (1966) actually found that participants liked people who were more physically attractive and that PA was the best indicator by both males and females of wanting to see someone again. This goes against the MH though when asked months later it was found that participants who actually did date their partner again were of similar participants who acctually did date their partner again were of similiar levels of physical attractiveness, which supports the hypothesis.
- Although, physical beauty is an important form of attractiveness , those without it can compensate through complex matching , where they may pair up with a more physically attractive partner by being attractive in other ways, such as through walth or domestic skills.
- in many cultures, such as those practicisng arranged marriages, senior familty members are regarded as better judges of who is compatible as a partner for thier children and therefore attractivness will be judged on factors other than physical attractiveness.
Describe the filter theory
- proposed by Kerckhoff & Davis in 1962.
- FT believes that choice of partners is affected by factors limiting the availability of those possible to select from. There is a series of filters that serves to “ thin down the filed” to those available.
Give the three components to the filter theory.
- Similarity of social demographic variables.
- Similarity in attitudes
- Complementarity