Relationships Flashcards
what are responsibilities
actions or duties you’re expected to carry out
what are roles
the position of a person
what do Christians believe about the nature and purpose of families
- pope described it as ‘the essential cell for society’
-important to worship together as a family
-ten commandments state children are expected to honour their parents - children are often seen as gifts from God
- mothers and fathers are expected to carry out the same roles, sometimes they have different responsibilities
what do Muslims believe about the nature and purpose of families
-mothers and fathers are expected to carry out the same roles, sometimes they have different responsibilities
-family often includes extended family members
-role of the family honour is important
-considered important to keep the halal diet at home
-children are expected to care for older family members
what do christians believe about the nature and purpose of marriage
- a sacrament in some traditions (catholic ceremonies are often held in a church or chapel by a vicar)
- marriage is referred to as God’s intention in the New Testament
- vows taken in the ceremony show lifelong commitment
- exchange of rings represent eternal love as they’re circles
what do Muslims believe about the nature and purpose of marriage
- a gift from Allah
- the Qur’an refers to God creating a soulmate for humans to have the basics of family life
-nikkah takes place in a Mosque or bride’s home - wali (womans guardian) offers the bride to the groom to symbolise the groom’s responsibility for his wife
what do Muslim’s believe about cohabitation
- sexual relationships should take place within marriage
-generally regarded as wrong
-some Muslims choose to cohabit
what do christians believe about cohabitation
- traditionally cohabitation is permitted as sexual relations are seen as sacred
-some Anglicans accept it in committed relationships
-catholic church do not accept it - some Baptist churches refuse to marry people who are cohabitating
what do Christian’s believe about adultery
-marriage is sacred and a gift from God so it’s unacceptable
-adultery breaks the vows made at the wedding
- 10 commandments forbid it
- adultery spoils the relationship
-adultery may harm the family
what do Muslim’s believe about adultery
- disapproved and unacceptable
-vows of promise are exchanged
-adultery can be harmful socially, so it goes against the Ummah - Surah states adultery as a shameful thing, opening the way to other evils
what do Christian’s believe about divorce and remarriage
- divorce is not preferred
- every effort of reconciliation should be made
-catholics believe : - marriage is a lifelong commitment
- it’s a sacrament and cannot be dissolved
- civil divorce may be allowed, but remarriage is not possible
- annulment is allowed
what do Muslim’s believe about divorce and remarriage
- divorce is allowed as a last resort
-a period of 3 months to reconcile should be tried first
-is divorce takes place, the wife recieves the final part of her dowry and should be treated well
-remarriage is allowed, there is no concept of celibacy - not wrong to separate is they both agree
what do christian’s believe about sex and contraception
- sex should take place within a committed relationship
-sex is holy and sacred
-casual sex is seen as devaluing people
-contraceptives are allowed for most christian’s
catholics : - artificial method’s of contraception are not allowed
- sex should allow the possibility for a new life
-natural methods of contraception are encouraged - priests should remain celibate
what do Muslim’s believe about sex and contraception
-sex should only take place within a marriage
-sex is considered an act of worship
-sex is one of the ways of meeting a partner’s needs
-use of contraceptives is allowed
-contraceptives that harm the body are not allowed
what do Christian’s believe about same-sex relationships
- many Christian’s oppose same sex relationships based on Biblical grounds
-anglicans do not allow same sex marriage in a church - Quaker’s welcome same sex marriage
-catholics prohibit same sex marriage as they see it as a union between a man and a woman